My Family Tree
Google says
there's been 45 individuals who've served as president of the United
States of America according to I'm related to just
over one third through both of my maternal grandmothers. When I first
made this public the barbarian hordes who are illegal hackers for
Australia's government erased the connections but not before I saved
the evidence. They may erase the paper trail, they may brainwash my
family, they may alter DNA with fake immunizations like COVID, but
they can't erase my personality despite that they have even tried
that with illegal lobotomies during the 1990s --- the powers of the
universe evidently like me but don't like them very much, them the
barbarian hordes who (independently of each other) control
governments across the globe. When in I see I'm 1st cousin 50R to Jesus of Nazareth
fame its a case of probable foul play. Although I do have ancient
ancestors in the Gaza strip region so maybe. I don't 'believe' I'm DNA
descendant from the Jewish-Christian Jesus however, its evident that the
FREEMASON barbarians probably added the entry to claim to others they do, based on the fact they after they were several
times unsuccessful in murdering me (including sepsis after childbirth, railway crossing incident, gas explosion, another car prang, my pwn male parent planned to shoot me on two separate days months apart) they decided they believed I was the
'second coming' by preventing my children born after my 1977 motor
vehicle accident from having children. I don't care what anyone believes. The Jewish-Christian 'New Testament' Bible was written several hundred years after 'that' Jesus was supposed to have lived.How can the details about anything is this alleged person's life be true? If 'God' created a featus inside a female don't you think 'he or she' would have also ensured the child was hermaphrodite and made the parents give that child a unique name that everyone would recognize as the child of "God" and ensured that no other parent named their child that same unique name so that there were never any imposters? I do.
In 1977 when stationary at a stop
sign, I was shunted 3 or 4 car spaces forward by an extra long
fully-laden semitrailer & walked away uninjured apart from a small cut from a 'cup hook' I'd recently installed to hold up my lap sash seat belt -- there was no other person visible in the HR with me however, I was not alone when driving a
1967 HR Holden with no head rests as I approached the intersection they were yelling at me to put my seat belt on. There was no person visible in the car, the radio had long been broken, I had no RF attracting fillings, my windows were closed, no other vehicle or people or houses were in the vicinity. They were NOT god, I could feel the air pressure change as they moved around me. My logical deduction is that they are what many mistake as GOD, they are people as Apes are legally classified as people & they have lived beside some of us for at least as long as our recorded history. The back of the bench seat where I
was sitting was bent back at about a 45 degree angle. When I was first
aware of my surroundings after the impact I was sitting upright. I had a
cut on my elbow that required stitches but the hospital (accident &
emergency) staff were unable to pierce my skin to stitch it, we had to
wait a period of time with two people pushing on the same needle. I've
had stitches since without drama. I have no religion. I don't 'believe' in any God however I do like the ancient North symbols of Thor and the Celtic tree of life as they represent the existence of our ancestors.
Upon realizing from my male parent, the Master MASON what actually happened the Sydney FREEMASONs set about researching how to create an artificial ear that could mimic whet I experienced to convince FREEMASON dissidents 'they' are God to ensure their target victims do their bidding, any who wised up to their dirty tricks would thereafter be illegally diagnosed as "schizophrenic" hearing 'voices'. They (NSW Government & Macquarie University} illegally screwed one into my skull through the upper region on my ear canal opening (protruding through my skull near my brain) leaving a very painful red hole it was suggested by the 1990s physician was a burst pimple. The illegal COCHLEAR LIMITED implant became infected on 2005 as seen in MRI but the Adelaide ENT (Mr Neville Lister MINNIS the brother of the officer in charge at Aldinga Police Station Andrew MINNIS) claimed the infection was "normal" he wasn't lying an infection around al implant is normal and to be expected despite that the implant was illegally inserted. MINNIS didn't bother to inform me there was an implant under the very large infection. They left me not bothering to monitor if I had another infection which therefore became the MINNIS physician-police conspiracy to murder me by medical neglect and malpractice. By 2012 I'd been convinced the infection was caused by an illegal implant so I managed to secure another MRI after my ear canal became infected and local Labor Party heartland in Kingston (Federal electorate under Amanda RISHWORTH ) & Kaurna (State electorate under State Health Minister John David HILL) the local physicians refused to prescribe me antibiotics for the double strand ear canal infection that had closed my ear canal and caused my ear to be extensively swollen and painful along with half that side of my face. Oaklands Park physician Caroline HARRIS referred me to anther ENT Ms Harshita PANT in Adelaide she referred me for the second MRI on my head, however the radiologist Mr Claudio COSCIA decided to chop off my ear canal along with half the illegal implant in his radiology images despite that I was there due to the infection in the cochlear region he chopped that region off in the images, leaving what appears to be the tail end of a large screw. COSCIA decided the tail end of the implant was invisible so dod PANT another presumed immigrant from INDIA and the same nationality as Mohamed Riyazuddin AHMED,
Arvan Kumar DAMODARAN the Macarthur federal electorate physicians responsible for my surgical rape during the 1990s --- for the FREEMASON cause. Unknown to me in 2012 but disclosed to me after my 2018 Freedom of Information Act application --- physician Ms HARRIS was being harassed by the State Health Department's Anne ANDERSON & Annette JONES were (criminally defaming me to HARRIS) illegally and falsely informed Ms HARRIS that I was under investigation for mental illness demanding he pass over her medical records despite that they have lo authority to make such a demand. Ms HARRIS was so terrified that she banned me from consulting her again when I attempted to get another MRI referral. By 29 May 2018, terrorist Annette JONES went on to become a Senior Project Officer at the Office of the Chief Psychiatrist for the State South Australia's Health Department under the control of the member for Kaurna starting with when I first became resident in the State electorate of Kaurna. That dear reader is a terrorist plan to block my access to medical services to have the illegal implants removed.
That dear reader is a watertight example and irrefutable evidence of extensively organized terrorism involving the Australian Labor Party and the Liberal Party of Australia --- Australian home grown terrorism.