They physically mutilated me because they were unable to psychologically damage me.

All images I own here are 100% genuine. All others same as I acquired, including radiology, maybe lighter or darker or I've coloured gray-scale, no added white - whatsoever.

Photos below: What you see in my face below is direct result of the mutilations I have endured at the hands of supporters of Labor Party & Liberal Party & Freemasons from greater Sydney region in 1990s New South Wales. Seemingly, their favourite pass time is to follow me about to 'confide' in those I meet,  informing them that 'they know me very well' and that I'm "really" a drug addict, or alcoholic, prostitute, et cetera - even mentally retarded according to a fake friend who called me a liar to my face when I told her I'd been accepted at Uni SA to study Bachelor of Laws. 

She wasn't the first person in possession of this false belief which  evidently originated in Noarlunga (Christies Beach, South Australia) State & Federal Government departments of health & Centrelink. Despite privacy principals and my legal rights as printed in the Centrelink website - (Department of Social Security/Services) Centrelink "shared" this information with my Centrelink allocated Job Service provider in Noarlunga where immigrant staff also laughed in my face when I said I'd been "accepted to study law at University of South Australia" the employment service provider then attached to the library side of the Noarlunga TAFE informed me I was a mental retard, and that was true because it was on Centrelink records shared to the employment service provider. That dear reader is why I was NEVER referred for any employment since I came to South Australia in 2004 until I reached aged pension age couple of years ago. This is where I add that I was 1st in my first year high school class in geography & French - both I hadn't studied for; secured Distinction grade in my circa 1989 psychology exam I hadn't studied for. Distinction for my Information Technology test as part of my Economics Bachelor in 1995; High Distinction in my Defamation Law assignment in 2018. Federal Centrelink refused to provide me lawful grounds on their decusion to add that criminal defamation in my file claiming that as I was mentally ill I was not allowed under statute to access the record under Freedom of Information statute. That's how Australia's Labor & Liberal Party retain balance of power in all parliaments - falsifying documents.

I was employed in the Clarence Street SYDNEY head office of the Department of Social Security in 1973., aged 16-17 after passing my School Certificate at Campbelltown High - State school in New South Wales. 

My theory on why I was locked out of employment is to control who I associated with so that their false story associated with my visual identy is not undermined.  I've been refused access to employment since the 1989 publication of the politically motivated paperback & TV miniseries BROTHERS IN ARMS- BIKIE WARS etc, where my face is described with the personality of a literal mental retard who was expelled from high school for lack of morals - among many other criminal defamations which police refuse to charge anyone over because they didn't use me name, just my adult face - then they mutilated my face to alter my appearance.  The other aspect of unemployment & the Government's intent to "control me" or admission they believe they "own me" is  personal wealth - they stole me Torrens Title residence in 1991 kept that fact & details from me until about 1997-1999 & did it in such a way that my access to GOVERNMENT GUARANTEED COMPENSATION relied on GOVERNMENT POLICE making out a police report. I've had no damages for anything, been systematically homeless with young children causing problems for the children long-term and permanent harm to our relationships, resulting in fact that now my only income is GOVERNMENT PENSION - my main residence since 1989 had been GOVERNMENT OWNED, the jobs I did manage to secure resulted in me being dismissed because the boss apparently was convinced by the rumours I was a drug addict or alcoholic - even after they drug tested me. In his defence the job I was doing was mind-numbingly boring I kept nodding off on my feet, so when he spoke to me I had that 'sleepy eye' look. Despite that my output was still excellent.   My superannuation therefore reached the grand total of just over two thousand AU dollars. I've been on Centrelink income since 1996, almost 30 years.

Obviously I'm not like most everyone else women with my personality typare said to be less that 1% of the general population -INTJ the Architect - Just because I don't have a university degree or long distinguished career or don't boast about how clever I may be on any topic, doesn't mean I'm not a smarty. I don't consider myself better than anyone or no-one better than me. We're all equals only differences that separate us are opportunities we' experience without interference.

Who are they? They're the Party Faithful - When I was an elected local council member 1995-1999 in Wollondilly Shire, I was criminally drugged and criminally injected in my face with so much illegal silicone that it started oozing from the pores next to my nose. I went to my local general physician who declared himself a Muslim, and informed me the substance oozing from my face was "sign of skin cancer"  he cauterized  the skin where it was leaking from. You can still see and feel the scar from the liquid nitrogen he used, twice on separate days. Naturally I should have sunken cheeks. They added silicone to my chin to make it broader and longer and to my nose to also make it broader and longer, which made it droop restricting my nose breathing, and to my eyebrows so I always look like I'm angry. Lot of it migrated under my jaw and upper chest. I'm (5'6") 166cm, I weigh 70kg in these photos snapped today (3 Feb 2025) until about 10 years ago I'd remained under 60kg recently I had to increase my weight due to malnutrition I almost fell of my chair from faintness - I'd estimate I have 10-15kg of silicone and scar tissue from head to toe. (2006 MRI slices proves SECRET ILLEGAL silicone in my cheeks- lot of white)   Yes they injected it in my feet and everywhere in between. As you can see in my link thus   they added cables to both lips & drew it tight to give my lips that drawstring gathered effect. I have to wear armbands to reduce the jelly-like vibrations in my upper arms which cause me pain and discomfort when I walk at any pace. All this and more this makes me the poster-girl of POLITICALLY MOTIVATED VIOLENCE in Australia. There's no pride in this Australia. This is my face completely relaxed. I'm two years younger than Senators Pauline HANSON & Don FARRELL. I'd like to nominate for the Senate in 2025 problem is most voters look for faces of those they vote - instead of their actions in the public interest.


Australia’s Constitution says these persons are excluded from holding position in elected parliament:

Evidently FREEMASONRY membership is a “foreign power”. Freemasons globally pledge alliance and support to each other, in every way and without question merely because they’re fellow FREEMASONS. This makes FREEMASONRY a foreign power. The same mode of clandestine (secret) affiliation happens in Australia with Labor & Liberal politics because they formed under the culture of FREEMASONRY.

FREEMASONRY is another step further into the darkness of nepotism & jingoism. Yet this is the culture of Australia and its government. These are the barriers I face to accessing my legal rights as a perpetual victim of Freemason crimes for the past 40 something years.

  • “The charges of a free-mason, Extracted from the Ancient Records of Lodges, beyond Sea, and those in England, Scotland and Ireland … But if you discover him to be a true and genuine Brother, you are to respect him accordingly; and if he is in want, you must relieve him if you can, or else direct him how he may be reliev’d: you must employ him some days, or else recommend him to be employ’d. But you are not charged to do beyond your Ability, only to prefer a poor Brother, that is a good Man and true before any other poor People in the same Circumstances.”      Source

With my political hat on I point out that there is a virtual country in Australia 'witch' has citizens in our parliaments and therefore banned from occupying a seat in parliament.

You may recall the great bustle few years back when virtual or actual dual citizens in parliament were exposed and expelled. These secret citizens remained. I’m here like a virtual Grim Reaper to remind these virtual citizens the gig is up, they must be identified and forced to resign from our parliaments and our government departments because as secret dual citizens they have been secretly and criminally undermining Australian laws.

Each citizen of this virtual country swore their paramount allegiance with this virtual country over and above the laws of their own country. That statement is proved on the documents herewith where Australian law has been ignored. These terrorist plans came to fruition their prime intent was to conceal prior crimes & cause me 'further' serious harm that is physical (that's terrorism.)

Its common knowledge that these virtual country citizens made a lifelong oath of allegiance, which can only be extinguished by their death.

There are many more citizens of this virtual country in many other parliaments across planet Earth most of them in countries allied to Australia. Their numbers are conservatively estimated at 2% of Australia’s population however many of the citizens remain secret citizens by choice.

They say they're only 2% yet all these Australian laws were criminally infringed by Government public officers for the past 40 something years, including the entire department of police in both New South Wales & South Australia, and their Ministers for Police, Ministers for Health, Ministers for Housing,  Ministers for Transport, & Attorney Generals - only 2% - I call that number bullshit.

This virtual country has no name but its citizens call themselves FREEMASONS - & here's my political hat.

This is the 'dance' my male parent did to his fellow FREEMASON & Camden NSW AUSTRALIA, local court magistrate, circa 1990, when I attempted to secure restraining order to keep my male parent away from my children due to his life long pedophilia. The FREEMASON MAGISTRATE acknowledged his allegiance to the defendant in response he unlawfully sent my application for Apprehended Violence Order to mediation, because they were both FREEMASON, and ordered the court stenographer to strike out all reference to the FREEMASON discussion between them. In 2004 Goulburn NSW AUSTRALIA, local court magistrate order I be placed under a five (5) year Apprehended Voilence Order, because I wrote to police persistently complaining that (FREEMASON) police crime had harmed me. For words on paper, no threats, no violence, just reasonable words. Was the year after NSW Police Commissioner's  office illegally outlawed me (2003) on the LEANNE WALTERS ID FRAUD. They broke into my house in 2004 caused me over AU$1,000 in theft or damage. Ms R. CHENOWETH of Wollongong NSW for NSW Residential Tribunal (Star Chamber) refused to acknowledge I had legal rights & blatantly lied in her "Reasons" for her orders, she ordered in Department of Housing favour.


My male parent (a notorious Blue Lodge pedophile FREEMASON protected by his virtual country in Australia) obviously had some good traits as I inherited 50% of his DNA and I'm a virtual paragon of virtue when it comes to just about everything. I inherited his satirical sense of humour. Like him I see underlying meanings and broad definitions. I suspect its a mix of humour & music that keeps me sane. I'm often on the lookout for something to make me laugh to relive the tension that ultimately builds up when you're constantly under attack from those who are supposed to protect you - our Government public officers. Back in 2017-2018 I came across the St Peter cartoon below as I had been (still am) incredibly unsuccessful in getting a lawyer to sue Labor Party or Liberal Party Governments in Australia. As I had my own website since about 2005, I decided to incorporate my style of cartoon humour which admittedly is a little dark but not too dark, to let some pressure off me and attempt to relay to you dear reader, the barriers I'm facing personally. I rearranged images adding some other bits and bubbles with my appropriate words. I've moved on from the cartoon outlet but below are seven of my favourites. The 'light bulb' text is from a psychology text book I owned when studying personnel management certificate course at Campbelltown NSW TAFE last century - original text, "Q: How many people does it take to change a light bulb?  A: The light bulb has to want to change." Local FREEMASONS decided they didn't want me to gain any qualifications & that's been the context of my existence since I was raped by a FREEMASON as a NSW born toddler. There is no place for political terrorist "bastards" in Government, they belong in prison for life.

Just in case its been or will be unclear to you at any time, let me add that none, I repeat none of these matters herewith -in my websites or in my Amazon publications- none were ever transparently investigated, lawfully & reasonably, by any Government authority, or investigated in secret in lawful & reasonable reference to any Australian law. None.

Mother gave me Gail as middle name because she said the gale-force winds were so strong when I was born they feared the windows would shatter.  Father nick-named me Bull because he believed I was stubborn. If I had to define me in one word I'd say tenacious, because I only persist despite the odds when I know I'm in the right, legally & morally.

Q: What's another difference between 1%er bikers and Freemasons?

A: Bikers don't control the police departments of Australia.

Mechano Set

If hypothetical aliens forced me to provide an executive summary on intellect of my species I’d probably hear myself say that most people never progress psychologically past puberty. Most lie to themselves, lie to each other and steal from each other wherever possible. I see carbon copies of people externally reflecting off each other to ensure they match in clusters, each other's thoughts and belief systems - mental dysmorphia of sorts. I see sights, sounds, smells and the documents that indicate planet Earth is a veritable human ocean of immature brains trapped in age failing structures errantly referring to themselves as intelligent life forms.  They look like people but they sound like artificial intelligence.
When all the miscreants wrote about the innocent bystander LEANNE WALTERS fake murder & fake person the only innocent bystander they were referring to was me - Janette Gail FRANCIS & why they included my adult face as the description of their paperback innocent bystander. Evidently author Lindsay SIMPSON & author Sandra HARVEY were writing about their own misguided childhood, mine was noting like that, for many decades I've been and will remain the innocent bystander to decades of child-rape & brutal premeditated murders perpetrated by pederast FREEMASONS & pedophilic FREEMASON POLICE from Sydney to Canberra regions. That even after I relocated to South Australia's capitol city Adelaide region, I've been blocked by their police in bringing these criminals to justice - despite the huge amount of evidence in my favour - that fact alone dear reader tells you everything you need to know to prove our Australia governments are terrorist organizations & same is probably true in all our allied countries where FREEMASON memberships are highest globally.  Miscreant - that's a neat word I think I'll use it more often.
  • As a side issue & point of interest  I'm guessing this is where my incorruptible personality comes from - both my grandmothers are distantly related. Probably why both have many well known famous cousins, specifically between them they have at least 15 of the 47 USA Presidents as their cousins - basically same family line. They're 17th cousins once removed. Once removed as my maternal grandmother was born one generation before my paternal grandmother.  Which means my maternal grandmother (1907-1989) and my paternal grandmother's mum (1860-1946) are 17th cousins. Their common ancestors are Warwick CastleWarwickshire, England born 11th Earl of Warwick KG, Sir Thomas Beauchamp 1313-1369; and  Ludlow Castle, Shropshire, England born Katherine de Mortimer 1313-1369. This coming 22 February 2025 would be their wedding anniversary, 700 years ago.

  • Quote: "Sir Thomas Beauchamp’s life exemplifies the ideals of medieval knighthood, characterized by valour, loyalty, and service to crown and country. His contributions to England’s military, political, and cultural spheres left an indelible mark on the course of English history, ensuring his place among the most revered figures of his era."    Source

Meccano is a brand of construction set created in 1898 by Frank Hornby in Liverpool, England. ( I has a 1990s photo of this side but it was stolen from my residence.

This historic intersection, the intersection of Hume Highway, Woodville Rd & Henry Lawson Dr in Sydney's south-western suburb of Landsowne, gains its name from the overhead sign gantries that resemble something constructed from meccano or lego. The infamous gantries were installed in 1962 - at the time this was the intersection of two major highways: Hume and State Highway No. 13 (now named Cumberland Hwy). State Highway No. 13 was the major through traffic route across Sydney, connecting the Pacific and Hume Highways with the Gt Western Hwy at Parramatta. (


I lived much further south in Campbelltown NSW since June 1962 (aged 6) we passed through this intersection on our way to my paternal grandmother's house in St Peters (Ruby EA FRANCIS nee REID 1882-1972) everyone called her Ma, she was murdered by (Ruby MANNERS (nee FRANCIS) Ma's youngest daughter from her second marriage. Ma was born in Rolland Plains NSW, she married Alfred BRIDGE, they lived in Kempsey NSW where they had two children, Adeline (1902-1981) and Baden (1904-after 1984). Adeline married and had at least one child, Lenny GOLDSWORTHY and this is where the family tree becomes distorted with repeat entries of Adeline as her own daughter, etc. I knew Lenny when I was very small (1960s) I remember his carrying me on his shoulders (until I screamed incessantly to make him put me down) after mum & I collected him from the pub around the corner from Ma's house with my male parent - both stumbling drunk. Years later just after turn of 21st century in my quest to discover who was behind the theft of my identity as the dead Leanne in BROTHERS IN ARMS paperback involving Bass Hill NSW police - I went to Kempsey looking for any link to my grandmother. I stood on the  (historic) Kempsey Bridge trying to remember why my grandmother mentioned the word "bridge" in connection with "Kempsey" wasn't for some years later after I get her marriage records that I realized she's been married twice. The Kempsey bridge incident made me realize how easily the accurately of children memories are distorted or misunderstood. This is when I started making sure to have multiple confirmations of memories & events. Interestingly Ma's oldest daughter, Aunt Adeline who I knew as a very superstitious person, she was buried in Pine Grove cemetery Minchinbury, which like Bankstown Aerodrome, is also 30 minutes drive from Bass Hill police station.  The superstitious trait is relevant as one of my brainwashes asked me, "Are you superstitious too?"  My male parent was born in 1923, his uncle Lenny GOLDSWORTHY (my cousin) was the same age or younger. Its my (no evidence) suspicion based on fractured memories that Lenny was a Sydney NSW region police officer.

Ma appears to be the oldest child in her birth family. I'm youngest in my birth family born when my male parent was 33, so is my male parent born when Ma, his mother was 41. Ma married Arthur Henry FRANCIS (1883-1926) she had about 5 siblings born in or near Rollands Plains, Aubrey Edmund 1884 Port Macquarie, Alma Florence 1887 Port Macquarie, Phylis 1889 Port Macquarie, and Cora Edna Valeta 1896 Kempsey, (same name as Once Upon A Time Cora). As a child I presume the adult's reference I heard to Aunty Valeta & Uncle Radford was reference to this Cora. Cora married Radford Baird GAMACK (1897 - 1979, one of my great-Uncles by marriage) who went on the become elected into parliament in the State of New South Wales, Cora & Radford had 7 daughters and 2 sons. Intriguingly, 'Once Upon A Time' Cora was the daughter of a miller & Mills became the family used for Cora & her daughter Regina, the Wicked Witch. Scroll back to Google Map above, the 1984 scene of the seven alleged murders including the faked murder of female child Leanne WALTERS - the Viking Tavern has been renamed to Mill Hotel. Is this one of life's coincidences or life's little breadcrumb clues because there is no such thing as coincidence, destiny is already mapped out for all of us? And good always wins - hint: I'm the good one. Going by his lack of ministerial appointments, I'd say my Great-Uncle Radford GAMACK was likewise, a good one. (See St Brice's Day Massacre below)


Gamack Street Port Macquarie NSW  Most likely named for Dr Alexander Gamack, a Colonial Surgeon who settled in Hastings area at Rollands Plains. ( Another think I remember is that Ma went on to visit family in Kempsey even shortly before he murder, and that many members of the Kempsey family were involved in the medical profession as nurses & surgeons.

Below in February 1985, three (3) from Ma's Kempsey NSW first family: Perhaps someone from Kempsey might like to enlighten me as to identity of my family members marked with big red X. These are my male parent's half-family. He's far left. Mum's in the middle. I'm  photographer. I was told they were male parent's cousins, if my memory serves me correctly, far-right female said she was "still" involved with the local hospital. The house in on a main road , as I recall. The head-bent male answered to Beau, (pronounced bow) possible Beaumont. 

Back to Mechano intersection, I always knew this intersection as "Woodville Road turnoff" in 1980s only locals called it the Mechano set. When I was being brainwashed in 1980s when I was being asked about where my "grandmother lived" I mentioned the Woodville Road turnoff, the terrorists drugging me didn't know where I meant then one said, "That's the Mechano set." Evidence includes missing facts. One missing fact is the absence of any reference to the Bankstown Aerodrome in the paperback BROTHERS IN ARMS, or the confusion allegedly facing police when investigating the alleged seven murders on Fathers Day 1984 - investigated by Bass Hill police station detectives. Click click boom!

St Brice's Day Massacre

History that remains after 1,000 years has to be only a small part of the story. Just be seeing the grotesque distortions of facts oozing from the evidence I have more recently in Australia, New South Wales SYDNEY 1984 Milperra Massacre - these facts still denied by Australia's parliaments proves that history is re-written by whomever has a political cause to fulfil. Indicating that the Viking era was not so much the Vikings and probably considerably more the Saxons fault. The following facts indicate that claim is  100% fact.

Of the 34-38 persons remains attributed to the St Brice's Day Massacre on persons who were undoubtedly by then indigenous to England being intermixed with local Saxons etcetera, DNA Matched me to eight (8). Looking at my Living DNA result its obvious my most recent generations they estimate about ten (10) are 100% Europe but in United Kingdom. My FamilySearch.Org is remarkably incomplete mostly because only Royal & Nobel families are recorded in history - another perversion of facts that mean FSO lists my grandparent ancestors to 60 generations as being linked to France (1,020); England (397); Scotland (128); Wales (66);  Ireland (59); and Norway (28). I didn't search for the word "Australia" just these regions.

Cheddar Man who lived in Somerset England 10,000 years ago, well before the SAXONS is ancestor family group related to seven (7) & all Viking groups listed in dark green, lower left of image below.  Which means at least (7) seven murdered attributed to being Viking & murdered on their King's orders on St Brice's Day were indigenous to England, they had birth-right to be in England. Wonder when England will fess up with DNA samples to see how many Kings were DNA related to Cheddar Man.  St Brice's Massacre was buried as little known facts until archaeologists, archaeogeneticists & other genuine historians have virtually, dug it up & brought the indisputable DNA facts to light.  -   How many mass graves containing SAXONS have been unearthed

Proving the St Brice's Day massacre was based on rumour not fact.

"2002 marks the millennial anniversary of what is now known as the St. Brice’s Day massacre, a long-forgotten event, dryly recorded in the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle entry for the year 1002."


Quote The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, 1002:

"... in the same year the king gave an order to slay all the Danes that were in England. This was accordingly done on the mass-day of St. Brice; because it was told the king, that they would beshrew him of his life, and afterwards all his council, and then have his kingdom without any resistance." 

Image source:


"The skeletons of 34 to 38 fit, fighting-aged males with large and extremely robust physiques were found under St. John's College, Oxford in 2008 who are thought to be these Vikings killed in St. Frideswide's Church. The skeleton bone collagen showed they had eaten more fish and shellfish than the typical Anglo-Saxon locals, and the bones showed numerous older battle scars indicating they were experienced professional warriors. Twenty of the bodies bore traumatic punctures in their verebrae, pelvic bones or skulls. Some victims had serious burns ot their heads, backs, pelvic regions and arms - others showed puncture wounds from multiple points of attack including blade and puncture wounds to the back of the head. Among those thought to have been killed is Gunhilde, who was the sister of Sweyn Forkbeard, King of Denmark. Her remains have not yet been discovered. Her husband Pallig Tokesen, the Danish Ealdorman of Devonshire was also killed in the massacre. This triggered King Sweyn to head to Normandy, make a treaty with a Viking descendant of Rollo, and commence with a series of campaigns to invade England."

Australia's new tourism slogan

AUSTRALIA SUX - we all know it, none are serious about fixing it as I am.

Especially parliaments & their secret terrorist-police departments who stand against mebecause they 100% support pedophilia in Australia.  That statement & link just then dear reader, that's classic literary maneuver - 'going for the jugular'. Only to be used when you have irrefutable evidence in support as I have. I've a couple of famous USA authors as cousins (according to FSO) however I'm not as excellent at it as they obviously are. I do find it easier to communicate writing than speaking generally, less so public speaking.  In response Government's classic response is to (falsely) claim persons with irrefutable evidence against them are - 'clinically delusional'. Its the ancient fire-pot calling the white dinner plate black scenario. They accuse you of being what they are. If you're falsely accused of a crime chances are your accusers perpetrated a similar crime, probably secretly against you or someone close to you.

See "This is a block obviously inserted by hacking terrorists" click on text.

Because openness, 100% honesty is only way, the only way, to prevent crime in Government, I've included this 8 pages of emails on CyberCrime starting with Federal Police ending with what I sent to South Australia's police department today.  SAPOL response to initial Federal complaint is irrelevant it's as if they use program routine to detect key words, sending automatic email response. That's negligent. If Australia legally functioned as a constitutional democracy 100% legally the matter would have ended with criminal convictions in 1960s because I told any adult I met that I witnessed Freemason child rape & murder during my male parent's meeting one evening circa 1967. If Australia truly was a constitutional democracy & not the totalitarian dictatorship it really is, then my life, your life would be totally different to what it is today.  We'd me much wealthier, by every definition of wealthy. I apologize for the word's letter errors, it happens regardless of whether I re-read text because of the psychological harm that's been inflicted on me as a result of NSW Government's surgical mutilations to my brain. My brain only sees them when I look at the text in a different format. The most common one is typing me instead of my. This specific mutilation occurred in Camden NSW after I was abducted from patio of Camden's Council Chamber witnessed by Councillor Christine TOWNDROW before the first MACROC meeting I was to chair but couldn't due to brain bruising & immobility, I suspect its associated with me witnessing c1997 murder of presumed NSW person, James MORTON, Fathers' Day 1984 Comanchero MC.

Page 6 of 8, police Misfeasance in Public Office - AUSTRALIA GOVERNMENT TERRORISM
Page 7 of 8, police Misfeasance in Public Office - AUSTRALIA GOVERNMENT TERRORISM
Page 8 of 8, police Misfeasance in Public Office - AUSTRALIA GOVERNMENT TERRORISM


Every person in Australia can give more than one example of Government negligence derived from the personal arrogance of one public officer. One outstanding fairly recent one for me was when effluent bubbled into my back yard, then when it was being cleared bubbled into my kitchen sink. I'm in a State housing rental. Staff charged me AU$100 for the plumbers fee to unclog the drain claiming that because, "You're the only person it happened to" as their lawful grounds to invoice me. It backed up again few months later. Unlike the first older one, this younger plumber probably wasn't Freemason. He called out State Water to look at the blockage he said was under the road. State Water employee also an older person but not an arsehole, told me there were tree roots clogging the drain under the road which they had to clear. The plumber's clue it was street clogging & not my effluent came from presence of cigarette buts in the overflowing sewerage in my back yard, both times - I don't smoke. The reason I was the only one in the street effected was because my property is at the lowest point. State Housing refuse to credit me the illegal AU$100 plumbing charge. That's an example of negligence however because it was willful and negligence isn't its an element of Misfeasance in public office, but can't stand alone because Misfeasance must also include personal injury, apparently from my research.  If this State Government functioned in reference to the laws made by virtue of out Federal Constitution as it should, the first plumber should have faced professional negligence charges and faced a financial penalty & permanently banned from access to Government contracts. GOVERNMENT IS NOT MANDATED TO ACT ILLEGALLY or against the best interests of the general public.What about my AU$100? State parliament won't let us appeal to Civil Court for tenancy matters because Parliament set up illegally functioning Tribunals that always deem illegally in favour of Government against me, proved below see SACAT. 

Because no Government has any constitutional authority to act illegally, when they defend their actions in Court or Tribunal, they commit an infringement against the Federal Constitution. They act illegally by defending an unlawful action of any public officer. Like the lengthy defence of SAPOL officers welding persons inside a steel container near Beverly SA, because they were peacefully demonstrating against a uranium mine on the land. The defence along with thousands of others was misappropriation of funds. See White v State of South Australia, 10 citizens, assaulted by 25 public officers from SAPOL, South Australia's police department tasked under section 5 of the Police Act 1998 (SA) with "preventing crime" not perpetrating it. Government claimed the protesters were acting "feral" the facts indicate the police officers were the "ferel ones in this equation." Everything they did was illegal, see If private persons had done what these SAPOL (police) persons did they all would be facing prison, but for undeclared reasons Parliament not only allow their Gestapoesq police to act criminally, they encourage illegal activity if the general day-to-day performance of their police. There is much debate for  Uranium as source of energy. Logic tells us that if Government have so little care for safety of persons in this matter, they have the same manner of disregard for all of us regardless of any distinguishing differences, particularly  in use of Uranium as power source that provides Government with income stream which always PRIMARILY benefits the Party Faithful, NEVER the greater public. This incident, all of my evidence herewith, these matters prove 100% the Australia's State, Territory & Federal police are employed by their Parliaments or CEO specifically to impose their Political Party's  unconstitutional political causes on Australian citizens or residents, despite Australian law to the contrary. That fact had to be evident to you surely? When the Labor Party Prime Minister used public money for his "Voice in Parliament" campaign drive, instead of Labor Party funds. The constitution allows elected representative to be everyone's "voice in parliament" if they can't its because of the Political Party holding Government is holding them back. That fact was crystal clear when various persons have been expelled or chastised for voting in parliament against "caucus decision" of their political party. Caucus decisions are no different to bribing a parliamentarian for their vote - caucus is the political (Party) Organization's undue illegal influence on the vote of an elected person, elected because they are a free thinking person not a science fiction representation of a nodding robot-android.  If that were not the case then we'd only need one person in parliament to represent the numbers of persons elected to parliament for that political party - one (1) person per Party in Parliament when sitting is not in the Constitution - therefore caucus is constitutionally barred - its damn well illegal you pack of drongos.


Its Labor or Liberals or nothing - you're dead or tortured for life! Just like Catholic Borgia family of Italy 500 years ago. When we look back on history we see that the majority of people have supported pure goodness over evil. Sure evil controlled much of this time, but they only did so under the banner of good. They only failed when some group more evil took control by force. Still the symbol of good prevailed. None used a demon as their idol, their God, even Hitler's Germany used an ancient symbol of peace in the 'swastika' -  all the evil dynasties and fake democracy dictatorships like England, Australia & USA, use some symbol of goodness, usually Jesus. This means, once again, the vast majority of people want to be ruled by goodness – not evil terrorists like we have with Australia’s Labor Party; and Australia’s Liberal Party; and Australia’s secret political party, Freemasons; or any other secret terrorist overlord. Only mandate any Australian political party has is to comply with Australian law and the spirit of goodness. The only mandate is good government. Lets see how many votes they get if they campaign under the face of an evil dictator - lets say, "friends of Adolph Hitler & other surgical rapists." Or perhaps, "a vote for us (Labor or Liberal) is your legal conscent for our associates to openly abduct your little children to keep as sex slaves, or secretly drug and rape them. " Or even, "Vote for us, Liberal or Labor, doesn't matter, we'll both increase the numbers of serious crime supporters in State & Federal police, court systems & health departments." - At present these two aspersions are quite accurate in reflection of how these two groups run their police departments, on the court's documented evidence & from my person EXPERIENCE.

Yet almost 80 YEARS after end of World War Two (WWII) and dismantling of the Gernam NazI Party Australia decides its wise to misappropriate public resources to ban Nazi Swastika & the Hail-Hitler Saluteeighty years!!! Whist simultaneously refusing to recognise my legal rights in Australia NOT to be illegally surgically mutilated, or illegally suppressed by government officials by being blocked in my right to seek legal redress for illegally government funded crimes against myself. Is this double standard supporting the Nazi cause? Yes it damn well is.

Once Upon A Time

Like I’ve been writing on my various websites since 2006, it’s a classic “Once upon a time” evil stepmother story only its real life and the step-mother are the Freemasons. I didn’t betray them I witnessed their crimes so they decided to ruin all my “happily ever afters” – Sound familiar? I’ve been writing about this on the Internet since 2006 sending the links to official email addresses of Labor Party, Liberal Party, and Allen & Unwin publishers in Sydney as my antagonists. My websites have been recorded in 2007 in South Australia State health department records as “propaganda” – the “Once Upon A Time” USA TV series (2011-2018) their back-story is same like the producers say in their interviews, all stories come from real life. The internet is the best place for that. Also recorded in South Australia State health department records is the statement to other health department medical personnel that one senior psychiatrist had contacted “named” person about me but that name is not on any physician registry, its the name of a USA film director. My access to the State court system has been blocked since I moved to South Australia in 2006, and I’ve created no friendships, so I’ve not done anything in South Australia to justify anyone’s need to take revenge on me in South Australia. It appears its all been to make a “great film” story for someone else associated with 1960s Freemasons I witnessed perpetrate heinous crimes against children – they’d all be over 85 in 2024 so its not them personally, it’s their associates who’ve created all this tragedy in my family brainwashing my children so they believe an alternate reality about me - after I moved to South Australia – the “Once Upon A Time” curse on the people of Storybrooke. 

What these Government terrorist do to their witness-victims is take them back emotionally to childhood, make the feel unloved & worthless so they become powerless and no longer a threat as a witness. If that fails, as it did with me, they resort to falsifying records to criminally defame them as they did to me claiming I made false allegations to police of  "sexual assault" aginst a member of parliament in 1999 NSW. If that were true it'd have been plastered across the newspapers, as you know it wasn't because I didn't but it remains as part of the fake mental record they compiled against me in secret in 21st century Adelaide, in the State of South Australia, protecting 20th century pedophiles in the State of New South Wales. Its not rocket science dear reader, its terrorism & parliamentary child-rape cover ups.   I'll say it often - I'm an INTJ personality, its nice to be loved but I can live quite fulfilled without it. I don't need physical stimulation. I don't crave human interaction. If I were the last person on Earth with no technology I'd survive happily because I have my own inventive thoughts to keep me company. Perhaps one of the great benefits of being INTJ is compliments & skillful flattery roll off me like water off a duck's back. Part the reason I've often been heard quoting Daffy Duck with, "Not this little black duck."

  1. Evidence says whomever is behind the “Once Upon A Time” USA TV series are Freemasons associated with Freemasons in Australia

  2. 1989 New South Wales: Sydney & Wollondilly Shire, without lawful authority NSW officials stole my biometric identity (head & shoulders image) as the police identity of  alleged murder victim Leanne WALTERS aged 14 on death on Fathers Day 1984 in Australia's federal Treasurer Paul KEATING's electorate.

  3. 1991 New South Wales: Wollondilly Shire during May & June I was pregnant with my 5th child & repeatedly secretly & criminally drugged, secretly surgically raped & secretly impregnated by Picton NSW physicians with illegal implants that they & others activated at later dates.

  4. 1991 New South Wales: August Camden MacArthur Credit Union officials criminally conspired with local police and others as they secretly & criminally transferred ownership of my Torrens Title (in my Cooma NSW registered birth name, Janette Gail FRANCIS) in Wollondilly Shire, to my de-facto partner Owen HALL.

  5. 1994 New South Wales: without lawful authority & at gunpoint, two uniformed police & one police detective Paul SHIELS (brother of Martin SHIELS) threaten to arrest me in a public place on baseless claims of me being "Leanne WALTRS who faked her death in 1984".

  6. 2003 New South Wales: in criminal defamation State police commissioner’s office letter declared by effect that they had (illegally) outlawed me removing all protections of Australian law enforced by Australia’s police departments.

  7. 2004 New South Wales: in criminal defamation State police illegally arrested & charged me then State court illegally imposed sentence with no lawful grounds – evidence of 1%er terrorists controlling State Government.

  8. 2004 I relocated to South Australia’s Adelaide, capitol city region.

  9. 2006 South Australia: in criminal defamation South Australia health & housing personnel falsified documents to start a fake mental illness record about me using the back-story, that I “witnessed murder in NSW” therefore I’m paranoid.

  10. 2006 November 17, I was remotely criminally assaulted via the illegal “ACTIVE IMPLANTED MEDICAL DEVICES” Illegally implanted in my person during 1990s when I was mid-term pregnant & living in the Wollondilly Shire.

  11. 2007 South Australia: March & May in criminal defamation & again with no lawful grounds, South Australia health department records state my websites & car contain propaganda, they included the words “Allen & Unwin P/L” nothing about any Government at that stage.

  12. 2007 South Australia: in criminal defamation & again with no lawful grounds, South Australia health & police department records claim I criminally assaulted various persons – nothing was ever proved in any court but the false allegation records remain as true fact in 2025.

  13. Later in 2007 I started writing about the illegal actions of government public officers in South Australia.

  14. 2010 South Australia: in criminal defamation & again with no lawful grounds, South Australia judiciary refused to recognise my legal grounds to sue State police for false imprisonment, assault & battery – evidence of outlawry in South Australia.

  15. 2011 Freemason associates of Sydney’s Allen & Unwin P/L secured grants from two governments & Network 10 Television to make TV Series on the book they used in 1989 to criminally defame me with 100% lies and theft of my private photograph Government still advertises as “Leanne Walters shot dead”.

  16. 2011 in USA “Once Upon A Time” TV series begins. Having read my Internet website telling of my childhood nightmares of being the only one strong enough to lift a rock roof off my family, despite that I am the youngest. I suspect I'm written in to Storybrooke as Emma the one with the power to uncover the truth & break the curse when 28. I was 28 in my (1984 photo) stolen photo for "Brothers In Arms..." - Emma backwards is "Am Me". Which is what I used to respond with when I was falsely accused of being the fake-dead fakeLeanne WALTERS.  There are no coincidence in political crimes. Parramatta NSW Family Court record number involving my husband Mr PETERS is 302. Family Court record involving my de-facto Mr HALL is 3302 almost two decades apart. I was 2 years old on 3 March 1959 when brutally raped (requiring many stitches to stop me bleeding to death, by Dr Bullock in his private doctor's room in Cooma) by my Freemason male parent who was illegally included in my 3302 Parramatta NSW Family Court record to make criminally false orders by Freemason Judge Lloyd Dengate Stacey WADDY assisted by Court appointed Freemason child lawyer David DUNKLEY from Springwood NSW, whom WADDY (illegally) publicly had lunch with during the hearing where they referred to each other as Brother WADDY or Brother DUNKLEY, the Freemason greeting custom. Despite that my male parent was sentenced in Cooma Local Court (1959 or 1960) & spent time in prison, WADDY claimed I lied in my 1998 police statement about the 1959 rape to justify his directly-biased 1st September 2000 orders against me. I wrote in my website I was too "shattered" to appeal. I suspect this was SLOWMAN/STYLES reference to "Humpty Dumpty" and why they started to brainwash my children against me. Possibly anticipating I'd emotionally crumble and take my own life or be unable to sue them. I relayed in my websites that I had been so emotionally damaged by my (unconstitutional) treatment at the hands of WADDY & DUNKLEY that I thought I heard voices at back of the otherwise empty room & rapidly turned to look to see if (townspeople) they had left thatches at the door, as my mind told me that meant they intended to burn me as a witch, probably prompted by his dialogue & fact Judge was wearing a dirty grey unkempt wig with his vicious facial expressions & his outrageously unreasonable & baseless accusation of what he decided was my "thoughts".  The state of mind was accompanied by smells and momentary hallucinations of people dressed for the era. Possibly a past life memory, I've had a quite a few as a child. Or simply the trauma of the illegal psychological assault  from the judicial bench - IIED (tort law) intentional infliction of emotional distress for his Freemason cause. Lasted seconds, broken when I saw DUNKLEY turn to see what I was looking at. The transcript indicates I refused to answer any more of WADDY's interrogations. That's precisely why I purchased the transcript of the hearing, but I was still too emotionally shattered to pursue the appeal self-represented as I was - 25 years later I'm still emotionally prevented from being able to read through the entire transcript. Thing most don't understand, because I've probably not stated it clear enough, is that I was "shattered" due to the betrayal, not because of my male parent - I was over tat when I was little, the betrayal came from WADDY as the last element of Government who had betrayed me after parliament & the police all that was left as hope is the judiciary. Like usually I can push that behind me and keep looking for someone in judiciary who isn't a pedophile supporter. I suspect I'll never get to. Dr Google tells us to practice avoidance of stress triggers when one is suffering Post Traumatic Stress. Guess that's why I've avoided making friendships as this family were some of my 1984 friends at Visyboard Warwick Farm, the group who betrayed me most & pursued my family with heartless aggression, infuriating personal lives of my siblings & my minor children behind my back, specifically to turn them against me with a bunch of baseless false stories; including in this dragnet some of my residential neighbours - in every of the many towns I relocated to across Australia since they stole my Torrens Title - & any person in Government or private industry I spoke to for any reason over the years, murdering anyone who stood by me (Jack BASSET claimed as self-inflicted ( -24Apr1988) as he gave evidence supporting me, to Camden NSW police; my grandmother known as "Bunny" Mrs Lindsay Milton BUNDOCK (1907-27Nov1989) because she recognized me as Leanne WALTERS in advertisements for the BIA book to medical personnel at her Ashfield senior's residential facility; my husband William PETERS (1953-19Jul2008) because he wrote a statement declaring it was me in the BIA photo labelled "Leanne Walters, shot dead", a number of police officers I asked to investigate the matter in Campbelltown NSW &  Raymond Terrace NSW also claimed as self-inflicted, & others, one specifically in retrospect I suspect is the person of BIA photo labelled as "Morts later" (James MORTON allegedly of 1984 Comanchero Motorcycle Club) - this person had been at prior meetings evidently observing me, he was shot during a struggle at top of the stairs that I was standing at base of, second after he told me to leave the building I'd just entered from Queen Street side of the old Milgate Lane, Campbelltown NSW for scheduled South-West Sydney Regional Development Organization, meeting ASSOCIATED WITH WOLLONDILLY SHIRE COUNCIL, I was Council's endorsed. I said I'd go to police station. He said, "Don't they are (Campbelltown NSW) police."  Before I left the stairway I looked back to see the struggle was over a handgun. After I heard the muffled gunshot, against my 1st instinct, I ran as he asked remembering what Jack BASSET told me. 2001 after I wrote to NSW police commissioner, that I attended the Pinegrove cemetery - because BIA book said it was Comanchero Motorcycle Club burial grounds, to look for Mr MORTON's headstone, if it existed. I found it, the date is from my memory, in the general time of the SWSRDO meeting events described above. I left a couple of hundred Blue Iris & Yellow Rose flowers at both Pinegrove Cemetery & Rookwood Cemetery burial place for Bandido Motorcycle Club persons evidently also killed as part of Australia's national FREEMASON CHILD WITNESS purge, on Fathers Day 1984. Trauma always makes remembering a barrier for me as my usual reaction (all my life) has been to bury the memory with voluntary amnesia so I can retain it without extreme psychological harm to me. Was only 2001, when I saw the "Morts later" (ponytail) photo that my memory of this murder returned - Seconds before his murder Jack BASSET protected me from his Freemason police killers with a FREEMASON PLEA they all honour as part of their crime oath - so I'm thinking in retrospect, softly spoken Mr Morton was hired by Freemason police officers to kill me. He decided I was too 'genuinely nice' (which he said to me quite a few times) hey murdered him because he refused. These murders have been fully supported by Australia's police departments and parliaments who unconstitutionally refuse to investigate an matter of any item of significant evidence of any kind I've provided to the Governments. Like Stephen King's Children Of The Corn they become the one family of psychotic motherfukers. Family of pure evil, if the devil is real he's personified in each of them. I remind you a Sydney young woman around my own ageSally-Anne HUCHSTEP was murdered by still unidentified person/s in 1986 after she went public about being witness to police murder her boyfriend. This Fathers Day 1984 matter, it includes dozens of police, dozens of physicians, dozens of court staff and exposes more than 2 crooked cops in Sydney, Canberra and Adelaide AUSTRALIA, & several Prime Ministers & their political parties. If I were Catholic I'd be Saint Janette by now. As a point of interest there are said to be more than 10,000 Catholic Saints - in my Family Tree (of about 60,000 persons listed, not all blood related as includes married-into family persons) there are about 450 Grandparents listed as "Saint" up to my 63 generation. Search criteria limited to 63 in RootsMagic.  It includesthis person in my 55th Grandparent generationwhich is intriguing to me a fact-tition - how do they know thus as fact? I also point out that I have no religion & no Saintly desires. See, I do have other interests! however, I only believe what I've experienced, fake or fact, its an "experienced fact" none-the-less & only believe what I can prove on documents, fake or fact they're still official Government documents passed off as fact still largely unproved unless they have some other significant supporting evidence, which also has convincing supported evidence et cretera. Recorded history to me is interesting but remains largely unproven. Which is why I tend to always search for records to prove what I've personally witnessed. Sometimes it means walking around a very large cemetery looking for names or dates. Evidence directs me that, that need is now in my distant past. Ergo, if I'm found dead in a cemetery when I'm expected to still be alive, its murder. Likewise if they claim I took my own life, its murder. If I'm under extreme stress I experience stress amnesia, problem solved. Here, I feel the need to add that upon realizing my three adult sons had been progressively brainwashed since 1998, I decided to move away from them so they wouldn't be brainwashed to murder me, believing I was also protecting them, suspecting their brainwashing would stop - it didn't evidently.One had told me a man told him he (tmy son) was his (the stranger's) apprentice. My son said to me he saw me there (when the stranger said that to him) & asked me who the strange man was. I had no memory of that event.  My sons were only adults I allowed into my life, then & since. It was Peter Robert BRADBURY of Mary Street The Oaks NSW who shot Jack BASSET inside back room of Camden NSW John Street police station. I suspect he was the same Freemason Peter mentioned in Goulburn NSW local newspaper, who moved into 80 Gibson Street Goulburn NSW public housing opposite me after I relocated from BRANXTON NSW & I'd seen him in back of the tiny Branxton Post Office as the mailman. These facts are repeated many times in this website, for good reason. When I was Wollindilly Shire elected councillor Hall, fellow councillor Christine TOWNDROW asked me a question about my parents, I heard myself answer a lie, I heard myself say in response to my own lie, "That's a lie" but was unable to say the truth. You can only imaging how violated that feels to an introverted person like me who never spoke of my family or any part of my private life to anyone I hadn't shared it with, not even my husband who I shared the most with & remained 100% faithful. That's when I knew I'd been brainwashed. When I knew TOWNDROW & other fellow elected councillors & office staff were brainwashing me after secretly drugging me in my coffee at Council meetings & started my stealthy evidence gathering.

  17. 2014 New South Wales: Sydney Federal Court, Peter BANKI tables a paperback written by DNA mother of one of the 2 authors of Allen & Unwin's "Brothers In Arms ..." in her self-published book she extensively criminally defames me by false attribution of my Copyright literary works and malicious infringements on those moral rights by derogatory treatment of my literary works in my website. In her Wollondilly Shire newspaper advertisement for her book the mother refers to herself as nursery rhyme character, "Humpty Dumpty". BANKI also filed an affidavit with exhibits containing 300 pages from my websites. These 2 separate actions of BANKI as the Allen & Unwin legal representative legally links in crime, Allen & Unwin's directors & the criminal defamation's of the mother in her 2014 published paperback she titled "Kangaroo Court" which was the effect on me by of her criminally false-story about me.

  18. I've been unable to secure any consent by newspaper publishers to story any facts of this True-Government-Crime story since 1999 as they have for Allen & Unwin's "Brothers In Arms ..." or the mother's "Kangaroo Court". Even after I published in paperback mid 2024. I say that's because this FREEMASON family have been criminally stalking me since we worked at the same Liverpool NSW area office in 1984, me as Janette Gail FRANCIS, them as Elaine SLOWMAN (author Lynette STYLES & probably Pamela WALTERS fake DNA mother of  fake-Leanne WALTERS& her three daughters, Jennifer (author Jennifer COOKE) Leanne (BIA author Sandra HARVEY & 1984 newspaper's dead fake-Leanne WALTERS) and Lorraine (Lorraine WALTERS, step-mother of the fake Leanne WALTERS & 1984 newspaper's other dead fake-Leanne WALTERS) linked to Douglas SLOWMAN, director/secretary of Allen & Unwin, & Unwin Hyman, & Rupert Murdock's Harper-Collins, in Scotland United Kingdom. Click-click-boom. 

If I was actually that Leanne WALTERS then I was fertile when 3 years old & statutory raped, my 1st child was born when I was 4 years old, I was married by Victoria's Government when I was 5 years old, statutory raped when 5 years old & my 2nd child was born when I was 6 years old, statutory raped when 7 years old & my 3rd child was born when I was 8 years old. Obviously this scenario is impossible - else it opens up a Pandora's Box of Australian Freemason Government facilitated statutory raped & child trafficking which is what they are attempting to cover up with the fake Leanne WALTERS false-story.  This absurdity established as fact 2 things: (1) I wasn't the first Leanne WALTERS in 1984 as the reality of my age and life before 1984 couldn't possibly fit the 143 year old tag. (2) I was slotted into this fake-story by the publication of the paperback "Brothers In Arms ..." in 1989 - where instead of using the official death age of 14 for their fake-Leanne they upped the age to 15 editing my stolen phote to remove all definition from mt face before pasting to their SEX LICENSE card with new death age of 15 & still stated on back cover as 15 . That happened after I witnessed the murder of Freemason & senior citizen, retired Cooma NSW police officer, Jack BASSET, one of many persons who gave his life to preserve mine so I could live to uncover the insidious plot of this true-Government-crime story.

Once upon a time there was a culture of sex crimes against children, openly funded by the white-Australia Freemason Government ...

Email Hacking

When one receives email response from many legal firms ... lets take Perth (Western Australia) advertising Copyright Act legal expertise; when the email is sent in response to my request for legal representation in Federal Copyright Act (law) matter with evidence & grounds to sue the State of South Australia; when the responding email states thus: "Unfortunately we are unable to assist you with your matter"; then there can be no legal reason why that legal firm would respond thus as there would be no "client" relationship between lawyers in Western Australia and the Government of South Australia. Therefore one of three criminal probabilities caused the sending of that email. Considering South Australia State police department unconstitutionally refuse my face-to-face requests to investigate any of the associated crimes in this website, you may have an opinion. This is a multi-million dollars in LEGAL FEES matter - involving many corporations, over 100 professionals & three Government jurisdictions over 40 years - its not something a legal firm would pass up because they don't have enough staff, THEY'D HIRE STAFF SPECIFICALLY FOR THIS MATTER. These are the only relevant criminal probabilities as I see the matter, which I add, has occurred 90% of the time I've phoned or emailed or personally visited any Australian legal firm - regardless of size or international standing.

  1. 1) That my email service has been criminally hacked into by third party to send me false emails.

  2. 2) That the lawyer/firm have been criminally threatened with harm against representing me.

  3. 3) That the lawyer/firm have been criminally bribed not to represent me. 

  4. Federal crime in above 3 instances would be CRIMES ACT 1914 - SECT 42 Conspiracy to defeat justice plus many associated State crimes in both South & Western Australia & the terrorist act definition at 100.1 Criminal Code Act, Schedule   "...seriously interferes with, seriously disrupts, or destroys, an electronic system including...".

  5. There are no lawful grounds whatsoever for police departments to refuse in the 3 jurisdictions - South Australia or Federal or New South Wales - to refuse to investigate these matters herewith as ideology or political terrorism for the illegal causes of these three Government's Labor Party & Liberal Party. Ergo, refusing to investigate these matters herewith as being one related matter, is in itself an act of terrorism against the Australian Federal Government.

  6. Likewise Federal Parliament continued support of the unconstitutional Australia Act 1986is also a terrorist avt because the intent, the purpose or the effect of the Australia Act is to indirectlyalter the Australian Constitution without the need for any referendum to alter our Constitution as the Constitution demands for all alterations. It would appear on the documents that the Australia Act 1986 is linked to the 1984 alleged murders of seven persons in the federal electorate of 1986 Treasurer, Paul Keating MP and all these matters herewith in this website, Paul. But what would I know? I have no tertiary qualifications. I'm just a single mum. Thick as a brick.

Statute Barred Unconstitutional Tribunal enforcing terrorist cause orders in SACAT for Labor Party, Australia 2024 (1of4)

For past 40 years at least its been true on documents that Australia’s State & Federal Health Ministers (Labor & Liberal) have personally demonstrated their contemptuous disregard for all life, turning blind eye to illegal drugging, murdering, torturing  whomever 'they' please with 100% impunity - specifically families & pets of honest innocents selected for secret physical electronic torture or dispossessed of their reputation, health & livelihood - effected to keep Labor & Liberal political terrorist's criminal secrets & their sadistic Party Faithful in power in parliaments across this rapidly expanding terrorist colony, Australia.

Its part of the pandemic of intentional Government Public Officer errors. Like this one (@right on desktop or laptop) encirculed in red, its from legal education website entry for Australia's Federal, Competition & Consumer Law Act 2010. As usual its a subtle error, but entirely prima facie intentional (on the face of it) you can see better if you open image in new tab. At base (right-side) shows link to the finger pointing words is inaccurate. Instead of directing the reader to Schedule 2 (Australian Consumer Law) it directs you to section 130. But only the 2nd half of this line performs this peculiar irregularity, 1st half directs correctly.

Likewise with malicious Magistrate & AU$300 FALSELY ADVERTISED stones year after my drivers licence was illegally cancelled by same State Government. Magistrate wanted to refuse my legal rights as consumer, until I reminded her Consumer Law is a Commonwealth (federal) statutory rights which cannot be varied or exempted & to make such an order from Magistrates Court in South Australia would be State crime of perverting course of justice. So she ordered in my favour directing respondent to collect his 3 ton of misleading advertisement from my driveway, but refused to award me damages for the 12 months the NOT WHITE stones sat on my driveway because BUDGET LANDSCAPE  refused to collect their coloured stones they delivered as "white" stones, covered in white powder.  Inference was that because I was self-representing in Supreme Court at same time, suing Seaford Meadows SA physician Alison Barbara Jane COLE & Gpaxis Pty Ltd for creating false documents under Consumer Law resulting in unlawful Government conspiracy to unlawfully cancel my drivers licence, then that automatically rendered me a vexatious litigant.

In that other 2019 outcome the Judge refused to recognize the evidence in my favour that had been filed in Affidavit EXHIBIT sworn & filed by one respondent lawyer,(created by anonymous State Government public officer when Present Health Minister Christopher PICTON MP was State Police Minister) the lawyer stating he "believed" it was faxed to COLE from State Transport however it could just as easily been faxed from anyone. The fax to COLE criminally defames me with willfully false claims of what I wrote in my fax to State Police Department  (multiple FIO searches have been unable to locate  in official police records, the document allegedly faxed to COLE allegedly created by Police Department official) which contradicts the contents of my actual correspondence to State Police. It was a "he-said-she-said" matter only in relation to content of documents so it should have fallen in my favour but didn't because the Supreme Court Master or Judge Katrina BOCHNER irrefutably (on the documents) willfully acted criminally. If I were a gambler my money would be on present KAURNA MP Christopher James PICTON, criminally conspiring with prior KAURNA MP John David HILL, to pervert the course of justice in the NSW police alleged murders of 7 persons on Fathers Day 1984, my belief on the grounds that I had faxed to ask police department to investigate the many medical crimes that ensued when John David HILL MP was the State Minister for Health & his younger face was published as one of the "outlaw bikers" charged in NSW with those aforenoted alleged murders of 7 persons  so there's every probability HILL has a new identity under NSW witness protection & therefore illegally accepted as member of State Parliament having been convicted of serious crimes causing many violent deaths- as detailed herewith on this or my other page on this website - the reason I was medically mutilated in Sydney region during 1990s & reason State of South Australia illegally protect the NSW medical mutilators, or rightly, Government political terrorists from Labor, Liberal & Freemason political parties.  Alas I'm no gambler - I've proved this absurdity 100% true on the documents. When the Sydney press ran the headline "ALL GUILTY" with photos of the accused motorcycle club members, who they left out, who should have been under that heading are Prime Minister Bob HAWKE & Treasurer Paul KEATING & their Labor Party terrorist executive team at war with honest Australians like me, the personification of the 1960s child witness to Freemason child rape - I'm our voice.

Partly because I still I can't get any lawyer to LAUNCH MY SIMPLE APPEAL or represent me despite the reams of overwhelming document evidence in my favour. What is common among the Party Faithful is when you point out their illegal actions they turn it back on you as your failing with words like "I know its not the response you were hoping for" or "you won't get what you want" when all I hoped for or wanted was my irrevocable rights, written in statute. I'm still to receive any of my statutory rights in Australia's Civil Law, State courts.  I'm no quitter, its in my DNA to stand strong against tyranny despite the odds. I'm Janette Gail FRANCIS, my New South Wales AUSTRALIA birth certificate states my name is Janette Gail FRANCIS, apart from marriage family-name (PETERS & HALL) I've never had any other name. I've never left Australia's mainland


BELOW: Me aged 10 years. Australia's political terrorist's Governments would have you believe I wasn't born for another 3 years, and that I never attended this school from 1962 to 1968 inclusive. Those of us who repeated this year had contracted hepatitis in 1965 due to criminal negligence involving State's onsite sewerage disposal system and our enforced lunch sitting area. None of us received any damages despite that I was physically incapable of even feeding myself & bedridden for some weeks. Red-head teacher Mr ELLSMORE. According to my Freemason male parent, ELLSMORE was a twin & known to him as fellow Freemason. I searched the phone book discovering he lived in Ingleburn where I sent him a regular Christmas card, standard to & from,  for every remainder year I attended schools & into my early adulthood, because I didn't want him to forget me. I'd no idea of revenge, if he thought that it wasn't my fault.  He had violent anger issues directed at me personally. He appeared to be alcoholic from his breath and temper. He loved to ridicule me to the whole class making them laugh at me. I suspect he was attempting to make me feel inadequate as a person. He failed. I was always well behaved, always calm as I am as adult. I'm like GANDHI, I silently object to my harsh treatment choosing to stare down those who physically harmed me. That's why my male parent nicknamed me "Bull" which I objected to as I wasn't randomly angry. I only dug me heels in when I knew I was in the right, but like regular black bulls, I can wait patiently for the optimal time before I charge, hypothetically speaking. I've never been the aggressor in any matter, always the defender. ELLSMORE had Freemason issues I suspect, which may indicate I'd witnessed the Freemason meeting's murder & rapes during this school year or year before, 1965 & why I write "circa" 1967 as that's my estimate. They brainwashed me many times to attempt to make me forget. That failed too.


Winter 2004: as 48 year old menstruating mother of five children & without any type of police record, I was strip searched without lawful authority inside Goulburn NSW police station because police were offended I'd reported with evidence, proof of long-term Freemason police crime. I was arrested, charged & imprisoned for being an honest citizen -  denied appeal & legal representation. That's how Australia is truly governed by terrorists approved by your elected parliament. Like many others, I've been refused access to appropriate medical services in my instance, services that would eliminate all the pain I currently endure from illegal Government funded implants. Like many others enduring long-tern pain our Federal Health Ministers refuse to "allow" us access to affordable & safe pain relief by denying access to over the counter opiates  (#which don't effect all of us the same way) & denying us access to the cannabis plant for medicinal purposes, not to smoke, not to get high but for its medicinal purposes - if you can afford the AU $1288.00 per script on Centrelink income in 2020, medical cannabis is only sold to smoke with cancer causing tobacco or swallow with heart attack oils. Our only cheap pain relief option is alcohol - same as its been for centuries. This is not civilization, its organized crime.

#I know a family where: 1 is not affected at all by the psychotropic properties of opiates; 1 is suicidal when taking opiates; 1 is unwell after cannabis;  1 is suicidal after taking ibuprofen which is sold in supermarkets as 100% safe for everyone. These 4 persons are from the same DNA pool - birth family. There is no one drug for all.  Person for the script above is allergic to all Government approved pain killers, all of them. When they told the prescribing physician the cannabis was not strong enough & not enough for one month, physician replied its the strongest we have then banned patient from further consultation which were telephone only. Its quite a racket. Medical cannabis supply for any one person is approved for that person to one physician only - the patient was banned from accessing medical cannabis because dare I say, they'd been criminally assaulted by State Railway employees & refused the right to sue for damages before this farce another physician had started injecting them with the type of radioactive medicine  that melts living human bone - this was about 2019 Sydney NSW) being in too much pain to know what the outcome would be if they didn't stop. That's how much Australia's parliamentarians 'care' about voters - they don't at all, they only care about their bank balance & possessions.  didn't have to search for this medical target of political terrorism, this patient, young parent criminally assaulted by Government public officers protected by parliament's police, they're in my own family. Then there were supply issues. No product would be available in Chemist to dispense for weeks or months, as each physician are free to make deals with growers for supply – this telephone only South African physician allegedly practising out of Sydney – Newcastle AUSTRALIA regions made their deal with TILRAY Canada, so Australians also had the “it’s stuck in customs” excuse for several weeks. I contacted customs, "there is nothing for that company in customs" I was told. Medical practitioner’s corporate employees made up stories the patient was “abusive” and that’s why supply was refused. As it turns out the patient recorded all their phone calls, I was given access to them, there was no abuse from the patient. Wonder who was actually getting the Australian approved medical cannabis? Not Australians evidently. Quite the racketeering project under the control of Australia’s Federal Parliament. Turned out no one was responsible for this debauchery, only the patient suffered. Then there was the NSW north Bondi BASGER'S PHARMACY (owned by Rachel VIRINA) who sent through Australia Post via the same physician their almost $500 cannabis oil script, un-refrigerated when it was supposed to be & illegally out of date. It gave no pain relief at all. They refused refund or replacement - despite that this is illegal in Australia there is no avenue to address this without expensive litigation always out of reach to persons on Centrelink who are naturally the Government's target group for inflicting public officer crime assuring 100% impunity.


Poor Government outcomes is another expression for "government organized crime" which includes high rents, high interest rates, high unemployment, high food costs, high education costs, et cetera. Ineffective policing, unlawful decisions in tribunals (unconstitutional), lack of access to due process of law, lack of access to legal advice, lack of lawyer representation in the court system, et cetera. High cost of access to unbiased physicians, financially restricted access to pain relief options, unlawful restrictions to lawful medical services, willfully inaccurate medical diagnoses, using the mental health system as a political weapon, et cetera.  Arguably the most sinister of all - absence of accurate news reports on crime in Government. 

If there were genuine surveys done on people enduring so called clinical depression & its life partner, anger - or should I say anger caused by betrayal, causes depression? We would find a new result being that most suffering anger  which is presently termed "clinical depression" are so effected because of poor Government outcomes - ineffective management of Government by Labor Party & Liberal Party. Remove these two from Government we'd have considerably less people with these  mental illnesses.

Australia is a secret haven for some & tailor made hell for others. Secret haven for Labor & Liberal & Freemason political terrorists since at least 1967 a haven for criminal cowards that relies 100% on perpetuation of the hell which is always & only inflicted upon those Australians who demand existing terrorist practices harming them & their family be eradicated from parliament and the departments of the Ministers of parliament & so it has been for my Australian born great-great grandparents, my Australian born great grandparents, my Australian born grandparents, my Australian born parents, Australian born me and my Australian born children, and their Australian born children - my 100% white Australia family. I'm an Adelaide SA resident & child witness to child rape & child murder during my male parents Freemason meeting circa 1967 Campbelltown NSW & a victim of 1990s surgical rape to torture me because a 1988 Freemason oath prevents my murder.

  • Contrary to the malicious rumours, I don't peddle conspiracy theories, these are all 100% (past tense) proved facts involving my life personally & the many Government forged documents they pass off as departmental law. There's obviously parliament emphasis on departments requiring staff who have natural "mental" personalities.


No Lawful Grounds: sums up every order made against me & every adverse comment made about me & every medical diagnosis of me since 24 April 1988 when I witnessed NSW police shoot dead retired Cooma NSW police officer, Jack BASSET inside Camden NSW police station. I wouldn't be surprised if Jack's family insist "he was at home when he shot himself" my family claim I've done things I haven't using the insistence that all of them say the same thing so it must be true.  So lets look at my evidence.  My life was relatively & happily uneventful before 24 April 1988, since then I've been subjected to literally hundreds of crimes that police refuse to investigate, heck they claim all sorts of rape including surgical rape are not a crime in  Australia when  its been inflicted on me it magically becomes a civil matter, so too is falsifying documents to illegally imprison me - that's not a crime either when it happens to me. Using drugs & role play to  help people deal with traumas, is something the medical industry have been doing for decades. I say my evidence proves Jack's family & my family have all been brainwashed that way to create false memories. These people are undomesticated animals who molest, maul & fiercely savage anyone they can't illegally oppress with fear - you vote them into our parliaments, they appoint their species as other government public officers to control the departments. I've never attacked them but they claim I have & refuse me access to due process of law while saying something like, "if Janette had proof she'd sue us." They control the courts & keep blocking me, on their claims I have no lawful grounds to sue the Australian Labor Party & their public officers (wrote the Registrar of the Federal Court of Australia in email on 10 January 2022.) They belong in a cage not in parliament. There are many taboo words to describe the people of & supporting these herewith (many) terrorist crimes of the political parties who have controlled Australian politics since Federation also known as The Party Faithful however, there are two words that stand out as more appropriate than any others - PARASITIC SCUM. 


  • I’ve sent DOZENS of emails from one of my many different email addresses linked to my multiple mobile phone accounts in my LAWFUL name, to a huge variety of businesses attempting to secure PAID advertisement for my books & this website – I’ve had NO responses – what does that tell you about the two political parties who have a STRANGLEHOLD on the Australian Government? It means when the know they can't win their custom is to CHEAT. Possibly the most pathetic element of theseunscrupulous persons with Labor & Liberal parliament favour, is that they delete my family history & add people who never existed to my online family tree & torture my domestic animals along with my via their remote controlled torture implants inside me. They're like the cut-throat BORGIA family as depicted in the series. I have at least 40 instances I know about of their Copyright Act infringements on my literary works they gave unlawful derogatory treatment  specifically to criminally defame me and unlawfully punish me in the name of Australia's Labor & Liberal Parliaments. 40 I know about and include the unlawful cancellation of my drivers licence since 2018 at behest of State police department when my local voice in parliament, Christopher PICTON MP was State police Minister, he's now State health minister & State police (Sturt Station @ Bedford Park) still insist forged police documents are not a crime in the State of South Australia. Thankfully BORGIA are not in my family tree HOWEVER, 1st millennium MEDICI, ORSINI (before they become powerful) & quite a lot more De LOMBADIE, Des LOMBARDS, Di LOMBARDIA, LOMBARD families are & King Claffo of the LOMBARDS (43GG) along with (8) eight Popes as Great Uncles: 92, 93, 138, 152, 154, 162, 180, 186 & uncle by marriage to Visigoth Evochildis, bloke they called Odoacer first king of Italy ... blah blah blah I'm impressed that this Daruis is listed as a 69th Great grandfather perhaps its his DNA that gives me my ringlet hair although its much thinner these days. However when I searched the linage from him to me I discover some bat-shit crazy added that Jesus as my 49th GG which is impossible to prove as no person has admitted to finding any record he existed outside the Holy Bible. Proving people with access to change any record are the best liars of all. Having deleted that rubbish in my mothers line which is no surprise Roger SIMPSON-Rex WALTERS, Darius is now my 70th GG on the paternal line. Its impossible to delete all names in this database derived from the fan-fiction book Holy Bible, it is a Christian database after all. That's something a non-religious philanthropist could do as a great service to our Earth people - fund an Internet based family tree that prohibits entry of names without  genuine references  or whose only reference is within some religious texts. For instance I'm certain most or all of Rex John WALTERS Ingleburn-Leppington NSW family never existed before 2 September 1984.

Statute Barred Unconstitutional Tribunal enforcing terrorist cause orders in SACAT for Labor Party, Australia 2024 (1of4)
Statute Barred Unconstitutional Tribunal enforcing terrorist cause orders in SACAT for Labor Party, Australia 2024 (2of4)
Statute Barred Unconstitutional Tribunal enforcing terrorist cause orders in SACAT for Labor Party, Australia 2024 (3of4)
Statute Barred Unconstitutional Tribunal enforcing terrorist cause orders in SACAT for Labor Party, Australia 2024 (4of4)

This isn't merely misfeasance in public office, its an act of civil war secretly declared against all law-abiding Australians enforced by the people & the political parties you vote into your parliaments in Australia since Labor & Liberal parliaments enacted the Australia Act 1986 - the Act that indirectly alters the Australian Constitutions without any referendum, removing every citizens Constitutional right to appeal to our King in England for justice against this very manner of tyranny in public office. Specifically I'd wager to cover up the FREEMASON assassination of adult persons - having been child witnesses to FREEMASON child rape - on Fathers' Day 1984 in the Viking Tavern car park in Paul KEATING'a electorate when he was Australia's treasurer before he was voted by his party as Prime Minister - as I have also been witness.

I'd welcome prosecution on defamation only none of us have any guarantee any Government process won't be a Star Chamber, same as (from my experience) almost all of Australia Tribunals & ancient Witch Trials Chamber - as proved below.

Its noteworthy to point out that despite having income and budget for their housing portfolio under the control of the housing Minister, the department as landlord gets all their applications to SACAT Tribunals FREE of any cost ensuring the 100% lack of legal accountability to Attorney-General or A-G’s Crown Solicitor, in concert with alleged INDEPENDENT (of Government control) South Australia Civil & Administration tribunal where State law is overseen in manner as if they’re outlaw cowboys old USA Wild West. This is the 4th statute barred set of orders from SACAT to me since 2020, specifically to benefit the South Australia Housing Department.

  • My presence makes lawyers run from a room crying or erupt into fits of fear driven anger.
  • I make police officers act irrationally; recklessly INDIFFERENT to requirements of State & Federal statute (parliament made laws).
  • I make Judges, tribunals & other decision makers accept bribes to make statute barred order- last S.A.C.A.T. 2024 (above).
  • I make Ministers in parliaments publicly perform acts of terrorism.
  • I’m Janette Gail FRANCIS & I'm an evidence machine proving Australia is terrorist-democracy - by just being me.
  • Below list are the court cases I was a party to from 1987 to 2013, (my de-facto family name) Ms HALL or by birth family name Ms FRANCIS.

  • 1987 (aged 31) was first time my name was spoken in any Australia court. Every matter is result of Australia's Freemason ritualistic & incest child-rape cover up. These are my failed attempts to be recognized as a person with legal rights in Australia as a self-represented litigant against the will of the terrorist political corporations who control Australia. 

  • Your Attorney-Generals, your Prime Ministers, State  Premiers & your King's representative the Governors have all failed to implement appropriate steps to prevent this lawlessness this terrorist ideology - terrorist mindset of the lawful operation of Government according to the Australian Constitution. 

  • 2006 as self representing litigant & after I had Medicare evidence I'd been surgically raped for the Fathers' Day 1984 Milperra NSW murders Freemason political cause - in Magistrates Court Adelaide I sued (as Janette Gail HALL) Australian Labor Party & Liberal Party of Australia. All I asked for was the “rehabilitation of my legal rights” they both Political corporations hired lawyers & stocked courtroom with followers, largest public gallery I’ve seen in Adelaide. They all laughed at me; from the public gallery; from lawyer’s bench; and the female sitting on the bench who dismissed my application without hearing any of my evidence. This is the mindset of the people you vote into your parliament in Australia.

  • Australia’s tripartite political party have expended billions of dollars over 60 years to discredit me as witness to their crimes, expertly failing in their unconstitutional exploits because I’m incorruptible. They keep trying as they believe all others are as vulnerable as themselves - driven by greed, their lust for power & delusions of  political invincibility due to personal belief in the perfection in their multifaceted & failed plans. They're a collective insanity. I'm not the only person on this planet like me there are millions more, they're the usually silent majority.    Every year after since 2001 when I asked State of New South Wales police commissioner to investigate my identity theft by his police department, the State or Federal Government in 2 states have targeted me with unconstitutional & vindictive orders specifically intended to physically harm me or harm my reputation, every year from 2001 to 2024 inclusive the very first was to make an illegal eviction order - they all have illegally refused me my natural justice right to correct in any way whatsoever their their hundreds of wrongs against me. That’s 23 years of psychopathically fixated terrorism on top of the then 11 years after my identity stolen & my real estate illegally taken from me by Freemasons in private business & Government officials. They justify their vendetta against me as being their way to stop me taking revenge against them by suing them - they see seeking damages for their wrongs as revenge. Its not just me saying itsomeone was paid to do the research,yet they can't pay me damages. None in control of parliaments will address these underlying crimes in government evidently as before they assumed elected office in Labor & Liberal parliaments they'd made covenant with the psychopath inside themselves, to be willfully blind to their own Party Faithful terrorists, making them a danger to everyone in Australia.

Australia's new tourism slogan

AUSTRALIA SUX - we all know it, none are serious about fixing it.


ABOVE:  I proceeded as self represented applicant (plaintiff) to prove or disprove my theory that all Australians (regardless of race, religion, gender or political beliefs) are powerless against the "terrorist will" of the two major political parties - Labor & Liberal. The THEORY WAS CONFIRMED AS FACT, many times over. Every application I made failed under claim from respondent that my application was an abuse of process, despite my evidence that proved respondent had acted criminally against me.

My theory was confirmed as fact many times over - all Australians are powerless against the "terrorist will" of the two major political parties - Labor & Liberal.  See for yourself: If the falsely named "justice system" complied with the Rule of Law then every case that has a publicly available document should have all the documents linked to the case number and case name on google searches, electronically - without fees for searches & document copy. (Electronic links cost nothing. Only cost for this my website are registration fee for domain names which have inexplicably increased in past 20 years from $1 annually to almost $30.) They don't as every department is used exclusively and  unconstitutionally as revenue raiser to strengthen the political party in control of parliament.

  1. To apply for a sealed or unsealed copy of record in a jurisdiction other than probate please email or attend a Court Services location and make the application over the counter. Please note you will need to pay a fee for lodging an application for a certificate of record. See,for%20a%20certificate%20of%20record.

  2. Form 76A Application to Registrar for Reduction/Remission of Court Fees.


  4. When I asked to appeal from this illegal statute barred decision I was told it would cost me almost $100 as they had no fee waiver. They refused to look at my request for internal review on the matter of unconstitutionality. Its not that I don't know the law, its that they intentionally ignore Australian law. So I went to Supreme Court registry which is also District Court registry, asked to speak to Registrar to lodge a claim against the SACAT ruling, they sent out a female to talk to me who had an expression on her face as if she'd just shit in her pants - the Registrar refused to allow me to file anything. I sent emails to governor & Attorney-General who both have powers within the Act. My emails remain unanswered, sent to the two officials who oversee lawful operation of SACAT & South Australian Civil And Administrative Tribunal Act 2013.

  5. Governor -

  6. Attorney-General

My family tree says the real Uhtred of Bamburgh is in my 31st generation as a grandparent, along with almost 2,000 other known grandparents in my 31st generation.

My female mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA and mDNA) H1bb is rare, relatively speaking in the world of Archaeogenetics the study of ancient DNA. Our female ancestor or her family known as Saxons of 300 BCE (before current era or BC) travelled west from Europe to East Kent Ancient England;  she was living in Angle Ely Cambridgeshire 550 CE known as Angles; Post Roman Era she was native Briton living in Sussex in that pre-Viking century at Worth Matravers Dorset England 600 CE known as Unelli (France) and Celtic Durotriges; her son last visited the famous Viking Warrior ship, in Dublin Ireland 725 CE known as Norwegian Pictish Gael Viking; she was in Medieval Trondheim Norway 1200 CE known as Jute Angle; then south to England Ireland Scotland Wales before being bound for Queensland Australia 1800 CE. Only reason I have Norewigian dominent DNA is because my mtDNA ancestor was stolen from Wessex during the Viking raides. My Internet based family tree says I'm one of many descendants from this Saxon King Alfred as  31st GGand 32nd GG some 300 years prior in different family line on my male parents maternal side I'm 43rd GG of another Saxon King in Sussex.  The only reason I was born in Australia was because descendants of those Viking savagers still controlled all of England with gross incompetence in their parliament, forcing my recent ancestors from Scotland Ireland and England -> Now 1,200 long years after Vikings raiders invaded England and stole her from her family their male descendants control EVERY  KINGDOM - across this lawless planet locked colony we casually refer to as civilized Earth yet they still rape the women & children stealing their lands revealing the only reason their ancestors wanted control 1,200 years ago was to freely rape women & children at their leasure. Spinless wankerism passed on in their Y-DNA.

no spell check on this website presently, due to illegal 3rd party activity

They surgically & gender raped me many times -> with their total control of 'The Crown' they refuse me access to their fake legal system set up to make them accountable, mockingly called de-mocracy,  their justice system.  We have only one genepool we're all related, its just that through my maternal and paternal  I can prove how I'm related as someone researched link between to Europe's BCE royals, life happens. Modern DNA matches me to very many of those in my FSO Internet family tree - so quite falsifying FSO  family records its the history of all of us. Research your link for yourself, unless you're already dead it will give you gratitude, joy & peace. As you research you may notice FREEMASONS & POLITICAL PARTY FAITHFUL today are just as threatening as the Vikings of King Alfred'd era - not outlaw bikers - outlaw bikies don't control the police departments or the medical system or the court system or private rental increases or publichousing. The PARTY FAITHFUL, the WESTMINSTER GHOST-ARMY they are the major threat to you personally each and every day because you finance them with taxes as they hide behind legislation they dispense ensuring tha only they recieve just treatment under.  If the Labor Liberal Freemason governments were NOT a threat to each & every one of us then I would have had no need to publish this website and my books because I'd have no evidence proving they are terrorist enemies of all of us in Australia. Take our payment systems for example. When we changed to EFTPOS (electronic funds transfer point of sale) I was in my 30s we were told the electronic system would be exactly like cash and you'd get access to your money anywhere. Recently, I was unable to withdraw money from my own bank account to put in a birthday card without making a purchase for something I didn't need. Remonds me of how it used to be for all women in AUSTRALIA up until 1984 - regardless of how old women were, we needed written conscent from husband or father to withdraw our own money from our own account. How many cash withdrawal machines ate there in your area that take your card? I have ANZ & Westpac cards, there's no EFTPOS machines or branches in my areathat take my cards. I need to travel 15 minutes by vehicle to access one. The supermatkeerts no longer let you withdraw without making a purchase. You do know electronic banking means ANYONE can access where you will be to do your weekly shopping or buy petrol or go for entertainment. Its a breach of privacy you allow that could cause you threat to your life and the welfare of your family. Anyone with hacking skills can electronically know your spending habits. We live in communities trusting others won't assault us or kill us - trust, like door locks, only keep honest people away from you. If you transfer from one account to another through the alleged safe OSKO system it never works on the weekend. We should have termonals everywhere that tell us the balance in our account and let us deposit or withdraw, else we should go back to the cash system of payments let us decide when we want to use EFTPOS not the government. You've been blinded by many false promises and the lure of a better life if you go along with illegal practices of your own terrorist government. the lure is as real as the quantum global financial system where money is invisibe  therefore it doesn't exist. 1980 when I was almost 25 Australia's  Federal Government 's sponsored cancer research informed us in a series of television and radio advertisements that "the cure for cancer is five years away" begging for public donations to increase research. Instead of a cure for cancer we have hundreds of remote controlled human implants that can be used as implantable human  torture devices for our government who refuse to admit these devices even exist.  D.N.A. IS ALL for the parasitic worthless pieces of shit who are the men of our 21st century elected parliament in Australia. Its this incompetence in Government that's become the engine of the emigration, abandonment of ones birth country & loss of natural resources. Each side of my mid 1800s FARE paying family suffered the death of a child on ship from England to Australia for the promise of a better life that I have not evidence now 150 years later, below my grandmother's Chursh of England Christian grandmother, Rebecca, suffered the death of her first born Sarah. My children and myself, jointly & seperately have been forced into homelessness by illegal Government practice-policy & denied access to other governmnet services - including Centrelink payments & healthcare & policing crime - BECAUSE -  we reported organized FREEMASON crimes to Government police departments & police officers. I have false teeth because of FREEMASON GOVERNMENT crimes inflicted on me since my 1960s primary school years. I've had the same set of false teeth for almost 30 years because of the very same REEMASON GOVERNMENT crimes.  They're Quantun Theory crimes - if the government refuse to acknowledge these chrimes then these crimes don't exist. Australia's 21st century parliment members & their allowed Government policy are unconstitutional governments & unconstitutional policy that undermine prior and present enactments of parliament - likewise their immigration policy to fil positions in medical industry & public office appears to be engineered specifically to strengthen domestic terrorism. Proved herewith!

Rebecca's husband's grandparent's first child (John BARBER, born Campsey Ash, Suffolk England, 1788) was the only one of that family to emmigrate to Australia from Suffolk England (unknown how or why) he died 1841 Goulburn NSW. If he was a "settler" he probably took his own life due to destitution going by content of this article in TROVE library record. Quote from history indicates little has changed in Australia in the ensuing 180 years only difference is the scale of our economy, our income is higher but everything costs lots more negating any increase in income for most of us, except the chosen few. Quote:  " The Sydney Monitor and Commercial Advertiser (NSW : 1838 - 1841) Wed 20 Jan 1841, Page 2, (presumably a letter) "Goulburn. 9th January, 1841. Queer weather this? Governor wants Quit Rents—Ca'nt pay, got no money—where is it to come from ? Bad price for wool, bad crops, bad debts, bad bills, bad weather, bad croppies, every thing bad, except settler—him miserable ! Times very bad now—can't afford to buy tea, too dear—drink sifting coffee by and bye—will Governor take wool, beef, or mutton, for Quit Rent ? Sell 'em cheap here—can't afford to take 'em to Sydney—lost enough already—soon sell all—go home, and DIE !!!"    Presumably "home" is England. No name for the author, wonder if it was John BARBER.

Hundreds of government public officers within Australia’s national Commonwealth government & two States (NSW & SA) have misappropriated millions of taxpayer funds to criminally pervert the course of justice & due administration of law, to physically & seriously mutilate & disfigure me & my "all-white" family members, to unconstitutionally marginalize us and silence us, to divide & estrange us from each other, to falsify thousands of government records – not merely ‘just’ defaming me. They’ve expended thousands of hours of time & resources specifically to cover up the murder of a senior retired police officer accompanying me inside Camden NSW John Street "white-police" station as he was giving his "white-man" evidence to support my "white-woman" evidence of me being (child to adult) eye-witness to long history of “white-Freemason” child rape & murder of “white-children” in greater Sydney outer "white-city" region. 

Which part of that isn’t prima facie crime or worthy of being plastered across national & global printed newspapers or dominating Australia’s national television or internet news broadcasts instead of the inconsequential USA election freak's sideshow?  

But wait there's more, so much more. I came to South Australia in 2004 to be in position to sue Misfeasant public officers from New South Wales only to discover by experience that The State of South Australia have proved that their *Law Society, are professionally and criminally incapable of ensuring their soliciting lawyers are certified & practise as constitutionally compliant soliciting lawyers for the State and Federal legal systems, when enforced in the State of South Australia.  Which means no lawyer in Adelaide will represent me  in any court on these unconstitutional matters to uphold Federal law (Commonwealth interests) where these infringements inder the Federal Health systems (Medicare) have no legal defence whatsoever and are essentially all terrorism centric. Or simply stated - they're all proud terrorists in Adelaide. 

There's a secret



©2024 Janette Gail FRANCIS


  • it's not about race politics or religion, never has been. Its about concealing long 300 year history of Freemasons child rape ... because police, lawyers & judges in Australia all refuse to do their job in preference to personal alliances, jingoism & nepotism; "the pot calling the kettle black"  watch Australians flock in droves like flies to fake honour Remembrance Day on 11 November & Anzac Day on 25 April - being afraid to stand up against terrorism has exactly same effect of fully supporting or funding terrorism.  Don't just say no to domestic political terrorism, yell it.

  • The story of Merlin & King Arthur is so popular because the scenario reoccurs in all recorded history where a small group are the only ones honestly fighting tyranny.

  • They’re Australia’s Taliban. Males & females each individually & collective possessed with God complex that includes an insatiable psychopathic need due to the sexual arousal that ensues from having the total power to secretly control those around them with their own set of unreasonable rules and by sadistic violence. Peppered amongst them are sycophantic masochists, persons sexually aroused by being a part of the oppressed whilst being close friends with the alpha sadists. From my first-hand experience at the hands of this group of lawless psychopaths, these are appropriate description of the majority people who are government public officers in Australia, if it were not accurate, then I wouldn’t have the documents to prove the inference in this website & in my 2024 Amazon book publications dating back to the 1980s.

  • Note: All reasonable psychiatrists will agree that psychopathy is associated with higher sexual arousal.

  • See also Who is in that photograph? The Federal Court refuses motion to strike out an allegedly vexatious claim for copyright infringement, Blog IP Whiteboard, King & Wood Mallesons. (Brothers in Arms Bikie Wars Simpson & Harvey Freemason Lies: Taurus Rising Australia Wildfire Abridged Hardcover – July 12, 2024 evidence compellingly indicates that the reason I haven't been able to secure a legal team to complete my 2014 Federal Court victory is because the respondents and their allies are & have been fixated on criminally undermining every aspect of my life, without exception.

Pic of mobile phone with Facebook post circa 1 November 2024. They can bring up proposed India religious holidays in AUSTRALIA's Federal Parliament but my Federal Member for Kingston (Kaurna country) Amanda Louise RISHWORTH the recalcitrant MP voice & LABOR party federal Minister for Centrelink refuses to bring up that I've been criminally surgical raped, mutilated & crippled by terrorists from India & that Federal & State police refuse to do anything about these ongoing serious terrorist threats undermining due process of Australian law, criminally undermining the provision of Legal Aid for civil lawsuits to pursue document proved MISFEASANCE IN PUBLIC OFFICE against several dozen State & Federal Government public officers, since at least 1959 - long long ago in a country town near Canberra ACT from a serious crime against the person of a toddler causing serious harm that is physical, inside a Federally owned building & before most of Canberra's 2024 terrorist parliament were born.  Proving only thing Australians professionally excel at is expertly covering up "white child" rape by Freemasons with 'misfeasance in public office' and 'criminal defamation' same sex-obsessed Freemasons who brought you the "stolen indigenous generations".

Pic FACEBOOK: BLATANT 100% lies from MP Andrew CHARLTON intentionally misleading federal parliament. I'm part of Australia, I've not heard of this religious observance, which like Christmas & Easter is unconstitutional infringing section 116 of Australia's federal Constitution thus: "The Commonwealth shall not make any law for establishing any religion, or for imposing any religious observance, or ..."  see

Clearly because they've been so successful (with YOUR CO-OPERATION) to silence and minimalise me whilst physically torturing me (congratulations for that arsewipes) Labor Party & the Federal Parliament intend to normalise India's misogynistic culture & cast system to blend into Australian culture & increase immigration from India to further increase the present India based medical terrorist army in Australia for the Australian Labor Party's political causes which included my surgical rape during the 1990s & which begun in 1991 by secretly & illegally abducting me from my residence in The Oaks NSW to secretly surgically rape me with implants in many locations along my spine when I was about 6 months pregnant & obviously very pregnant. Remember the cane toads & rabbits?

India qualified & Australia certified surgeon Mohamed AHMED a NSW State Hospital surgeon, on the unaltered MEDICARE AUSTRALIA evidence herewith, (includes my Medicare Individual Healthcare Identifier record [centre] where physicians are only authorized to access IHI record if they are providing a lawful medical service 31 Jan 2014 was when I was illegally incarcerated in Flinders Public Hospital nutter ward in Bedford Park in State of South Australia 1,500klm from NSW Health Department offices in Sydney NSW - on criminally false medical certificates from South Australia psychiatrists on orders that were illegal, successfully appealed & revoked and carry imprisonment penalty that none have had because they've all been illegally protected by FEDERAL parliament as medical terrorists) allowed,or did criminally conspire with physicians & psychiatrists in South AUSTRALIA, Adelaide, to illegally imprison me at State election time 2014. This AHMED is being illegally protected from criminal prosecution by the Federal Parliament of Australia & the Australian Labor Party part of the national Australia federal parliament organized Terrorist organization.

  1. I've been denied the legal right to sue the Government on the below crimes as self represented litigant.

  2. I've been unable to make contact with legal firms or lawyers willing to sue government on these "misfeasance in public office" torts under Common Law.

  3. My PAID advertisements of my YOUTUBE account were REFUSED by REFUND without explanation

  4. I've been denied exposure of these crimes on national television news.

  5. I've been denied access to advertisement space in nationally printed newspapers to seek honest lawyers.

  6. I've been denied access to other advertising like BIlLBOARDS to advertise for legal teams.

  7. AUSTRALIA's NSW & SOUTH AUSTRALIA & FEDERAL POLICE all claim by their actions or words that these extensive crimes in AUSTRALIA against my person are not crimes despite that they're causing me physical mutilations & disfigurement causing me ongoing crippling pain from pressure on nerves or entanglement through muscles.

  8. AUSTRALIA's psychopathically sadistic police department in ADELAIDE THE CITY OF CHURCHES claim that these TERRORIST crimes for a "political or ideological cause" are NOT crimes, that they're ONLY civil matters for which I must find & sue the offenders myself, after they secretly stole everything from me & denied me access to legal system to sue in NSW & denied me access to employment since they criminally defamed me in 1989, when aged 33 (ironically same age Jesus was claimed crucified.)



This website is clearly FREE EVIDENCE BASED INFORMATION - its about poor choices made by about 200 police officers who decided to make many more poor choices to cover up their original poor choices, problem is all these poor choices rely on physically torturing innocent persons for past 40 years with sadistically illegal Cochlear Ear implants & all of body antennas, generating significant financial gain for individual high profile FEDERAL & STATE parliamentarians & their FREEMASON medical terrorist secret sponsors.

Police are criminally aided in all their crimes by their parliaments. Its not just police they're the puppets of parliament's LABOR & LIBERAL Party - LABOR being the worst offenders. They're backed by the national criminal network of FREEMASONS. This statement is proved true by inference on the evidence of the many crimes against me because I witnessed FREEMASON crimnes from child to adult being the daughter of a master Freemason.

I’m one of the tortured.  Their physicians use 'Manchurian Candidate' styled illegal talking-ear implats drilled into their target's skull through the ear canal leaving a wound that resembles a burst pimple, this procedure may or may not necessitate sadistically entwining other life-threatening infection & cancer causing antenna cable implants throughout their person for illegal remote operation. 
Police and the court ignore my legal rights as citizen refusing to accept the 2014 decision of a Federal Court Judge in the matter. Evidently, some unidentified pack of mongrels are illegally threatening lawyers with harm to illegally block my right to access to lawyer represented litigation & my legal right to safe removal of illegal implants which are literally crippling me with pain.Its also reasonable to presume all your cancer research donations are funnelled to this 'political cause' terrorism project. Australian police and other Government officials - they're absolute terrorist scum who misappropriate taxpayer funds to cover up their own crimes & give each other medals, awards & employment advantages for being the best terrorist scum of all.

They all belong in  terrorist prison.

Selfie to prove I was there: Janette Gail FRANCIS 2024-11-01 at about 2:50pm inside THE HUGE Sturt Road SA Police Station after spokesperson BROWN 75184 for SAPOL insisted the below linked document of 145 pages of CRIMINAL DEFAMATION evidence are NOT Australian crimes. Evidently because police participate in the crimes. I suspect they're all hiding under desks or in kitchen.

Note: that's my natural grey-darkbrown hair colour.  This photo also demonstrates that at age 68 its now very obvious my face has been criminally mutilated with illegal silicone fillers & cables in my lips (as seen in my youtube video) to give me the "drawstring deceased look" - another serious politically motivated crime by NSW police that SA police & FEDERAL police unconstitutionally refuse to acknowledge, in concert.

Sturt Police - 333 Sturt Rd, Bedford Park SA 5042. (08) 8207 4700

Evidently, acrynm for State alleged "independent" police department, SAPOL, represents South Australia Politics not South Australia Police. Therefore that department must be renamed South Australia Law Enforcement with no ambigious acrynm. Govertnment public officers who refuse to adhere to the letter of Australian law must be imprisioned under martial law as terrorists including the below past or present elected members of parliament, HILL, PICTON, RISHWORTH, KOUTSANTONIS, etc.

"Under the amended Defence Act 1903 (Cth) the Federal Government now has the power to call out the armed forces on domestic soil against perceived threats to 'Commonwealth interests', with or without the agreement of a state government."If ever there was that sort of "Commonwealth interests" its this matter, now well past the point of no return for the governments of Australia - these last (2) months of 2024 will prove or disprove to you (my fellow voters) my herewiith evidenced allergations that Australia is a terrorist nation, controlled by a Tripartizan of (3) terrorist organizations named - Labor Liberal, Freemason & whether the year 2000 amendments were intended to protect honest Australians from terorists or to protect our Triipartizan of terrorists against honest Australians. With this knowledge, you may now see that I've intentionally progressively & legally beaten the ground before me to corral our terrorist enemy into a corner from which they can only emerge showing their true nature. Rest assured Australia's Prime Minister Anthony ALBANESE and the Federal Police know about this website because I've used the words "secret war" & the words "terrorist" or "terrorism" about 250 times in this website & I've sent them links to my websites over the years since 2005 via their Labor & Liberal websites as well as their Facebook pages.  When faced with a secret war one must react legally & loudly as possible. They use 'divide & conquor' being only one person I use 'overwhelm' it acts like a poultice drawing out the 'pack rape' or 'bully' mentality thereby exposing their true nature as terrorists. The more vulnerable & outnumbered an Australian is before Government the more they show their true nature as they feel safe within their own 6th schizophrenic delusion of grandeur - that they've fooled an entire country. This is why so many of my ancestors won so many battles despite being overwhelmingly outnumbered - tactical wit, its in the DNA. See also ('classic' is lawful link name)

Because some of the best known authors and poets are said to be my cousins - in literary imagery: Psychopathic barbarian hordes of worthless loser criminals from Sydney, Canberra, & Adelaide AUSTRALIA being part of the Party Faithful or Freemason families, they decided to bury themselves in a hole when they attempted to cover up their own family history of Political or Freemason child rape crimes. Realizing they were drowning in their own shit they grabbed me because I’m from a similar DNA gene-pool, they threw me and my 100% innocent family into their hole so they could climb on top of us to save their worthless selves.

Make no mistake Labor & Liberal zealots are not just controlling Australia’s governments with lies, as proved in their own documents herewith - they’re secretly warring against voters, they’re abusing their positions to secretly criminally defame voters as mentally ill who legally speak against their secret sex crimes & other secret criminal practices, they’re employing physicians to secretly physically mutilate those voters like me, and extensively brainwash others to sadistically divide families - my family! With or without their macabre grins Labor & Liberal zealots, legally, logically & factually they are irrefutably, undeniably & irrevocably secret enemy terrorists of Australia & they all belong in prison.

Below top right: These two photos of me demonstrate crooked fringe, that's because I have a n attractive cowlick in my hairline as demonstrated in the more recent (grey hair) images of me above, inside 333 Sturt Road Bedford Park SAPOL cult office where circa 2005 the local newspaper reported police officers answered a phone call from a child to retrieve the child's ball (sporting kind) from child's neighbour's backyard. Child must have been from the SAPOL police family. I simply never wanted the attention of looking attractive as a young woman. I wanted people to like me for my personality, not how I looked.

Note: Persons defined as INTJ personality may often be misunderstood as narcisstic because we speak in facts. I took the test that told me I'm an INTJ personality.Also be aware that only the person concerned can label themselves as mentally ill as only they know their own mind. Persons who seek to label others tend to be controlling narcissists. Its OK to label actions, not OK to label individuals.  There's nothing I've written or done that can legally be defined as clinically delusional or paranoid because everythuibg I've written or done has been based on facts in evidence and already written into Australian law. No evidence proves a person delusional simply because they say they have illegal implants. No evidence proves a person paranoid simply because they say they witnessed a persons murder. Any person who believes or says the saying is the evidence is not a fit & proper person to be a Government public officer or registered physician or nurse - which is everyone else in this matter. Also be aware that only the person concerned can label themselves as only they know their own mind. Persons who seek to label others tend to be controlling narcissists. Its OK to label actions, not OK to label individuals.  There's nothing I've written or done that can legally be defined as clinically delusional or paranoid because everythuibg I've written or done has been based on facts in evidence and already written into Australian law. No evidence proves a person delusional simply because they say they have illegal implants. No evidence proves a person paranoid simply because they say they witnessed a persons murder. Any person who believes or says the saying is the evidence is not a fit & proper person to be a Government public officer or registered physician or nurse - which is everyone else in this matter. Paranoia is perfectly normal & perfectly healthy.Its paranoia that makes us lock our doors to secure our family & possessions.Unquestionable trust is insanity.

Psychologists and psychiatrists are inflicted with the "a little knowledge is a dangerious thing" trait. A "dangerious empath" isn't an empath at all. Empathetic people have the power to feel. Psychopaths are the only ones with the joyful will to inflict. Empath meaning derives from the word empathy. If you have the ability to emotionally feel someone else's pain you're not able to inflict that sort of pain on anyone, that's a controlling trait shared amongst sadistic psychopathic narcissts who only have the ability to feel their own emotional pain. From the evidence in this website sadistic psychopathic narcisstic BEHAVIOUR is 'best practice' in Government public office despite that these traits have already beed outlawed. Persons demonstrating these traits must be excluded from Government or closely monitored & made fully accountable whenever they stray from the tight empathic constraints in Australian law - specificially police officers and physicians should be under a 'one strike you're out' rule.

10 HONEST police are 100% better than 6,000 TERRORIST ONES.

They All Belong in Prison         


political deceptions are engineered to never be obvious or simplistic.

As the daughter of Australian Master Mason I know pure evil is FREEMASON centric and that its maintained by the political parties Labor & Liberal, they feed off each other to ensure each other remain a permanent fixture illegally controlling Government.

‘If it wasn’t a true story it would be hard to believe much of what you see and hear in Evil Angels. How on earth could Lindy Chamberlain have been convicted on evidence so dubious the judge did everything but order the jury to acquit her? On the night of 17 August 1980, mother-of-three Lindy Chamberlain watches a dingo carry her baby daughter, Azaria, from a tent near Uluru (then known as Ayers Rock) in central Australia. Azaria’s body is never found. A Northern Territory coroner’s inquest clears Lindy and her husband, Pastor Michael Chamberlain of any wrongdoing. Convinced the Chamberlains are guilty, police led by Detective Charlwood use questionable forensic findings and circumstantial evidence to charge Lindy with murder and Michael with being an accessory. On 15 September 1988, following the chance discovery of critical new evidence, Lindy’s conviction is quashed and the case declared a miscarriage of justice.’ (Richard Kuipers)

After Lindy CHAMBERLAIN Australia’s FREEMASONS fixated their full attention on me (since November 1988) a person with impeccable character who was eyewitness to FREEMASON murders and ongoing history of FREEMASON protected child rape, they generated a false storybook (Brothers In Arms the inside story...) about a fake 1984 FREEMASON murder victim (Leanne WALTERS) using my adult biometric identity to describe her as a retarded child slut and that’s how they’ve defamed me since 1989. So insane and inbred are these families that when I was with my young school children in Belmore Park GOULBURN NSW (2004) near our residence, some of their high school police-family children started chanting at me with, "DINGO TOOK MY BABY." Australia is controlled by pure evil, psychopathic terrorists who undermine and manipulate due process of law for their own causes in our parliaments in our police departments in our judicial system and in our medical industry, they’re also known as FREEMASONS.

I'm Janette Gail FRANCIS. I've no relationship whatsoever with Lindy CHAMBERLAIN, apart from also being target of Auzzie Government terrorists. I decided to relocate interstate to South Australia from Goulburn after a group of police family senior Mulwaree high school boys surrounded my 12 year old daughter, at school, in her first year of high school saying words to this effect, “We’re going to rape you because you’re a slut just like your mother.” That was mid 2004, I’d been targeted for a series of false arrests and subjected to illegal court appearances in Goulburn so I pulled both my children out of school they remained unschooled for the rest of 2004 before we left Goulburn for Adelaide where State and Federal police both refuse to look into police crimes as federal terrorism but I decided to stay in the one place and dig my heels in gathering evidence against the Government. Nothing has been legally resolved because the Government refuse to recognize my rights as a citizen and I don’t have a legal team behind me which would have been Lindy CHAMBERLAIN’s future if not for her church standing by her. Interestingly NSW Education Department didn't bother to check on the welfare of my truant children.  As I’ve said often, I have no religion and nothing, I repeat “nothing” I’ve experienced in my life has proved otherwise. I’m as “white” as any resident of Australia. The events ‘I can prove’ that’ve transpired in the lives of my family since 24 April 1988 prove 100% that ‘due process of law’ in Australia has no reference to any matter written into Australian law. Its not about discrimination based on race, not religion, not gender, not politics. Access to any manner of opportunity or due process of law in Australia only relies these four factors and only these four - on who you’re sexually active with; who you’re DNA related to; who you associate with; and whomever you’ve pissed off. Australia is as ‘terrorist occupied’ as any country can get. Like I wrote “I can prove” and that (I strongly suspect) is why I was saved by the ‘others’ from otherwise certain death inside my HR Holden on about 3 January 1977, so I could live to prove it.

Since they evidently the South Australia (SA) faction realized I wasn’t the nutter the NSW faction claimed me to be & now it was obvious I had ample evidence against the SA faction, and I’m not one to be threatened, they’ve decided to go after anyone in my family I had contact with to turn them against me, convincing my family I don’t have illegal implants, and I have no evidence against the Government therefore I’m a nutter. Me knowing my family have been medically brainwashed (evidently) by Australia’s prominent health department means I won’t ever be angry at my family no matter how horrible they treat me because they “know not what they do”. Everything these half-witted terrorists do to me (in their City of Churches - Adelaide SA) makes me look like their Jesus returned.   (*≧▽≦)σ

I was born during gale-force winds. From child to adult I have been mysteriously saved from otherwise certain death many times and despite not being very adventitious. Granville train disaster saved me from media attention after my obvious motor vehicle accident ‘miracle’. Azaria Chamberlain and her parents and their associates have, without conscious effort, helped me and many others like me prove Australian officials are terrorists. Many others have risked or given their own life to preserve mine. My life events prove there are forces working around us not engineered by people, that is the reality that we all know only those with religion choose to create their own gods its evident way back in Ancient Egypt, thousands of years ago. People choose to remain in denial of the ‘no God’ reality, over what they see perhaps from fear of the unknown and resentment of potential having give up the control that religion provides. Its obvious that there is no Egyptian God pulling the sun across the sky with his chariot, and there is no ‘Creator God’ listening when Christians and others pray before they kill each other for the “love” of a “kind God” - all of that is obvious absurdity. Most of us know there sure is something at play seemingly attempting to eradicate evil on planet Earth. I am not your Jesus returned or any other historical player on the religion stage, I am however a person whose 100% human DNA, dictates that my brain only functions on logic. I am just another person tuned into their surroundings, one of their messengers with their own documented evidence of pure evil controlling your falsely alleged fair Government. I have proof not an empty theory – proof laid out in front of you to see, open your eyes directly linked to your brain and take this knowledge.

If you choose to deny reality so be it, but now, you can never claim you have not been told. Choose to live by facts alone.

  1. Secrets are the enemy of truth and due process of law. Above images: prove irrefutably that I've been targeted with assaults that are causing me serious harm that is physical. Serious harm means: harm that endangers a person's life; harm that results in serious impairment of physical or mental function; or harm that results in serious disfigurement. Wonder why it is I can't get a lawyer in Adelaide to sue those clearly responsible for causing me ONGOING "serious harm" causing me physical injury not limited to my inability to walk without pain? Because of illegal implants entwined around both my legs (evidently to create inverted rabbit ear antenna) which Seaford Meadows GPAXIS Pty Ltd supported terrorist physician (since 2018) UK immigrant on a work visa, Alison Barbara Jane COLE, claimed illegal implants in my head and leg are my "delusion"  - in her falsified medical certificate under her Federal payment stream from Medicare Australia. And wonder why(wilfully infringingsection 5 of the State Police Act)Christies Beach & Aldinga police station officers refuse to charge these medical terrorists in private-industry and State Government public-office?  Not sure of their intent, however its noteworthy that evidently when they feel threatened my medical terrorist stalkers vibrate the part of my head where you usually see a deaf persons external cochlear implant plug (above & behind the left outer ear). I am fully aware that they attempt to alter my memories by manipulating my dreams, creating role playing as psychologists do for persons with bad memories they chose to forget. These terrorists at the other end of my illegal COCHLEAR IMPLANT attempt to implant false memories. I do know they've been successful in that on some of my family members - indicating that its not just me with an illegal ear implant in my head.

  2. If you have a dream you don't like you can change it because its your dream  ---->>>>  but if you are having dreams you can't change then that's a very strong indicator you most probably have an ILLEGAL COCHLEAR IMPLANT. On the evidence of my medical mutilations its 100% certain there's an entire department dedicated to illegal dream memory manipulation & that dear reader is where YOUR donations for any Australian medical research is secretly funnelled by Labor & Liberal supported corporate medical terrorist entities.

  3. Surely Aldings police are mot misfeasant because (2000 appointed) 2006 retired Aldinga police station commander Andy MINNIS (failed 2006 Liberal FISHER candidate) is DNA family related to pysician involved in Radiology evidence medical crimes since 5 May 2006, physican ENT specialist and 2022 Queen's Honours cereal-box list medical terrorist Neville Lister MINNIS who from his UNLEY, ENT specialist’s medical practise in May 2006 informed me the infection next to my brain around the illegal implant, "it’s normal" pointing to the grape-bunch like image on the BENSON RADIOLOGY 5 May 2006 MRI film of my head but omitting to say it was an infection caused by a non-biological foreign item inside my head. How can I prove he said that? I can't. I can prove he prescribed me penicillin and declined any follow-up MRI scans of my head to monitor (medical industry expected) high probability of further life-threatening infection next to my brain. Essentially ENT MINNIS has conspired with others in police department to murder me by premeditated medical neglect. It would appear that nowhere else in Australia are so many medical terrorist 'family related' to and illegally protected by so many high profile Government officials in both LABOR Party & LIBERAL Party Government. Adelaide - is obviously documents proven arsehole of Australia where only shit happens to the law-abiding good people as terrorists are rewarded with promotion, honours awards & news industry accolades. Andrew MINNIS & SAPOL  Andy MINNIS &Parliament

  4. I bet you're wondering how MINNIS managed promotion to head of a police station within only (four) 4 years after being appointed to the South Australia police department? Me too. Perhaps he's followed me from NSW as one of the police stalkers who murdered Jack BASSET then had me surgically mutilated (raped) because I am the only honest eyewitness to senior retired NSW police officer Jack BASSET's Sunday 24 April 1988 evening murder inside Camden NSW John Street police station as he gave evidence against FREEMASONS to support my eyewitness evidence of FREEMASON history of child rape & murder in NSW. Jack BASSET was my family friend since my 1956 birth in COOMA NSW where he was a uniformed police officer & FREEMASON friend of my male parent. NSW Government terrorists falsely claim Jack BASSET shot himself. Obviously I'm the only person brave enough to force justice for Jack BASSET against his police officer killers. How many other police suicides or shooting accidents were murder? Like the one in Campbelltown NSW police station & Raymond-Terrace NSW police station shortly after my visits to report these Camden NSW police crimes.

  5. Terrorists like those stalking me for past 40 years have demonstrated their joy in medically mutilating several of my domestic dogs & cats & feeding them things that make them I'll. They murdered Samson, my 10 year old Kelpie cattle-dog cross on 30 April 1988 who was physically protecting me from Peter BRADBURY (the 24 April 1988 killer of Jack BASSET) when he broke into my residence to drug & attack me in concert with my long term partner, Owen HALL (1964-2010). That's the one I remember - shortly before that I found my old K9 friend sitting alone, clearly depressed with all his K9 teeth snapped off. Little dog I have now has been medically mutilated in its throat so that it sounds like a bulldog, the implant or procedure intermittently causes the little dog to evidently be choking and struggling to breath making the most blood-curdling sounds she cowers beside me as she's obviously in fear for her life. This is how psychopathic these creeps are, they have no barriers to their sadism.

  6. Is this the murdering Government every Australian wants? You claim to detest Russia & Putin yet you're the same. Only the weather is warmer here.

  7. These TRIPARTIZANS TERRORISTS are unable to psychologically 'break' me with their crimes so they cheat to win parliament & suppress the truth of what they do to people like me who have evidence of their child-rape & murder crimes. Let’s briefly peek into my DNA expanded later. We get 50% of our DNA from each parent, but the division is not same between grandparents, you may have more of one than the other. I never knew my mum's dad until the year he died in 1964 as he was very much a loner, like me. Mother’s (male) family name is STRACHAN. According to FSO website (sometimes inaccurate) Oldest known male STRACHAN ancestor was born c1788 in Aberdeenshire he married an Isabel INKSON of Morayshire, her oldesrt recorded INKSON ancestor was born c1655 in Banffshire (between the shires of Moray & Aberdeen) and her mother's paternal gransmother & maternal gradndfather are recorded with 1700s family name ROY, probably related to (the) Rob Roy MacGREGOR my maternal 8th great gransfather in mum's mum's family tree, RR is also a (royal) STEWART CAMPBELL. Scotland's Clan GREGOR expelled me from my MacGregor clan because I was "too political" pursuing these matters because Clan GREGOR is now controlled by FREEMASONS, proving Clan GREGOR is a front as just another fake charity that's really a FREEMASON terrorist income stream.) According to MTA DNA website, I have about 130 matches listed as Germanic, about 180 matches listed as Saxon, about 40 listed as Carolingian, about 30 matches in Viking ICELAND, about 35 in 225 BCE Pocklington York Ancient BRITONS (of 1500 total MTA DNA matches) 40 Pictish ancient DNA matches with (Balintore & other) Picts in a graveyard this general region. As you can see they're all from same general region.  I also have DNA matches to at least one Vandal leader. Holy Roman Empire were unable to subdue the Picts and the Vandals are the ones who sacked Rome destroying the Holy Roman Empire we know in history. King Robert de BRUCE is listed as my 20th, 21st, 22nd & 23rd Great Grandfather. I'm also Great Uncle related to the rival he murdered John Comyn III whose seemingly also from Aberdeenshire. Lady Marjorie COMYN countess of DUNBAR is my (FSO) 22nd Great Grandmother. John BALLIOL King of Scotland Lord of Galloway is listed as my 2nd cousin 21 times removed (same time period.) King William of 1066 England is listed as my 31st Great Grandfather. My dominent DNA is Norway & boat burial in Iceland male 1000 CE identified as "STT-A2" but my genetically closest match is female 300 BCE in Iron Age Oxfordshire Yarnton England identified as "I21178". I love the knowledge. Since Australia's libraries dominated entries on FSO and I've published that I have an FSO family tree link, I've been suspiciously related to a bloke they called Snori Sturluson - he's obviously one of the seven fictitious dwarfs of Iceland. My FSO claims pre-date the Council invasion & Wikiesq perversion of FSO. They're simply untrustworthy noted by the influs of artificial intelligence fake-historical photo blends. I contacted a couple of jerks adding fake entries to my family tree when they've absolutly no linked relationship, FSO don't care all they care about is the size of the database not what matters, true facts, Americans oversize just about everything.


This is a tiny speck of what the Labor Party does in secret to 'dishonestly & unconstitutionally' win control of parliament as medical terrorists.

Liberal Party watch in silence.

Since late 1990s, someone anchored strands of thin cable through my arms. When I bend my right elbow from underneath, I can see one strand with the thickness of standard fishing line, being alerted to its location by nerve pain in 2024. In June 2012 I had a nerve conduction test on my lower arms because I am experiencing up to 100% numbness in both arms and fingers when I bend my elbows. The test proved nerve damage. In response to me insisting on the test & also claiming vibrations in my tailbone where I found illegal surgical stitches in May 1991. These GP Plus Government, general medical contractors, illegally banned me from attending the clinic at GP Plus Super Clinic in Noarlunga (this partnership also owns Christies Beach Medical Centre 100 Beach Road). I had written and telephoned the (then mid 40s) Federal Health Minister Ms Nicola Louise ROXON MP and my (then & still) Federal member in Federal parliament (then mid 40s) Ms Amanda Louise RISHWORTH MP & 2012 South Australia (SA) *illegally elected State Health Minister because he'd already been convicted as Fathers' Day 1984 Milperra NSW killer of seven persons in the 1980s along with other motorcycle club members of Bandidos & Comancheros in NSW -  therefore he's presumed NSW (State) witness protection recipient, also known as Bandidos Motorcycle Club member Lance WELLINGTON - these days he's part of the University of South Australia executive, his alias in 2012 (early 60s) Mr John David HILL MP. Presently in 2024 SA  Health Minister is (early 40s) Mr Christopher James PICTON MP who at the material times of my valid appeals for parliamentary assistance to address this medical terrorism, he was employed by each of the 3 State and Federal members of parliament above, PICTON has responded to my pleas for parliamentary assistance as my FELLOW WHITE-FELLA-VOICE IN PARLIAMENT by unconstitutionally ignoring my reasonable correspondence exactly same as the other 3 had done many times. These four Members of their Parliaments all became ministers, evidently in exchange for agreeing to be medical terrorists. They were at the material times (presumably still are) voting members of the Australian Labor Party who evidently had all caucused with other Labor members to agree to participate in these medical crimes by ignoring my constitutional right to parliamentary representation despite that the illegal implants entwined inside me from head to toe are and have been physically harming me since at least May 1991 when I was visibly pregnant with my 5th Australian-born child, all of these children had been targeted for medical terrorist crimes as small children. I still have nerve damage, only now after the ensuing 12 years it’s much worse and no physician I’ve consulted with take me seriously, evidently as they too are part of medical terrorism that’s gripped Australia since nanotechnology became accepted as being part of medical procedure.

*Same as dual citizenship, convicted killers are Constitutionally prohibited from being elected.


SOUTH AUSTRALIA conspiracy to murder me by planned medical misfeasance

Medical Terrorists Grant Funded by Labor Party in 2011

followed film grants to same terrorist cult from NSW & FEDERAL governments in 2012, who in 1989 identified me by my face as one of John David HILL's 1984 murder victims, Leanne Gaye WALTERS (the bitch never existed it was a fake child murder - or was it?  The fake 1984 murders were in Labor Prime Minister Paul KEATING's federal electorate when he was Treasurer controlling Aiustralia's purse strings, he was PM when I was extensivly surgically raped.)

 2011 my left ear above closed with infection after being refused medical treatment for the infection for about 12 months from every medical centre I attended in the Kaurna & Kingston electorates. Still no police action in 2024 and still no access to the court system to sue any of these medical terrorists for Consumer Law infringements & damages in defamation.

Vic has pub on every corner in SA its terrorist medical centres who refuse to recognise I have illegal implants.

  1. Christies Beach.

  2. Huntfield Heights.

  3. Drs Rd Morphett Vale.

  4. Seaford DayNight near beach.

  5. Seaford Meadows.

  6. Seaford Heights.

  7. Moana.

  8. Aldinga.

  9. McLaren Vale Family Practice.

  10. Glenelg Family Practice.

Above: 2011 Federal member for Kingston photographed in her Labor Party newsletter giving huge grant to one of the medical centres who refused me treatment when I presented with red face from severe infection from illegal implants, illegally banned me because I filed complaint to medical board, who refused to investigate (yet another)illegally diagnosing by mostly immigrant physicians medical centre in Seaford, of South Australia.

How can four medical centres in two kilometer radius not be too many in Seaforfd SA? 

Above: my forehead circa 2017 showing evidence of an illegal (vibrating) implant and the bruise on my right eye caused by the vibrations of my eyelid on my eye as I was sleeping in 2018 shortly after physician (immigrant on work visa) Alison Barbara Jane COLE claimed I was delusional by believing the mark on my forehead was an illegal implant in concert with Transport Department who on that basis illegally cancelled my drivers licence (docs herewith) COLE claimed forehead implant evidence as "rash" swore to that (perjury) in 2019 affidavit proving she had criminally defamed me in 2018 in State records with full illegal support of Labor Party Government including Supreme Court terrorist Ms Judge Katrina BOCHNER who claimed COLE had a legal right to deem me "delusional" for insisting I have illegal implants in my head and leg. Like I've said they don't bother to reference Australian law as legal rights are allocated on popularity. I've never been popular as I'm unable to silently suffer fools & arseholes.

Above: my left ear in 2007 proving swelling above outer ear - an illegal implant cable & basis I was illegally drugged by aggravated criminal assault by 7 persons @ Ashford private hospital emergency entry 21 March 2007, I showed physician Mr Shane GOODYEAR this illegal implant causing him to panic by criminally attacking me and my child but claimed I assaulted him with a "gun" NETLEY POLICE OFFICERS believed my assailant over me & my adult child as they didn't bother to take our statement, even when I presented to Netley police staion days later. District court judge in my 2012 Anti-Discrimination lawsuit decided I  had assaulted GOODYEAR with gun because Crown Solicitor had GOODYEAR's false document in there record for five years secreted from me so must be true. Like I said there was no police investigation & no criminal  charges against me, just the fake MENTAL HEALTH RECORD.


Parliament claim we need to have confidence in police but how can we when parliament persistently refuse to enforce Australian laws which compel police State & Federally to enforce anti-terrorism laws against parliamentarians, police officers, and judiciary.
Australia'Constitution prevents parliaments from making laws to enforce religion, but does not prevent parliament from preventing police and others from having memberships in religious groups and ideology cults. This motorcycle club formed in Australia in December 2004, soon after I relocated to South Australia from New South Wales - the evidence says it is THE terrorist organisation that is preventing police across Australia from enforcing anti-terrorism laws to control SECRET outlaw police organizations, like FREEMASONS & MOTORCYCLE CLUBS


  • 5 of these 6 images are part of a 17 page PDF which is named & linked in point "1." below the last is linked in point "2." to 145 pages of criminal defamations that I say have been organized and aided by Australia's motorcycle police officers & Evidently someone is criminally blocking my usual ability to link the files to the words - the below text is the link address..
  1. Terrorist Cover since Dec 2004 Blue Knights Outlaw Police Motorcycle Club Members & Wizards 17p.pdf
  2. pages SAPOL Criminal Defamation by many Evidence Proved Serious Harm to Janette .pdf (I'm not the person SHOOTER criminally defames me as, he is obviously a police officer as are many of the antagonists all lying about me and defending terrorists in the police department. PDF search word of interest "police")

Quote from the terrorist publication BROTHERS IN ARMS (Inside story & Bikie Wars) "On 30 October Detective Senior Constable Greg Bamford and Detective Sergeant Greg Nomchong set off to question another possible witness to the Milperra shooting."

Evidently Greg NOMCHONG is in reality ANTHORR the police officer Wizard and BAMFORD as I recall told me his nickname was BamBam on one of the occasions he was criminally involved in attempting to brainwash me for this FREEMASON cause after they had arranged my SURGICAL RAPE BY ILLEGAL IMPLANTS AND SILICONE FACE MUTILATION & criminal theft of my NSW real estate and my Mazda 929 motor vehicle.

TAKES A CRIMINAL TO CATCH A CRIMINAL: You’ve probably heard covertly and overtly politically associated people say that to justify illegal practice in the police services by police officer association with hardened criminals and gangs. Naturally that claim is just not true. I’m not a criminal, never have been, never associated with them yet I’ve caught hundreds of criminals with irrefutable evidence that would earn them many years incarceration involving high security Australian prison hospitality. Problem is all those I’ve caught ‘red handed’ are associated with Government and illegally protected by hardened criminals in Australia’s police departments. Proving it takes an honest person to catch a criminal because dishonest people won’t enforce Australian law if there’s something in it for them to turn a blind eye – that’s proved 100% by the disrespectful and illegal response by 2010 serving and retired Blue Knight member police officers who at the very lease crave solidaritidy with others as their criminal reward, no everyone doesn't.  Once a police officer always a police officer.


Kindly answer these 3 questions:

  1. Is Australia a just system of government primarily functioning on the 'Rule of Law'? 

  2. Is Australia secretly an oppressive dictatorship controlled by terrorists?

  3. What Australia do you want "1." or "2."?

If you answered Yes, No & 1 - then read on and be ready to be an active part of change from "2.".

  • Australian's in Government & their Party Faithful, they're such a pack of born losers.  Only way they can win against people like me is literally - cripple us then cripple us in every other way possible – if they thought they could win another election by making nobbling their political opponents legal, then it'd be legal already instead of just doing it in secret for past 120 years. pages SAPOL Criminal Defamation by many Evidence Proved Serious Harm to Janette .pdf

  • Australia is a 'democratic' country of top-down losers - losers are in the majority, losers have the best jobs and more losers are carefully selected by the Immigration Department losers to support the losers in parliaments like the immigrant lying loser across the road from me, whose been illegally handed the voting identity (since about 2018) of Mr Alexander PAUL deceased Seaford retirement village resident and Australian citizen, evidently in exchange for criminally defaming me in State Government records since 2016 and to anyone else who’ll listen. Drive by my place any night his (private nuisance) motion sensor flood-lights light up my driveway blinding anyone walking or driving in or out of my property or my front door because his landlord, State Housing Department have evidently given him (first name Paul) illegal approval since 2016 to criminally harass me from HIS State government rental across the street from my State government rental. Its proved in the documents below. They know about him, he’s obligated by lease agreement and Residential Tenancy Act (RT Act) not to interfere with my quiet enjoyment, they owe me a duty of care by RT Act & federal consumer law but to our Government public officers Australian laws are merely guidelines on how to protect political allies. They use him as their bait to anger me and distract me from the other issues associated with their murder of my grandmother & NSW police officers doing their job & their FREEMASON AUSTRALIA long history of murdering and raping Australian children. The FREEMASON way is to detract from the real criminal with others like the bloke across the road and acting retards on public transport - like the one who criminally defamed me Sunday 20 October 2024 on 7:30pm train from Adelaide yelling in train calling me "pedophile" (I'm female) threatened to "get" me - all on security camera and in front of 2 security personnel who hadn't bothered to contact police as I've not been contacted for a statement. Mentally ill persons can be charged with crimes this 40 something male had the knowledge of reality to give an excuse to train security for NOT having a ticket without them even asking to see his ticket, and they accepted his excuse without writing him up or putting him off the train. He got on train at front & sat near me at very back of the train.

Its a crime to assault transport staff but its OK to assault fellow passengers.

Protection laws for FREEMASONS & no laws for victims of FREEMASON crime.

  1. Which technically means public officers (employed or contracted by; or elected to; The State of South Australia)  aided a person to significantly criminally threaten to harm me to arouse fear, when they (The State of South Australia) owed me a duty of care on public transport.

  2. His right to freedom of speech was allowed.

  3. My right not to be yelled at & my right not to be physically threatened & my right not to be falsely defamed as pedophile was 100% ignored. I felt more under threat from the security personnel who declined to instruct him to move to other end of the train and failed to take his personal details for fare evasion - else they knew he was an undercover pig, eh police officer.

  4. Upon the instance the train security (& everyone else on the open carriage train & train security CCTV) heard him yell aggressively at me, "I know you." and "You're a pedophile." and "Look at your ugly face." and "You wait, I'm going to get you." Not only is this probable evidence that a number of the Sydney, Wollondilly & Adelaide medical terrorist or the WALTERS defamers are planning to kill me using a nutter as the front for my murder - but in that instance I automatically gained the legal right to know his name, his address, and everything else about him, including who in Government he usually associates with, or if he's a mate of the stalker who lives across the road from me, and the date of his criminal court appearance for CRIMINAL DEFAMATION - like the 2005 staff at office of Peter LEWIS MP arrested and charged with (s257) criminal defamation for calling police (& assumed FREEMASON Cult Brothers) pedophiles.

"Birds of a feather flock together"

  • February 2018: When Christopher PICTON MP was the Labor Party's State Police Minister,  I faxed request to South Australia Police Department asking investigation of evidence based medical crime involving Labor Party. Some unidentified person criminally falsified a police department report (not seen by me until 2019) and transport department letter to me demanding I make an appointment with a general physician and give them the contact details of that physician. The falsified police department report was then faxed to the Government registered general physician who copied the obviously illegal and falsified purpose of the false police document onto her medical certificate claiming I was mentally unfit to drive. South Australia Transport Department illegally canceled my drivers licence in April 2018 based on that false medical certificate. Despite going before an alleged State Supreme Court for my civil lawsuit against the physician and many letters to the Health and Transport Ministers in the ensuing 6 years, in 2024 I’m still unsuccessful in undoing this very obvious criminal perversion of the course of justice and due process of law, to criminally tamper with a court witness to medical crimes – I’m that witness. Curious it is that all my electronic communications to Adelaide lawyers have resulted in me being unable to secure a lawyer to take on this civil lawsuit against the obvious tortfeasors – the Adelaide Judge, the Seaford Meadows physician, the Adelaide police document forger, the Labor Party’s State Transport Minister, and the Labor Party’s State Health Minister who just happens to also be my voice in parliament, my local member and the Labor Party’s Christopher PICTON MP to whom I hand-delivered the evidence to his office in Seaford Meadows, in South Australia in 2024. What's even more perplexing is that Hindley Street Adelaide police station staff refuse to investigate this politically motivated crime on the basis that, in their words, "You have a history of mental illness." I don't, the State have history of falsifying medical reports to criminally defame me as mentally ill - because I’m witness to FREEMASON crimes in New South Wales, 1,500 kilometers away from Adelaide and were 3 and 4 decades ago which infers those NSW FREEMASON crimes were also Labor Party crimes involving the Bob HAWKE and Paul KEATING Governments. Its elementary logic. Which means if Australia's Criminal Code Act is imposed as it should be, Christopher James PICTON MP has a very long future in prison as a terrorist, along with a physician, a judge and several other South Australia State Government public officers.

So now kindly answer this question:

  1. Why is it that Australia's news industry have inundated us with the many sagas of the Brittany HIGGINS defamation cases, but remain silent on this?

I suspect the problem is the very many State & Federal Arts Department Government grants to television networks and others.

I'm thinking of nominating for a seat in next year's Federal Parliament election. Am I the sort of person you want in parliament? Or would you prefer the likes of Christopher PICTON MP and his FREEMASON & Labor Party medical terrorist mates? I hate to be the one to break it to you but I'm almost always correct and that is why at age 68 now I have absolutly no friends whatsoever. Apparently my old friends don't like being wrong. Therefore, if I want to nominate for Federal election as independent I need 100 persons to nominate me,else I need political party endorsement, which is obviously another reason why I was illegally expelled from my local council elected position in 1999 and why thereafter, I've been so extensively defamed by Labor-Liberal-FREEMASON tripartizan faithful. Because all of the above and below, Labor Party and Liberal Party are both 100% legally unsuitable to control any government in Australia.

Let’s elaborate on that, me being a smart-arse 'n' all - Australia's Federal Constitution has no provision for any parliament or its ministers to do anything illegally; and the Commonwealth and the States Parliament’s are constitutionally not able to act illegally - only the individual public officers are physically able to do that. Therefore, as the Labor Party, Federal and in two states (probably more States) are openly allowing their Ministers and other elected members in Parliament, in Government departments of police, health, transport, housing etc; and the third arm of Government – the Judiciary to all act illegally to the beat of their own drum or otherwise ignoring Australian law (even one Judge with secret or open consent of Parliament for example, this Federal-NSW-SA matter but there has been many unlawful judicial decisions in this matter starting in 1984) then the Labor Party (and Liberal Party where applicable) are Constitutionally legally incapable of forming Government. They must declare themselves a terrorist organization and resign from all elected positions forthwith. Book 'em Danno!

Perhaps that’s not clear enough for some – if the Parliament are incapable of enforcing Australian law they are therefore incapable of acting legally, which means by automatic default they’re legally incapable of controlling parliament. Sure its not specifically written in the Constitution nor is the Lange defence in defamation or equality or land lights as repeated ad nauseam by those quoting the film, The Castle. Legal compliance with Australian law is inferred by the double dissolution effect when the parliament is incapable of passing bills. Do I need to spell it out further! Perhaps the trigger may legally be the same – that Governor General may be able to dissolve their parliament because they refuse to comply with Australian law in this matter which is quite significant and 40 years more significant than the sacking of Gough WHITLAM. It was (as I witnessed in Sydney television news, coincidently) indeed the present King Charles III as his younger Prince-self who stated in an interview regarding nano-technology, expressing his concerns of implants being used illegally, some 40? years ago. How many degrees of separation between me and the appropriate Governor-General?


Janette & The Terrorist Organization Called Australia: if you're a decent person please advertise my website by posting in your social media feeds, or word of mouth. I have many domain names redirecting to this website with my Cooma NSW Australia registered birth name Janette Gail FRANCIS, including:

Three of above images are my own head in Magnetic Resonance Imagery (or CT Scan) in multiple Medicare AUSTRALIA funded (alleged) diagnostic procedures between 2006 and 2012 in Adelaide the main city of South AUSTRALIA. Each time the Government funded radiologist criminally refused to report on the presence of BRAIN VIBRATION (reason I had the radiology) and presence of illegal implants including 25mm COCHLEAR (hearing-speaking) illegal implant (Perrett Jones Radiology) & the large infection around it (Benson Radiology). See my illegal implants at

The image about BAKER's CYST is in reference to BOTH my knees ( where my cyst reaction is due to illegal implant cables drawn tight across top of my kneecaps occasionally causing an audible "twang" sound as they get caught when I'm walking its VERY PAINFUL and been like this for many YEARS, but General Physician at McLaren Vale SA & Oaklands Park Radiologist physicians & others in my local area they just laughed at me when I present in pain from these illegal implants inside me from head to toe - literally. One attempted to kill me with tetanus by his instructions on how to purchase the injection. Others claim me complaining about "illegal implants" proves I'm mentally ill secretly criminally defaming me that way in their medical files refusing to refer me to a surgeon.   This is AUSTRALIA UNMASKED.

DIRTY DOZEN as at 11 October 2024

Adelaide TV: News flash across base of TV last night read: “NSW & SA Premiers meeting to work out how to keep children safe on social-media.” what is actually means is NSW & SA Premiers meeting to work out how to keep political their Children Of The Corn safe from social-media exposure of this terrorism before Federal election in 2025.”

There's seemingly a neverending queue of nutters (citizens & immigrants alike) keen to cover up these many & varied human right violations in AUSTRALIA by AUSTRALIANS to witnesses of FREEMASON CHILD RAPE & CHILD MURDER & GRANDMOTHER MURDER & POLICE OFFICER MURDER AS SUICIDE. Not coincidently, I'm a key witness to those (4) four types of FREEMASON GOVERNMENT crimes starting in my own childhood & which is why they murdered senior retired NSW police officer Jack BASSET on 24 April 1988 inside Camden NSW police station & my own grandmother Olive BUNDOCK in 1989 Ashfield SYDNEY NSW (wife to Milton BUNDOCK, Dapto NSW) after she recognised the stolen photo of me in the SIMPSON & HARVEY Allen-Unwin-Hyman BROTHERS IN ARMS paperback advertisement – like me, they were both innocent bystanders to these FREEMASON crimes. How many others have been murdered or are being tortured to keep secret their FREEMASON GOVERNMENT (oppressive dictators) child rape history? How many more?

As is their habit historically & despite the virtual mountain evidence proving my assertions – the Parliament & Courts will probably wait until my death before they concede I’m correct – as AUSTRALIA did to my fellow Australian Eddy MABO 5 months after his death from cancer.

I’m guessing probability is high (more likely than not) that Australia’s publishing industry’s Government created duopoly had refused to publish these ‘political news’ crimes when I asked then as they took place, to ensure their ‘free to air’ TV had ‘in the bank’ no cost human interest stories in the fullness of time & without my participation to correct the obviously falsely reported future ‘news’ when the Government’s fund yet another fake TV mini series to cover up FREEMASON crimes and these associated matters. Nothing is below Australian based news industry officials. John McAVOY & his willfull political terrorists interview team from Network Nine Sydney -  A CURRENT AFFAIR with Ray MARTIN - criminally defamed me when he falsely represented the storyline of his request to interview me when I was 1990s Wollondilly Shire Councillor, Jenny HALL. My letter communications were be ng illegally inetrcepted then as Australian Broadcasting Authority told me to effect - 'go fuk yourself' & no lawyer would represent me to sue Networtk Nine's lying cunts - circa 1997.

Email me if you think I've left out one of the terrorist cult participants.


Police Commissioners in New South Wales & South Australia refuse to force investigation of these politically motivated crimes against me. That's terrorism.

I've been subjected to FREEMASON assaults for political religious or ideological cause/s, these assaults are causing me serious physical harm. That's terrorism.

To stop me from advertising this website on my private vehicle & to cover up NSW FREEMASON murder & other medical crimes SA illegally refuse my drivers’ licence renewal. That's terrorism.

To stop me advertising this website & my books through an agency, my telephone & internet access has been illegally tracked & intercepted. That's Terrorism.

To harass or intimidate or criminally defame me because of this evidence based website, I'm being illegally kept under surveillance. That's terrorism.

My SA State & Federal parliament members refuse to be my VOICE in PARLIAMENT highlighting fact I can't get illegal NSW implants removed. That's terrorism.

My State parliament representative is the SA State Minister for Health since 24 March 2022.

My Federal parliament representative is the Commonwealth Minister for Centrelink since 1 June 2022.

SA Health Department & Police Department & Commonwealth Centrelink agency ignore Privacy Act 1988 (Cth), Privacy Principals in record gathering & keeping - without any grounds whatsoever they have willfully criminally defamed me as mentally ill - schizophrenic, delusional, paranoid. That's terrorism.

I'm illegally thwarted by lawyers & court staff who illegally block my right to sue Government in these matters. That's terrorism.

The Independent Commissioners Against Corruption are blocked in their duty to investigate these political crimes. That's terrorism.

Legal representatives of Australian Labor Party & Liberal Party of Australia insist they can't control terrorist actions of their members. That's terrorism.

In support of these terrorist matters no Australian television news, print news entity will report to expose these matters. That's terrorism.

NSW, SA & Federal Attorney-Generals & Health Ministers & Police Ministers all refuse their constitutional obligation to protect Australia from terrorism.


  • If you believe Australia should be a democracy, then please advertise this website.  Or my AU$4.00 eBook ‘Taurus Rising, JG FRANCIS’ go small or large, I need many legal TEAMS without political or FREEMASON ties.  This evidence based real-life FREEMASON PARLIAMENT terrorism is like the book/film 'Murder on Orient Express' it was one crime that police & their FREEMASON accomplices made into many to cover-up previous crimes.

  • I don't pretend to be expert on global politics but I do know Australia's Labor & Liberal political parties secretly support FREEMASON TERRORISM. Being daughter of a Master Mason I know FREEMASONS worship Jewish King Solomon. We all know Australia Labor & Liberal parliaments support Jewish Israel in any atrocity by calling it "self-defence". We all know Germany's Nazi political party hated Israel's Jews & therefore King Solomon. We should all know a secret FREEMASON war’s been fought for decades right under our nose - its time these secrets are exposed. Only benefit of war: corporate profits to weapons manufacturers. Not all weapons go boom some are engineered for lifelong torture and derived from extensive medical research - like these illegal implants below inside me (starting) since 1991 in my spine and over my heart and elsewhere they secretly drugged me when I was pregnant snatching me from my residence – willingly aided in my surgical rape by my long term partner the son of FREEMASON, the father of my youngest children - this secret political-medical army - they can't be trusted even amongst themselves, they double-crossed him now he’s long dead. Their last illegal implant in my mouth went in Feb 2002. All these surgical rapes happened without my knowledge and without any lawful authority whatsoever. All my local Newcastle NSW physicians & dental surgeons illegally REFUSED to remove the bulging vibrating non-biological foreign mass clearly freshly inserted under a bloodied flap of skin inside my mouth. I'm one of many victims. Most are clueless to what’s happened to them. We're little more than fruit for picking by AUSTRALIA's medical research capitalists.

  • HELP MAKE AUSTRALIAN LEGAL HISTORY, expose this 40 year Australian government crime spree

    • These are the type of persons who will do anything to skip election accountability by illegally segregating, illegally marginalizing, illegally stalking & illegally censoring their victims of political crimes - they're happy to make someone else pay for their crimes they don't care who that may be.

    • As can be expected there’s an obvious reason why they’re all protecting each other from legal accountability – just about every public officer involved in any of the above in SA and NSW, specifically the Ministers who refuse to reinstate my drivers’ licence since 2018 and the two SA State Ministers in 2024 (Health & Transport) – just about everyone are guilty of the associated terrorist act, or at the very least terrorist planning. Pursuant to Criminal Code Act 1995 (Cth) Schedule The Criminal Code, prison sentence for terrorist act is “life imprisonment” and for planning, each event, including making documents for terrorist act, or supporting or funding or training etc, whether or not the plan was brought to fruition that is “10” to “25” years imprisonment.

    • They'd evidently prefer to see me continue to be physically tortured with the pain of the illegal implants and the constantly growing scar tissue crushing my nerves and herniating through my muscles  - for the rest of my life.

    • My local Christies Beach SA police were keen to arrest ex-Liberal Party leader David James SPEIRS on drug charges recently, but refuse to arrest the above Labor Party terrorists in this matter spanning three legal jurisdictions and four decades, guess it’s far too complex for their delicate immature brains. Perhaps they’ve no money left in the budget to investigate terrorism. Or perhaps they’re only interested in supply & use of illegal drugs, themselves. Hells Angels in Granville NSW c2003 treated me with more respect when I knocked on their door, than NSW SA & Federal police ever have, they're paid to respect us.


    MRI PROVES SECRET, 'ILLEGAL SILICONE' INJECTIONS in my face: Government terrorism in Australia Unmasked

    PRESS HERE to return to top of page

    Evidence above proves I've been surgically raped. Evidence in this website and my books proves the Government did that.

    Evidence below proves that for THIRTY FIVE (35) years I've been illegally blocked in access to my right NOT to be falsely defamed because I'm unpopular in Tripartizan circles

    I've been personally to the television studio of ABC-TV in Sydney & Canberra where I was refused a meeting with staff who refused to air my true - hard evidence based – facts that I’ve been surgically raped and criminally defamed as a dead person to cover up FREEMASON GOVERNMENT child sex crimes and political assassinations to cover up prior crimes. ABC-TV or any other news outlet refused to publish anything about my miraculous evasion of injury in my 1977 crash – or my surgical rape by Government – or the FREEMASON crimes that Australia’s police and parliament and medical physicians conceal from the general public. The alien encounters while I won’t say are impossible – I do say are more likely than not brainwashing on the basis the Governments and news industry refuse to also publish evidence of surgical rape and associated government cover-ups of those surgical rapes and that’s what logical analysis of alien encounters looks like.

    If you watch free-to-air TV you may be aware the government’s ABC-TV are keen to air programs from the USA that allege “alien abduction” and medical procedures as true facts. This is evidence that these types of television or printed news stories of alien encounters are specifically intended to brainwash the general community who have been or will be subjected to illegal Government medical experiments that they were taken by aliens. That their true beliefs and waking partially paralysed is a combination of drugs and medical terrorists talking to them through Cochlear Limited illegal implants drilled into their skull via their ear canal or in the crease under their outer ear. They’ve attempted to brainwash me with that shit when I lived in Goulburn NSW. Being a realist who only deals with multifaceted proven facts – they failed immediately. Additionally, the super-human beings who protected me from serious injury when my 1967 HR Holden was rammed by an extra-long semi-trailer fully laden with construction steel girders on about 3 January 1977, they had no physically visible form & they managed to bend the back of my no head-rest bench seat back, to lay me down during the impact – when my five-foot six-inch frame (166cm) weighed about eight and half stone (55kg). I had a small deep cut over my forearm bone on my right elbow which required stitches, but the nursing staff at Camden public hospital ER were unable to push the needle through my skin, with two of them pushing on the same needle which caused the older one (female) to accuse me of being a Russian spy and many other detrimental accusations that included “alien”. She called police to imprison me, but I left before they arrived. As I gave my correct address to NSW Camden Hospital ER staff police came to my residence (23 Derby Street, Minto NSW address) looked at my crumpled car and thereafter said few words and left doing nothing. That was days before Granville train disaster – I’m not claiming any connection between two events. After waiting about 30 minutes the ER male nurse was able to stitch my cut, the one-inch scar is still visible today in 2024.

    ABC-TV also employed in their fake news program “Four Corners” proven terrorist author Sandra HARVEY, alias Lynette SLOWMAN (daughter of Lynette Styles (1980s Elaine SLOWMAN secretary to Tony Featherstone, General Manager Visyboard Warwick FARM NSW where I worked with their computer system), alias 1984 murder victim Leanne WALTERS (the fatter one in the DAD glass-plastic photo holder aired on Network Nine TV in 2014 after I won the challenge of the author Sandra HARVEY publisher (Allen-Unwin-Hyman) to dismiss my copyright Act challenge on their 1988-1989 criminal theft of my biometric identity (my private photo of my head & shoulders) as the same 1984 murder victim Leanne WALTERS in their Government advertised (funded terrorism) terrorist publication since 1989, “BROTHERS IN ARMS” (INSIDE STORY & BIKIE WARS).

    I don’t believe the entities in my HR are aliens, if you look at history and proved facts, they’ve been living beside us for many centuries. It appears they like me because I don’t exaggerate, I don’t lie, and that’s because I’m not a sadistic warring psychopath which is the trait common in my species.



    published 13Jul2024 mono interiorgloss paperback ISBN 9781 923 287 006available everywhere, ask your local bookstore. Or available on Amazon at about Au $17.60



    published 13Jul2024 mono interior, gloss hardcover ISBN 9780 645 597 578 available everywhere, ask your local bookstore.Or available on Amazon at about Au $26.01



    published 16Jun2024. matt paperback, mono interior. First edition for Taurus Rising, has slightly different content, larger text  & some pagination issues due to hacking on my computer. Interestingly the matt finish cover, velvet like.  about Au $36.30

    My federal constitutional and common law legal right to be protected from crime and terrorist acts causing me "serious harm that is physical" over-rules any others legal right in State statute (specifically ICAC Act) not to be defamed by me talking about their crimes against me, which police or State parliament refuse to protect me despite this being CRIMES AGAINST THE COMMONWEALTH, TERRORIST PLAN & ACT.

      South Australia parliament added a Federally unconstitutional gag clause, inconsistent with Federal Criminal Code anti-terrorism laws, to their State  Independent Commissioner Against Corruption Act. Six MONTHS is long enough for any reasonable person (me) to wait for written response from Office of Public Integrity about whether or not the ICAC will investigate this issue of obvious criminal conduct in TRANSPORT department, and involving the Transport Minister, and the Health Minister who was Police Minister when my licence was illegally cancelled in 2018, and when 2024 police department still refuse to investigate - published to protect my own legal interests & in the public interest.

    South Australia Transport Department CRIMINALLY ILLEGALLY & permanently cancelled my drivers licence because Police officers could find nothing to arrest me on

    here is some of the CIVIL court ready evidence to prove MISFEASANCE IN PUBLIC OFFICE & POLITICALLY ORGANIZED TERRORISM, the crux of the issue is about what is in writing and I can't get that addressed legally by the Adelaide's STATE  Supreme Court.
    I wrote "I have illegal implants in the shin of my right leg which make it very painful to press the accelerator accurately" and that my car has "no cruise control", the false SAPOL-TRANSPORT document illegally faxed to a physician BEFORE I was to consult that (Seaford Meadows SA) participating terrorist physician & faxed without my knowledge, criminally defamed me knowingly (wilfully) falsely claimed I wrote 'implants control my leg movement' .

    It's painful to do anything involving any body movements due to the location of the illegal implant's antenna cables in my head, arms torso and both my legs vall connected via my spine, thereby EXTENDING distance the sadistic UNWIN-HYMAN-ALLEN-FREEMASON terrorists need to keep me illegally under surveillance.


    also see for more illegal implant evidence.

    'This' is what 'they' in Government public office mean by "in Australia anything's possible" because there are no rules to hold the political terrorists at bay or protect the innocent.

    TRUE GOVERNMENT CRIME: Australia Unmasked

    They use duplicitous illegal actions like these to cover up secret MEDICAL RESEARCH CRIMES.

    A: Their OFFICIAL reason to cancel my licence, extract "3] 2024-07-09 Allegedly FROM Transport Minister"


    TRUE GOVERNMENT CRIME: Australia Unmasked

    B:  Their POLICE evidence to cancel my licence, extract "8] 2018-03-14 ROSTRON AFFIDAVIT"

    TRUE GOVERNMENT CRIME: Australia Unmasked

    C: REALITY ELUDES THEM - this is what I actually wrote - or MY EVIDENCE they are terrorists, extract "6] 2018-02-14 From Janette to SAPOL Pamfax Report AV4314". When lunatic terrorists run Australia sane people get locked out of Government services and their legal right under Statute and the Constitution of Australia (its just an) Act. Statute isn't real to our parliaments.

    TRUE GOVERNMENT CRIME: Australia Unmasked

    • One crime is covered-up by another crime then those two steps keep repeating indefinitely -  that's why Labor Party or Liberal Party are in control of parliaments in Australia.

    • In NSW police refusing to take an evidence statement from me, have informed me I can only report crime to a police station (nationally) where I live or where the crime occurred.

    • In South Australia where I live, is between Aldinga and Christies Beach police stations.

    • At the brand new still sparkling Aldinga police station, the most senior police officer hid in a back room according to a junior officer, refusing to come out to take my statement.

    • At the well established Christies Beach police station located next to a Magistrates court police have been dispatched to attempt to illegally arrest me for complaining about the number 10 neighbour criminally defaming me, attempting to intimidate me as a witness to crime, and stalking me by video surveillance as proved in court records supporting my allegations at Christies Beach and Adelaide Magistrates court. Before that I was assaulted by Christies Beach police when using a public toilet with my daughter, defended myself from that assault then arrested while being extensively criminally assaulted (they assaulted ny 15 year old daughter for crying) I was arrested by these Christies Beach police criminal thugs for telling them they weren’t above the law - I caught them in process of a drug deal. They (Timothy COOPER & Christine NEILSON) charged me with assaulting them, as grounds to arrest and assault me the second time. They took my DNA and assaulted me again when several - SEVERAL - police attempted & failed to scan my newly dislocated hand and fingers for prints. Police refued to take my statement on this assault. I was refused medical assistance for these assaults (still refused now almost 18 years later my hand is still dislocated), I claimed self defence in Christies Beach court (magistrate transferred the matter to Adelaide for her own health) I was acquitted in the Adelaide criminal court (December 2007) but police refused to charge the officers who extensively criminally assaulted me as they were illegally arresting me. About three years later, I was self-representing at Adelaide District Court in my claim for damages associated with the 2 May 2007 COOPER & NELSON assault, battery, (false arrest) illegal imprisonment. There was no appearance from the State of South Australia (police department) so Judge GRIFFIN refused to hear my evidence throwing my application for damages out of court. Its my guess the FREEMASON contingent of Government didn't send the matter to the Crown Solicitor as the (c2010) Labor Party caucus decided not to let me have my day in court. GRIFFIN's accomplice the proxy or illegal unofficial judge appointed stand-in Crown Solicitor, Mr Jolley, stated that the Magistrate acquitting me didn't precicely say the arrest was false when she acquitted me for assaulting Timothy COOPER, therefore the arrest wasn't illegal. Therefore according to GRIFFIN, I had no grounds to sue the State of South Australia police Department. That's how FREEMASONS act as terrorists in the legal systems. Lawyer, Mr JOLLEY was one of the lecturers during my Law degree course at the University of South Australia, I secured a CREDIT grade in that 2017 course called "Advocacy". In 2018 when they illegally cancelled my drivers licence on a criminal defamation (false document) I was studying Torts B course which included the major assignment on Defamation law, I secured a perfect score on that assignment, therefore as a defamation law EXPERT I'm well aware that Judge Katrina BOCHNER willfully, criminally perverted the course of justice & due administration of law in 2019 matter of Janette Gail FRANCIS v Alison Barbara Jane COLE & Gpaxis Pty Ltd, Supreme Court, Adelaide civil registry. It was Alison Barbara Jane COLE in concert with Gpaxis Pty Ltd medical centre at Seaford Meadows SA, who criminally falsified a federal document for Medicare Australia she faxed to State of South Australia Transport Department criminally defaming me claiming I was "delusional" in my belief I had illegal implants therefore was unfit to drive. Its the COLE document that they claim caused my lecence to be cancelled however that's false, as there was no grounds for Transport Department to claim statutory authority to demand I get a "Fitness to Drive" medical certificate in first instance. They all participated in the BOCHNER crime including the COLE & BOCHNER lagal teams from legal firms, Finlaysons & Iles Selley, both in Adelaide. That's another High Distinction for me in kick-arse fearless honesty.

    • In Adelaide police station near the Adelaide Railway and near where this false Transport-SAPOL document was forged claiming I wrote “implants control my leg movement” those three police, one indigenous senior female claimed that “because you have history of mental illness” they (representing the entire police department) would not investigate the false document claim because they claimed it came from the Government so it wasn’t false. The mental illness history is also false and the false Transport-Police document is false regardless of who signed it because a document is false if it infers a meaning or authority different from reality. Let's look at state law on false documents:


    • 140—Dishonest dealings with documents

    •         (1)         For the purposes of this section, a document is "false" if the document gives a misleading impression about—

    •             (a)         the nature, validity or effect of the document; or

    •             (b)         any fact (such as, for example, the identity, capacity or official position of an apparent signatory to the document) on which its validity or effect may be dependent; or

    •             (c)         the existence or terms of a transaction to which the document appears to relate.

    •         (2)         A document that is a true copy of a document that is false under the criteria prescribed by subsection (1) is also false.

    •         (3)         A person engages in conduct to which this section applies if the person—

    •             (a)         creates a document that is false; or

    •             (b)         falsifies a document; or

    •             (c)         has possession of a document knowing it to be false; or

    •             (d)         produces, publishes or uses a document knowing it to be false; or

    •             (e)         destroys, conceals or suppresses a document.

    •         (4)         A person is guilty of an offence if the person dishonestly engages in conduct to which this section applies intending—

    •             (a)         one of the following:

    •                   (i)         to deceive another, or people generally, or to facilitate deception of another, or people generally, by someone else;

    •                   (ii)         to exploit the ignorance of another, or the ignorance of people generally, about the true state of affairs;

    •                   (iii)         to manipulate a machine or to facilitate manipulation of a machine by someone else; and

    •             (b)         by that means—

    •                   (i)         to benefit him/herself or another; or

    •                   (ii)         to cause a detriment to another.

    • Maximum penalty:

    •             (a)         for a basic offence—imprisonment for 10 years;

    •             (b)         for an aggravated offence—imprisonment for 15 years.

    •         (5)         A person cannot be convicted of an offence against subsection (4) on the basis that the person has concealed or suppressed a document unless it is established that—

    •             (a)         the person has taken some positive step to conceal or suppress the document; or

    •             (b)         the person was under a duty to reveal the existence of the document and failed to comply with that duty; or

    •             (c)         the person, knowing of the existence of the document, has responded dishonestly to inquiries directed at finding out whether the document, or a document of the relevant kind, exists.

    •         (6)         A person who has, in his or her possession, without lawful excuse, any article for creating a false document or for falsifying a document is guilty of an offence.

    • Maximum penalty: Imprisonment for 2 years.


    TRUE GOVERNMENT CRIME: Australia Unmasked


    4 Court Documents PDF

  • These my civil court matters and many more prove 100% that Australia's parliaments are secretly fighting an illegal (unconstitutional) secret FREEMASON war against anyone like me who seeks to expose FREEMASON crimes in Government & the medical industry.

  • They use duplicitous illegal actions like these to cover up secret MEDICAL RESEARCH CRIMES.

  • Cancelling my licence was to cover-up for illegally imprisoning me as mentally ill in 2014;which was to cover-up for illegally surgically raping me in 1990swhen pregnant and later when I was an elected member of Wollondilly Shire Council in NSW and illegally dismissed from the elected position; which was to cover-up for stealing my real estate in 1991 and biometric identity in 1989; which was to cover-up for me witnessing the murder of Jack Basset on 24 April 1988; which was to cover-up for me being child & adult witness to many Freemason child rapes & child murder circa 1967 during a FREEMASON meeting with my male parent and other police officers.


    2007 CRIMINAL ASSAULT of POLICE - ACQUITTED: Janette was charged with criminal assault by thirty-something year old Mr Timothy COOPER & Ms Christine Neilson.

    UNCONSTITUTIONALLY REFUSED on 10 Nov 2010 in DCCIV-09-1607: Janette's self-represented civil appeal against (unconstitutional) order of Judge Griffin regarding Janette's application for civil damages in above criminal acquittal. Still unable to find a lawyer in Australia who isn't easily bribed by Government public officers.

    • The State's public officers in the Health Department headed by the AUSTRALIAN LABOR PARTY and their sycophant faithful, illegally covered up this assault on Janette by police officers and illegal District court and appeal process, with many illegal falsified & secret diagnosis of Janette as "schizophrenic" or "paranoid" or "delusional" and which by 2014 the Adelaide District court proved those Government orders were baseless & illegal under Mental Health Act, still POLICE DEPARTMENT sit on their hands protecting the terrorists in government. The 2014 win for Janette indicates she has matters of malicious prosecution to be pursued when she finds one competent lawyer - that won't happen in the present climate of total government terrorism in AUSTRALIA.

    • I'm 95% sure it was then new lawyer David James SPEIRS who represented the LIBERAL Party when I attempted to sue both Labor & Liberal Party (circa 2008) in association with my inability to access State Government services when I first had irrefutable medical evidence of these medical crimes. In my opinion, from my life of experience with those around me being brainwashed by FREEMASONS as well as myself, this Adelaide (South Australia) Magistrates Court LIBERAL lawyer was too gung-ho in court to not have been brainwashed while the LABOR lawyer spoke little or not at all. I remember being drugged secretly and plied with LSD they called it. I'm not an addictive person so it had little effect on me as most drugs do. It may be that SPEIRS became addicted because of FREEMASON brainwashing techniques (as many have) but its impossible to tell someone that's what happened to them as most people in AUSTRALIA can't psychologically grasp the concept of being secretly drugged & brainwashed by Government officials - as its not spoken about publicly.


    2014 COPYRIGHT ACT PARTIAL WIN: Allen Unwin (Hyman) publishing family stole my ADULT biometric identity as the face of a dead child, other respondents are the alleged face of the fake dead child.Janette's civil Copyright Act claim against Allen&Unwin, Rex Walters, Pamela Walters, Lorraine WALTERS, author Lindsay SIMPSON (UNWIN sister), author Sandra HARVEY (SLOWMAN sister) in paperback "BROTHERS IN ARMS the inside story of two (...) gangs".

    Janette was not able to find any lawyer in Australia to take over her self represented application that the judge cited as a standard application.

    • Evidently, Federal Attorney-General and the Attorney-Generals in the two States (NSW & SA) don't believe any of these matters of the three GOVERNMENT's public officer abuse of process by ignoring statute & the RULE of LAW, are of PUBLIC INTEREST. Indicating they insist Janette has no status as an Australian citizen, despite being born here as a 100% descendant of (only) 1800s immigrants from United Kingdom, the new indigenious.

    • Evidently one must be a PARTY FAITHFUL immigrant to recieve assistant from this Australian Parliament.

    • Evidently Federal Parliament’s ‘best practice’ is to lure immigrants to the arsehole of planet Earth to increase revenue from taxing and heavy competition for their over priced house rentals, negative geared properties reducing the taxes for their Party Faithful blocking access to home ownership by majority of residents.

    • Once  LABOR PP or LIBERAL PP secretly illegally declare you Stateless in your birth country Australia, you're effectively outlawed (with no legal rights) only access to services they allow you are to fool into believing you have legal rights. As they have clearly done to me since 2014. Then they invite another round of immigrants to screw you over & steal anything you own of value. As they did to me. Refusing you damages for your theft or loss or physical injuries. As they did to me.

    • They stole my real estate too same as original indigenous.

    • This is a prison island. It's where once you’re here its impossible to “walk out” off the island country like you can in Europe. Once you’re here having been impoverished by illegal process, the parliament “own you” like Hotel California you can never leave. Australia is the arsehole of planet Earth and Adelaide is the arsehole of Australia where they less intelligent have covered me in their OWN shit to unjustly enrich themselves in ways their intellect could not achieve.

    • I have proved Party Faithful LIE STEAL CHEAT to achieve their political, ideological or religious causes.

    • They lie about you.

    • About your personality; your relationships with others; your actions; your words; your possessions; your income stream; they falsely claim relationships with you; they falsely claim your relationship with police departments and health department.

    • They steal from you.

    • Your intimate privacy; your family; your reputation; your income; your possessions; your friendships; your health; your right to self-determination; your power of attorney; your childhood memories. For some they steal their sanity forcing them into the mental drug system; or worse.

    • They cheat their way out of accountability.

    • They use their criminal associates in private industry; in court’s clerical and judicial positions; in health departments; in police departments; in councils; and fellow Party Faithful including fellow parliamentarians.



    2019 DEFAMATION & CONSUMER LAW - DIRECT BIAS by JUDGE MALICIOUSLY PERVERTING JUSTICE: Defamation law is not as complex as the legal industry want you to think. All the harmed person needs to prove is that the defamatory matter (words or images) was published; it identified you personally; it was capable of causing others to shun or treat you adversely. COLE CLASIMED I WAS DELUSIONAL WITHOUT EVIDENCE, State cancelled my licence. I proved all I needed. COLE had to prove I was delusional as she claimed, in fact, she had evidence that proved I wasn't delusional she chose instead to forge her medical certificate with intent to criminally defame me. I didn't have to prove I wasn't. Janette's civil application was won by the documents submitted by respondent's own Affidavit exhibits, however the Judge of the State Supreme Court refused to 'see' the evidence proving the matter of defamation and matter of unconscionable or misleading-deceptive conduct in Australian Consumer Law 'medical service'.

    Janette was not able to find any lawyer in Australia to take over her self represented application where all the other 'officers of the court' has acted in a manner that any reasonable person would deem was "contempt of court" and "abuse of process" by all other officers of the court. Janette's complaints to the Chief Justice were ignored, or simply "filed away and not answered".


    2022 DEFAMATION & TERRORISM TORT - BLATANT PERVERTING OF JUSTICE: This DEFAMATION TORT was illegally refused by clerical staff for filing. Because it involved three Governments (all defendants) whose public officers (also defendants) physically assaulted me for their Government causes it became a TERRORISM TORT. Both matters were effectively proved in the Schedule documents filed with the application.  Janette filed with relevant Schedule Documents proving 'words' of the defamatory matter with her researched and competent, explicit claim of defamation against the Australian Labor Party and 59 OTHERS; and another researched tort matter of TERRORISM, the application was unconstitutionally rejected by clerical staff for filing based on a false claim of Janette's words in a non-existent Affidavit. 

    Janette was not able to find any lawyer in Australia to take over her self represented application that the clerical staff unconstitutionally refused to file.

    TRUE GOVERNMENT CRIME: Australia Unmasked

    Judge Katrina BOCHNER & her criminal accomplices created the above very eleborate 21 page document believing (evidently) that me being a self-represented litigant I would be befuddled by having to appeal the very long "reasons" when in reality the ROSTRON affidavit filed by one respondent proves my case 100% in defamation and proved 100% that BOCHNER criminally perverted the course of justice & due administration of law which is a State crime in the State of South Australia. Judge BOCHNER should have served time in prison for this crime, but she's hasn't because she's protected by terrorists who are ELECTED members of South Australia's PARLIAMENT right now in 2024 including Christopher James PICTON MPand terrorists who are ELECTED members of the Federal PARLIAMENT of Australia including Amanda Louise RISHWORTH MP.

    There's no point biting off the tail of a dragon, to kill it you need to chop off its head. In this instance the fire breathing killer dragon is Government public officer organized TERRORISM and is represented by Australian Labor Party, Liberal Party of Australia and the Adelaide Grand Lodge of FREEMASONS.

    • Criminal prosecution is not limited to prosecution by Government, private legal firms may also prosecute criminally providing they have the evidence. State parliaments across Australia enacted laws that have been publicised as addressing crime from so-called "outlaw motorcycle clubs" in reality there's more of this type of crime in the Governments of the parliaments who enacted these so called "anti-association laws" In South Australia the following is what a Judge can do when they receive an application to "declare" an organisation under the terms of this Act. Based on my hard-earned 40 years of extensively (government) documented evidence of their own criminally conspiratorial crimes causing me, “serious harm that is physical for political or ideological or religious cause” (definition of terrorism) the three political organisations (Labor, Liberal, Freemasons) should be declared organisations:


    • 11—Court may make declaration

    •         (1)         The Court may make a declaration on an application made under this Part in relation to an organisation if satisfied that—

    •             (a)         members of the organisation associate for the purpose of organising, planning, facilitating, supporting or engaging in serious criminal activity; and

    •             (b)         the organisation represents a risk to public safety and order in this State.

    •         (2)         In considering whether or not to make a declaration, the Court may have regard to the following:

    •             (a)         information suggesting that a link exists between the organisation and serious criminal activity;

    •             (b)         any convictions recorded against—

    •                   (i)         current or former members of the organisation; or

    •                   (ii)         persons who associate, or have associated, with members of the organisation;

    •             (c)         information suggesting that—

    •                   (i)         current or former members of the organisation; or

    •                   (ii)         persons who associate, or have associated, with members of the organisation have been, or are, involved in serious criminal activity, whether directly or indirectly and whether or not the involvement resulted in convictions;

    •             (d)         information suggesting that members of an interstate or overseas chapter or branch of the organisation (however described) associate for the purpose of organising, planning, facilitating, supporting or engaging in serious criminal activity;

    •             (e)         anything else the Court considers relevant.

    •         (3)         A declaration may be made whether or not any of the persons who are entitled to make or provide submissions in relation to the application take advantage of that opportunity.

    •         (4)         Members of an organisation may "associate" for the purposes of this section in any manner including merely by being members of the organisation.

    Please Advertise This Website so I may find incorruptible lawyers & KCs for both Civil lawsuits & Criminal prosecutions


    • If we can't find legal teams in Australia, I'm confident lawyers and Barristers in other countries will be keen to qualify to practice in Australian Federal or State Courts for the purpose as defined on the evidence herewith, including other extensive evidence in my several 2024 Amazon published books. I persevered in gathering this evidence not only for myself but to make Australia a better country for all our fellow residents. At present protections under Australian law are only enjoyed by the Party Faithful and their FREEMASON allies. You know it, now is your chance to do something about it instead of secretly complaining. There are more victims than perpetrators. The only shame in being a victim is the shame that should be borne by the perpetrators who are generally those who claim there's shame in being a victim; sometimes they're victims brainwashed by their perpetrators to believe there is shame in being a victim of Government public officer organised crime.

    • If you go LARGE (billboards etc) use  or  or  they all redirect to names are often harder to remember. Make sure you spell the website correctly; and make sure you keep your valid & verifiable invoice with genuine evidence of official advertisement via Australian Tax Office registered business as when we sue (my lawyers & I) then you'll probably be reimbursed through court order against respondents (you'll need to apply) but only if you can prove the expenditure was genuine. That means no losers trying to make a profit from my misery, that's who I'm suing.

    • I've filed complaints to all the relevant departments, Ministers & alleged Independent Commissioners but despite Australian law they refuse to recognise my legal rights, and your legal rights.

    • Being illegally blocked from your legal right to file civil court application for which you have legal standing and grounds to sue is totally separate and different from lawfully being declared by a Judge as a vexatious litigant. I’vealways been the former, never the latter however, I’m certain that there are maliciously false rumours insisting I was indeed declared 'vexatious litigant'.

    • Nothing with a negative meaning that the Party Faithful or Freemasons have said or written about me is true or been proved by police or legally proclaimed in court. NOTHING. I’m 100% squeaky clean. 100% legally perfect – (ignoring a couple of just speeding infringements) no alcohol matters, no drug matters, no criminal matters, no violence matters, no false propaganda matters, no forged documents or photos matters, no sex matters, no mental matters, no financial matters, nothing. Even my bankruptcy in 1999 was illegal Commonwealth public officers (plural) conspiracy to commit serious fraud (misfeasance in public office.)

    TRUE GOVERNMENT CRIME: Australia Unmasked

     This is a block obviously inserted by hacking terrorists to gain criminal control of this website.

    I say that with confidence because its invisible to THIS website EDITOR in the selection of blocks to link to.

    If you came here from link at top of this long page, its because I linked to the paragraph above "TRUE GOVERNMENTCRIME ..."

    - I can write text here but most of the editor options have been denied to me -

    This denial of service MUST be back-door to hackers.

    Perhaps to block search engines from finding this website content.

    There's no option to move this block.

    No option to delete this block.

    No option to format it's colour.

    Can change Heading Type but have NO RESPONSE when I increase text size.

    - True, I selected "Host Papa" to host this website because of its Freemason connotation -

    This hacking incident doesn't prove (Freemason at Host Papa) theory either way, it does prove those with vested interest in these child-sex-offender FREEMASON cover-up crimes have hacked this website.

    Which proves I'm correct in accusing Australia's Government of the: FREEMASONS as child-predatory-sex-offenders, cover-up.

    Because there's NO OPTION to add imagine - Imagine GIF of someone doing a victory dance!

    TRUE GOVERNMENT CRIME: Australia Unmasked

    You can see the signatures are different. So what is it? 

    1. Did RISHWORTH intentionally sign the letter differently? 

    2. Did the staff forge the signature?

    3. Did a Labor Party caucus decide to forge the letter so RISHWORTH was blame free?

    4. Did someone in Australia Post forge the signature?

    5. Either way police should be investigating this crime but they refuse which begs the question - is there a police agency specifically dedicated to covering up political crimes in Australia?

    6. Or in combination with any or all of points "1." to "5." inclusive and "7." all my electronic communications via my unique URL internet presence (phone, email) are being illegally hacked by proximity involving my residential stalkers (information bubble) who’ve been protected by the South Australia police department who refuse to investigate them for stalking me at my residence with videos and word of mouth, monitoring my presence when I leave and return to my State housing rental – more likely than not situation as proved in and by the Pervert Paulvideo exchange for cheaper or free rent for services and other matters, in public or community housing rentals(illegal bribes to unconvicted Labor Party heartland criminals).

    7. Or is this the work of FREEMASON terrorists protected by national police departments who are all top down criminals 100% supported in these crimes by all of Australia's Parliaments?

    Would appear elements of point "6." are accurate as every ‘no win no fee’ legal firm & national billboard advertisers & internet marketing companies I've contacted electronically all mysteriously failed to respond to my emails.

    Every single one of them.

    Curiouser & curiouser.

    When Australian voters contact Australia’s members of parliament with a (relevant) federal or state issue the response is obvious – instead of acting as they were voted, our REPRESENTATIVE in parliament they see themselves as nothing more than a referral service. At least the ones I’ve contacted who are also members of the two major political parties Labor Party or Liberal Party Then when you have malfeasant morons in AUSTRALIA’s Labor Party you only get absolute rubbish. Not only do we NOT have an “Inspector General” in Medicare Australia, Medicare Australia is represented by website name “” the letter the MP signed refers to the attachment for the Medicare department in the United States of America. Not only did the Labor Party love this response to me they promoted this recalcitrant Australian terrorist Amanda RISHWORTH as the Minister for Centrelink for excellently kissing corporate arse in the matter of terrorist funded illegal medical implants inside me. Not one of Australia's NEWS outlets will publish this obvious evidence of political crime or gross incompetence in parliament - why? I suspect that's because the news industry is part of Australia's Labor Liberal Organized Terrorist Network.

    This is prison island AUSTRALIA unmasked.


    & other sycophantically sadistic psychopaths protected by Australia's Federal police & South Australia police departments. Auzzie Auzzie Auzzie Nazis.

    TRUE GOVERNMENT CRIME: Australia Unmasked

    2017 AUSTRALIA: State terrorist LABOR PARTY Premier Appointed PICTON as Police Minister to ensure RISHWORTH was safe from her MEDICAL terrorism crime. Grinning medical terrorists Mandy & Chris lived happily ever after in Onkaparinga City on the taxpayer's purse.

    When your days are dictated by what I do, when you’re in my private life but I’m not in yours, when you react to what I do, when you illegally block my access to services, all this means that psychologically I control you, which means that I virtually own you like a master owns a slave.

    They’re so pathetic that they’re proud of fact they’re paid to be illegal live-streaming perverts in someone else’s life proving they themselves believe their own life isn’t worth living as they don’t have the intelligence to be anything other than a paid pervert. Like the bloke across the road from me in number 10, I only realized he was pervering on me the day he came home and asked who it was that visited my house on a motorcycle. I told him to mind his own business then noticed the cameras pointing at my driveway and front door. That’s when I erected my humble fence and grew bushes to keep him off my property and erected my own CCTV video cameras. When I sprung him & his second wife secretly videoing me unlocking my gate with his motorcycle in his foreground I uploaded it to Youtube, he complained I was “racially” discriminating against him being an immigrant from India, and had Youtube delete my video on his criminally false claims, he also had Facebook delete my Facebook page in my legal identity claiming I’d stolen someone else’s name. When I wrote in a previous website page that I erected my fence to keep him and his fellow Government terrorists off my land, he erected a bigger and better fence claiming to police I was threatening him. Check Google maps timelapse to see how his public-housing rental has been transformed by obvious influx of unjust enrichment. He should've been evicted from his for his many crimes against me , the State of South Australia, and Commonwealth of Australia - federal law (terrorism).

    irrefutable proof this pair of public housing tenants are criminally stalking me, illegfally keeping me under unlawful surviellance in breach of Surveillance Devices Act 2016, South Australia.


    Harley Davidson State Hired Pervert Paul Manynames

    As you can see (top right) they came around to front yard from rear of their corner block BEFORE I'M VISIBLE  in my own CCTV camera (left) then sat down specifically to video me, obviously talking  to each other, whisperingso I couldn't hear & without talking to me, he begun videoing me as she looked on - the only explanation is they videoed me with intent to criminally defame me via our electronic communication systems (federal crime) & were tipped off by another neighbour accomplice as I was returning on my (pre electric) bicycle from local Seaford Central shops. On the bicycle because State Government public officers (still in 2024) illegally refuse to reissue my drivers licence because I asked the Governmenbt to investigate medical crimes physically & seriously harming me (federal terrorism) & despite this virtual mountain of evidence in my favour, I've been mocked, illegally blocked & criminally defamed in my attempts (my right) to take the Government to civil court on Defamation Misfeasance in Public Office or anythingwhilst the news is awash with considerably less offensive or harmful defamation lawsuits between political party members. That's terrorist planning proved many times over.

    Evidently the Party Faithful are the only ones allowed access to Australia's civil court systems. Just as manslaughter when drunk was caused by the person wilfully being drunk. Rape by wilful misadventure clearly requires a component of contributory responsibility. No-one should be in parliament house after hours unless its directly related to parliament in session.

    • I’ve been forced to live on government pension since the New South Wales ALLEN UNWIN HYMAN TERRORISTS stole my residence real estate & blocked my access to employment in 1989. The South Australia fixated crazy inbreeds who monitor my public housing residence, have stolen dozens of items of low income clothing, including about 10 black polo shirts and about 5 red polo shirts (purchased from Big W, as well as quite a few stretch black jean pants purchased from K-Mart and an assortment of trinkets that evidently took their fancy. Presumably they stole the clothes so they could prove to whomever they sell the video surveillance to that I was in my yard on separate days, as I used to wear them when doing anything in my back-yard. I could have “20” guesses whose responsible, but I’m not that “community” minded. I will say that tin roofs are by far more secure than tiled roof as the individual tiles can be removed by crooks gaining access that way. Reminds me of some years ago I was home decided not to answer a knock at my front door, next thing I know two blokes were on my roof trudging to the back of the house, presumably to remove some tiles to gain access. I yelled them off, they claimed the Government sent them - there never was any explanation from State Housing staff who I’ve also caught on security camera illegally trespassing. More recently they’ve had illegal orders from their residential tribunal to conduct a home invasion at my property to photograph all my possessions. They treat me as if I’m in a Government prison.

    The bullshit from my terrorist funded neighbour is intended to cover up this bullshit from NSW & Federal Labor Party & Freemason 1984 Fathers Day NSW POLICE FAKED bikie murder of fake 14 year old child Leanne WALTERS they called "a cheap little slut" in their 1989 paperback with my adult face as the 14 year old child - that's political terrorism involving John HILL MP as 1980s convicted killer & bikie named LANCE WELLINGTON - that's misappropriation of public resources 'John-boy' that he needs to pay back.

    That's why they refuse to let me sue them - it'll destroy the terrorist's Labor Party.

    right click all images to open in new tab

    CAMDEN NSW Freemason police slotted me into their 1984 Fathers Day NSW POLICE FAKED bikie murder of fake 14 year old child Leanne WALTERS because I witnessed the murder of senior retired police officer JACK BASSET on 24 April 1988 as he was giving evidence in support of my evidence of the history of organized NSW FREEMASON child rape. Obviously Camden police were deeply entrenched in those child rapes I'd witnessed.

    At time of his murder Jack BASSET was a FREEMASON had known me all my life, he'd been uniformed police officer in Cooma & was responsible for my male parent's arrest after my male parent  raped me on 3 March 1959. FREEMASONS claimed Jack Basset took his own life & erased my male parent's rape conviction. My male parent died in Nowra 2018. 

    August or September 2024 telecast parliament session Hansard recorded the Labor Prime Minister say to the Liberal opposition leader with a serious voice that "You know police are doing a great job." The opposition leader stared in introspection, no expression on his face. They both know their police officers and the departments act as terrorists to cover up FREEMASON and PARTY FAITHFUL political crimes. Specifically they both reasonably know about these crimes herewith. That's TERRORISM and makes Australia an oppressed regims headed by dictators who ignore their own parliament's laws for personal profit.


    1994 maliciously insisting I was this Leanne & accusing me of faking my own death - I'd been held at gunpoint in Campbelltown NSW by three (3) police officers (2 uniform pointing their guns at me & Detective Paul SHIELS named in this story book as a police detective.)

    I grew up at 43 Darwin Road/Avenue (they changed it) in East Campbelltown NSW attending East Campbelltown NSW state primary school under Principals Mr Pollock then Mr Miller. We moved from our Commonwealth owned Post Office residence in Bunyan NSW when I was aged 6 in July 1962. I started school at East Cooma public school which was destroyed by fire some years later. My first school friend, Ingrid HOCKFREY (spelling unknown) lived in a pink house opposite East Cooma primary school, she had straight black hair like an Eskimo. My second friend was Aileen but I couldn't mentally grasp her family name, she had red hair. Our teacher was Miss Rosenberg, she never married and is buried in Cooma. One of our classmates had deformed arms due to the thalidomide drug he was also my friend, I stood up for him when the others bullied him because of his disability, but I can't remember his name at all, it’s been erased by FREEMASON brainwashing. I do remember Miss Rosenberg speaking to me privately praising me for defending him, she specifically stated that she hoped I’d not change when I grew up. I assured her I wouldn’t. I was mature for my age but that was mental maturity not sexual as they described their fake Leanne. As a child I had memories of past life and future memories of these matters. You need to read my book “Taurus Rising” to understand that statement. FREEMASONS started brainwashing me after I witnessed their murder at a FREEMASON meeting circa 1967 which is why they went into such detail about this fake LEANNE in her childhood, detailing imagined illnesses and criminal mentality. This story book was engineered to criminally defame me, with willful malice. I had copy of my Cooma class photo with my friends but it was stolen from me in 1990s along with other class photos; and a private photo I had of strawberry blond freckled face Lorraine SLOWMAN (Walters) when she worked at Visyboard same time as me in 1984, pretending to be Leanne WALTERS. Her NSW registered pale green 4 cylinder sedan had personalized white on black number plates "LS" followed by three numbers. I'm a car person. It would appear to me from my experience in a FREEMASON household growing up that NSW FREEMASONS planned the assassination of someone during the crime they invented the death of a fictitious person - LEANNE WALTERS.

    I was born in Cooma NSW public hospital - one of my children were born in Liverpool public hospital but only because the FREEMASON physicians and public officer nurses almost killed me due to gross negligence associated with retained placenta after I was chemically induced to give birth, and sepsis that paralyzed me close to death 7 days after I gave birth in 1976 at Camden public hospital. In stark contrast to my children who’ve been equally hounded by these criminals forcing me to relocate every two years before and after they stole my real estate at The Oaks in 1990s - the only High school I’d attended was state high school in Rudd Road Campbelltown NSW with Principals Mr Gorman & Mr Johnson – I had perfect attendance record because I loved being at school. MINIMAL LAWFUL DAYS OFF ALL THROUGH SCHOOL, NEVER SKIPPED SCHOOL, NOT EVEN FOR ONE DAY. No days off in my final two years and passed my School Certificate exam in November 1972. My first full time employment (aged 16) started in November 1972 at the Government Insurance office in Elizabeth Street SYDNEY (the old Sun newspaper building which is still standing). I lived in East Campbelltown until to November 1974, after several of his failed attempts to murder me my FREEMASON BUILDER male parent Aubrey Bernard FRANCIS (1923-2018) deceived me to steal my first-born sending me off the Geelong VICTORIA. When I was in primary school my male parent worked as a maintenance carpenter for NSW State Housing; when I was in high school he worked for Winton Brothers builders and then NSW Department of Main Roads as a foreman with a team erecting F5 freeway link from Liverpool to Campbelltown, and Campbelltown to Bowral F5 freeway link.

    Australia's Governments have customarily criminally blocked me in my right to claim damages from their negligence in everything all my life.

    I'm a Myers-Briggs INTJ personality. My brain only functions on logic which is why brainwashing me failed. I don't read fiction because the lack of logic annoys me. I'd conducted many social experiments to prove to myself who were responsible for the publication. I placed myself at places these specific motorcycle Club enthusiasts (Rebels, Comancheros, Bandidos) would be to see how they reacted to me, to see if they knew me by sight. I'd purchased biker magizines to find places; and why I contacted one NSW lawyer advertising in a biker mag - but he refused to represent me - evidently he's FREEMASON. In Newcastle area I went to a public Bandido organized gathering (the male organizer-contact had female name) and intentionally bumped into the most offensive looking biker I could see, pretending it was by accident, he was annoyed as expected but didn't know me. None of them knew me including the ones at the Rebels Club house in BLAXLAND Road Campbelltown (previously Badgally Road) or at Hells Angles club house in Granville NSW. They answer when you knock on their steel door, who knew that? I research throughly.  I went to Goulburn knowing most police officers were FREEMASONS and were in huge numbers there - they harassed me and falsely arrested me several times making false charges that stuck in the local Goulburn court thereby giving me personal proof that FREEMASONS were and ARE the criminal offenders for this fake story.

    Personally I detest bikers misogynistic mindset, however I support their right to be treated fairly. I was there on the footpath on my birthday, my right hand extended upright clenched in a fist, at the back of the crowd of males (I took one of my 4 sons we were between the trees) gathered around the steps when motorcycle clubs were protesting South Australia's anti association laws. I firmly believe in legal equality for everyone even those I personally detest. - My closest ancestors are English, French, Irish, Scottish. Having met a few of all of them I’m fairly confident the French ancestor is from whom I inherited my intense emotional empathy (Paris France born Louis Marc Francois GAUVIN carver evidently an emotional DNA trait not shared by my other close family members. I’m the ‘revolution against tyranny’ type. Being an INTJ I have to do that intellectually not physically; and I must be certain I’m logically factual in that rev revolutionary response, which is why I’m personally forced to explain everything in great detail with legally valid evidence. Its annoying and satisfying at the same time. I'm also DNA related to the blood relic attributed to unfortunately beheaded Loius XVI of France. so soap-boxing with evidence papers at hand is something I simply can't avoid. Having the 'artist' gene is why I use lots of colours, I'm DNA related to Ludwig Van BEETHOVEN, his mtDNA is H1b1+16, my mtDNA is H1bb. I have an excellent musical ear, am a natural at dancing tap and classical, wanted to develop my dance talents and play piano and violin as a child, played a flute non stop trying to find the tune I could remember in my DNA, till it was hidden from me, but never learnt to play anything formally due to FREEMASON intervention in my childhood. Another reason why I'll never give up against them. My most favourite sound is the Irish bagpipes, when I first heard it it sparked a memory from distant past and forced me to tears. Still does. When I first heard Auld Lang Syne sung at my oldest cousin's wedding I was a small child, I stood crying and screaming they would never return attracting attention from the adults. It also sparked distant past (adult) memory of men going away to fight and not returning. We didn't own a TV set. I have no idea who or where or when this past memory happened. So you see, I'm forced, in the interests of my strong sense of justice and equality, to write about these FREEMASON crimes when I would very much prefer to be involved in many other more interesting matters.

    I forced myself to read the SIMPSON & HARVEY trash to understand them, the authors. It struck me that the book was written by several persons not just two. Many of the alleged true facts contradict themselves, are repeated; and they got dates wrong. Clearly not bothering to check a calendar when they wrote it several years after the event not working from 1984 notes as claimed. The book was supposedly professionally edited by the publishing company - its content is structured more like a self-published book. That they claimed to have been allowed inside the autopsy room or to view the deceased in the morgue is ludicrous. They describe the appearance of the deceased is disrespectful and morally bankrupt. When I spoke to (1984 Comanchero president) Mr William George ROSS (Jock) in Wiseman’s Ferry circa 2001, his first words to me were as he was pointing at photos of him in this book saying, “That’s not me.” I was so distressed in 2001 in the knowledge that Campbelltown NSW police had (negligently) left this book in production, that I visited the NSW graves of the deceased males leaving yellow roses with purple Iris as a message of deep personal sadness for the FREEMASON crimes against them and their families. The sadness will persist until these FREEMASONS and their supporters are all forced to be criminally and civilly accountable for these many terrorist crimes against Australia.

    So mote it be.


    SIMPSON & HARVEY authors are party to this fraud to criminally defame me, to cover up their family association with this crime of the fake Leanne Walters.

    FREEMASON POLICE are party to this fraud to cover up that I witnessed many years of FREEMASON murders and child rape in Campbelltown NSW and that local area.

    TRUE GOVERNMENT CRIME: Australia Unmasked

    It’s always annoying when one discovers that Government's HISTORY websites are not accurate. None more disturbing is when modern history websites are not accurate as there are no excuses for incorrect or missing modern history - save willfull malice and intentional misleading or deceptive conduct. The following TROVE National Library AUSTRALIA website is one most of us go to for factual records, this link (page) is about my 2014 court application to Federal Court of Australia, * most disturbing aspect is that the page claims by omission that there were "no orders". There were orders the orders were based on the application from respondent's legal representative (Sydney lawyer) Peter BANKI. His application failed. Judge KATZMANN's proper and reasonable order and her valid reasons for that order is why the Government chose to ignore it when they created the Federal Court record in this matter.[JGFwin]_KATZMANN_14p.pdf

    I withdrew as I'd filed the case when I was being illegally drugged, falsely as "schizophrenic" the illegal drugs included amnesia drugs that made me sleep most of the day away. I've been notable unjustly unsuccessful in getting a proper Copyright Act lawyer to continue the matter that I've proved beyond any doubt in my books above. I repeat I formulated my court application when I was being illegally drugged after being illegally diagnosed by State of South Australia Health Department’s expert psychiatrist's as schizophrenic. I suggest its one of them who had been moved from Health Department to Transport Department, like the Catholic Church had moved their pedophile priests to different regions after they’d been caught behaving criminally.

    • I wasn't "assisted" in any way, don't know what "ASSISTED" refers to in the (now broken) Trove 2022 snapshot link "ASSISTED DISPUTE RESOLUTION filed by FRANCIS, JANETTE(A) on 22-MAY-2014" that's more misleading & deceptive conduct by court staff record keepers. On 10 January 2022 Federal clerical staff refused to accept my (defamation & other matters) application against Australian Labor Party and many others, their grounds was the "content" of a fictitious affidavit they falsely claimed I'd filed. The Federal Court of Australia refuses to keep record of the applications they refuse to acceot for filing. That's also misleading and deceptive conduct to pervert the course of justice & due administration of law.


    TRUE GOVERNMENT CRIME: Australia Unmasked

    See illegal implant cables inserted by Australia's Freemason Organized Government Funded Terrorists
    • Probably is no shock to most decent Australians that the locals who support these terrorist crimes often approach me when I’m at my bicycle trailer after I’ve been illegally blocked in renewal of my drivers’ licence only the locals see my website advertisement therefore the rest of Australia never will. They’re breathing so they have a brain. They probably have a mobile phone as they know what a website is. They have mastered the art of speech it's therefore reasonable to presume they can also read. These terrorist supporters (mostly male) approach me specifically to ask me what the website ( is all about, pretending they’re not FREEMASON, PARTY FAITHFUL nor off duty police asking aout the capacity of my bespoke eBicycle. This summary is for you smug baby-fuker Brothers or lovers.

    People aren’t organized by Government with laws for communities so that Government public officers can protect us with our parliament’s laws, we’re drawn together to pay taxes to fund Government public officers so they’re able to climb on us to get to the top of the pile of human remains they created for that purpose. No other reason.

    Community life is worse now than it ever was before parliaments, only now the evil works in secret. You could hide from an evil King's army. You can't hide from the harmful effects inside you from illegal implants access by wireless radio-frequency, it's the silent secret remote torture of 21st century planet Earth.

    Quantum theory - when it's out of sight it's not happening. So if you're not one of those criminal offenders kindly advertise my website on social media, in a video, or a bumper sticker on back of your road vehicle. If you love children in the decent way, perhaps you may like to make a huge sign and tow in on your trailer or truck. The children of tomorrow will silently thank you if you do.

    Living in Australia is like living in outer space --> no one can hear you scream because no one's listening.

    Here are the documents to prove the above statement

    Not sure if you'd call this Government series of ongoing crimes immigrants v citizens or males v females or terrorists v targets. I'm the targeted female citizen. The outcome proves that the criminal defamer (Paul Shilldarien-Henley) had planned to defame me in concert with someone else employed within the State Housing Department or State Health Department (or both) Renee is his sister's name this Renee looked like his sister and despite that she visited him personally the Friday before my scheduled court hearing against the State Housing Department (her employer) (see letter) she didn't visit me personally - clearly she had tipped him off that I was still going ahead with the court hearing on the Monday which obviously precipitated his telephone call to the EMERGENCY mental health triage telephone hotline at 5:00pm Friday 9 September 2016, where the obvious intent was to have me imprisoned under the Mental Health Act to prevent me from attending the Monday court hearing. He had also telephoned Crime-stoppers to attempt to have me arrested (see photo of Eric from Aldinga police station) Then when I complained to police (crime stoppers) about him criminally defaming me - police ignored that crime. Both State and Federal Courts have unconstitutionally REFUSED me the right to sue the State of South Australia on the matter of these their premeditated or reckless (criminal) defamation (plural), assault, battery, trespass to my land, unlawful imprisonment for the several MONTHS in 2014 they illegally forced their "schizophrenia & amnesia drugs" on me because I'm a witness to the crimes of State of New South Wales in the matter of my 1990s criminal surgical rapes over several years also involving (NSW) their premeditated or reckless (criminal) defamation (plural), assault, battery, trespass to my land, unlawful imprisonment for the several YEARS from at least 1989 to the present day.

    Adelaide, South Australia Police refuse to charge those who criminally assaulted & criminally defamed & criminally imprisoned me because they said,"You have a history of mental illness" they pull that from their arse because they can't find anything to arrest me on, as they did when I asked police to investigate police crime in 2004 GOULBURN NSW where the Police Academy and their maximum security prison is located, Goulburn predominately police employees and their families. They charged me with offensive conduct & imprisoned me overnight because I offended police by accusing their mates of being criminals, with supporting evidence. The court carried that police fraud claim as fact, the documents published in my Amazon (only) published book, Democracy The Great Deception

    - doesn't matter its false it exists therefore to South Australia's Police Commissioner & Police Minister its true.


    I’ll spell it out just in case you missed it. The creep across the road did in fact falsely and maliciously criminally defame me in 2016 with specific intent of having me imprisoned under the Mental Health Act because I was threatening to take him to court over an unrelated matter of private nuisance (light pollution and unlawful video surveillance) - a matter that still persists to this day in 2024 despite that he (still) lives in the same State Government rental, and they know he’s criminally offended in the 2016 matter which means he should have been evicted for breach of Residential Tenancies Act (my quiet enjoyment) or his lease conditions or State policy which says a public housing tenant is evicted automatically if they conduct a criminal activity at the residence. So he had three strikes in one matter back in 2016 - he must be FREEMASON.

    In 2018 when State Housing and State Health conducted their criminal home invasion (where State Health FREEMASON illegally jumping my locked fence) they used the 2016 matter as the basis for that criminal plan however its more likely than not that the neighbour from the 2016 matter was not involved in the 2018 matter as it was State election time so the FREEMASONS used the election to deflect onto the political groups and that was the catalyst that brought about the State funded home invasion. The Ministers now in 2024 still run with these old terrorist plans (as well as their illegal canccellation of my drivers licence) so they ensure continued Party endorsement for re-election despite that the illegal implants matter is 100% FREEMASON.

    State housing continue their home invasions using illegal orders from their SACAT Tribunals in direct breach of the Residential Tenancies Act. It’s the State Government who are the main terrorists as friends of FREEMASONS the fool across the road is merely a psychopath who was obviously brought up by his parents to participate in criminal vendettas when someone stands up against his bullying.

    That concept (FREEMASON TERRORISM) was cemented when a resident in a neighbouring street criminally harassed me for 15-20 minutes last week illegally demanding I give him something in my yard. When he realized he was losing the argument he (first) named dropped the fool across the road who orchestrated the 2016 criminal defamation attempting to indicate to me that he was his mate (Paul Shilldarien-Henley’s). Then called me a “witch”.

    I’ve known the FREEMASON ways from childhood, they deflect away from themselves blaming others claiming associations with others they have no association with – they even claim they know me personally from time to time. He’d obviously read my website and was obviously deflecting onto the fool across the road to cover up for his Christies Beach FREEMASON cult mates. Classic case of really stupid blokes who’ve actually convinced themselves they’re much smarter than everyone else.

    The unconstitutionally misfeasant cancellation of my drivers licence in 2018 was/is FREEMASON centric and started when Labor Party’s Christopher PICTON was the South Australia Police Minister and ended when Liberal Party was newly elected into parliament. Clearly that was and still is FREEMASON organized.

    Likewise, every thing associated with my 1989 identity theft in NSW and the previous NSW resident and Labor Party South Australia Health Minister John David HILL who like the present Labor Party South Australia Health Minister Christopher PICTON they’re both placed as the State parliament representative in my State electorate – Kaurna – specifically to benefit the Labor Party and FREEMASONS in concert. As I’ve said before, when I lived in NSW up tp 2004 almost all police were FREEMASON and most FREEMASONS were Liberal Party. Its FREEMASON affiliations that join the Labor & Liberal Party in one mind for one cause – joint organized terrorism to conceal FREEMASON child rape & murder crimes dating back to the start of my life in 1956, and beyond.

    This whole sorded secret Government terrorist plan is to cover up FREEMASON organized child rape and child murder as I was a witness to one of those two crimes when I was a child in Campbelltown NSW, refused to be silent on the matter, and they failed in their many plans to kill me before the illegal implant surgery in 1990s and now hope I’ll die from implant infection – if not Australia’s parliamentarians have the obvious pleasure of knowing they’re party to physically torturing me for the child-rape cover-up FREEMASON cause that ensured they’d been elected into parliament in the first instance.

    Its a pretty good indicator that a country is covering up child rape when they allow goods advertisements on toilets in free to air television showing adults clearly sitting with a bare arse on a toilet. I know of four – two women and two men. That’s our Government not so secretly conditioning children to accept adult nudity in their every day life.

    1. Creepy crying dark skin female advertising artificial reproduction,.

    2. Creepy Irish accent female advertising adult nappies.

    3. Creepy smiling white male advertising vitamin company.

    4. Creepy serious face white male advertising Sorbent toilet paper.

    Don’t believe the rubbish claims from these medical terrorists – I was born naturally physically and psychologically stronger than others my age or size. Born stronger. Only thing the illegal implants have done for me is cause pain and the surgical assailants have drumbed me down between 1989 and 2010 when I took the same University Economics I easily passed circa 1989 but was unable to grasp after 2010 causing me to decide not to take the test I easily passed circa 1989. I still mastered a perfect score in defamation law therefore its was a part of mt brain they targeted that handles reasoning – the frontal lobe – an illegal lobotomy no doubt which explains why that when I was criminally abducted from a joint Wollondilly Shire, Camden and Campbelltown c ity council committee meeting (MACROC) and deposited back at the same meeting (circa 1998) I was thereafter physically unable to think of the words I wanted to say, or speak any word that wasn’t garble, or even move my body to stand and run away screaming (as I so wanted to do) for a couple of hours. All in the presence of my fellow elected Councillors, our General Manager or other executive officer mandated to be present at all MACROC meetings that were closed to the public. That was one of many premeditated terrorism for a joint Labor and Liberal Party criminal causes targeting me personally on the basis of my 1989 stolen biometric identity as the fake LEANNE WALTERS. Its all in my AU$4 ebook or paperbacks.

    There’s so much abhorrent violence in electronic games, television, films and the internet that when an outrageous human atrocity happens people don’t react because its part of every day life which is the aim for adult nudity before children. If WWII Germany holocaust happened in 2020s today there would have been no war crime hearings, no outrage, nothing. Look what they did to me and I can’t get any of it into civil court so I can get the illegal implants removed (which is my legal right) let alone criminal court where it should have been two decades ago. You’ve all been robotized - brainwashed and negated as a free-thinking human. What’s more fascinating is that 99% of you don’t give a shit, you’re happy to be a psychopathic drone. FYI a drone is like the word “sick” a “drone” is an action not a flying toy, and “sick” is something that’s not good, not really good – belief ‘sick’ is good is another piece of evidence you’ve been brainwashed by terrorists.

    Reminds me of the song, “Ship of Fools”.

    The contempt I receive from local females is a lot like how the Suffragettes were treated 100 years ago when they were campaigning for the womens’ vote. As South Australia was the first State in Australia that passed the vote for women and elected the first female to parliament I was mistaken in my belief that I would be welcomed here and Adelaide locals would be keen to expose this extensive medical terrorism from Sydney. Apparently all the intelligent descendants of those people left Adelaide before I arrived in 2004. After a fellow member of the Royal Adelaide -Caledonian Society approached me claiming a “Bob BURNS” told her he “knows me” I’d posted on my website a few years that I don’t socialize in Adelaide therefore no-one “knows” me certainly no males, and that the only places I see other people was at the supermarket and Bunnings Hardware. A local Seaford SA Facebook page I belonged to soon published a video of a young blonde bimbo wandering Bunnings asking staff what isle she could find the men. I thought not that much of it until I swear the same bimbo served me at Bunnings recently when I returned some packaged Flyscreen mesh. The package had the barcode and my receipt had the same barcode but Ms bimbo claimed the computer system didn’t have the product so she couldn’t refund making me wait for several minutes. Sure it may have been a computer error however its more likely it wasn’t as I’d only purchased the item a few days before. Australia is organized, an endless array of computer errors and maliciously false information. Its my guess “Bob BURNS” is Bob BRADBURY the crooked cop who murdered Jack BASSET in front of me inside Camden NSW police station on 24 April 1988, to cover up Bob BRADBURY’s own pedophilia offenses as a FREEMASON. I’m also certain he and his wife and extended NSW police family have been stalking me since 24 April 1988 – proved by the outcomes of my attempts to expose those crimes and my 100% associated surgical rape here in Adelaide some 1,500 kilometers from Camden NSW.


    Asking South Australia Police Commissioner  Grant STEVENS 2015 to 2028:

    Did Minister for police ask you to turn a blind eye to these active criminal conspiracies in Adelaide region Government? --> Or was it of your own volition as an active terrorist?

    Asking ADELAIDE South Australia Television & Print News Owners:

    How much does the Government pay you from public money for your overt silence, despite my many personal & written requests to air these local, medical & Government  terrorism events. --> Or what's your average price tag on human life?

    When I do something that minimises the physical burning of the microwave tower radio-waves that access the illegal implants inside me, it's ok for one day then on the second day they obviously increase the energy they use to access the illegal implants when I'm asleep which increases the burning to my outer skin. This cause and action prove 100% that the 1990s Sydney Australia Government terrorist physician Mohamed Riyazuddin AHMED and his as yet fully unidentified companion terrorist physicians didn't plan to implant me & walk away, they planned to implant me to monitor me to block my every attempt to have the illegal implants removed which was obviously a prime concern for the SADISTIC TERRORIST arse wipe physician who authored the below document ten years ago reasonably knowing that by not having the illegal implants removed he was participating in the conspiracy to assault or murder me. AND that I’m being kept illegally under surveillance via the illegal implants which is a crime pursuant to SURVEILLANCE DEVICES ACT 2016 and planned aggravated assault (home invasion and) conspiracy to murder pursuant to CRIMINAL LAW CONSOLIDATION ACT 1935 (South Australia) which include as wilful terrorists these nine recalcitrant & recidivist 2014 South Australia State HEALTH DEPARTMENT filthy low-life lying Australia's enemy-scum terrorist physicians, in no order:

    Andrew Robert CHAMPION.
    Richard Thomas TELFER.
    Georgina Ai Chin CHENG.
    Elizabeth Rachael Travell COVENTRY.
    Arthur LOUKAS.
    Michael John NANCE.
    Allan Robert NELSON.
    Kieron Joseph THOMSON.

    Right mouse click to open image in new tab.

    Dystonia & Statutory Duty of Care:

    Misfeasance in public office, is the cultural norm in inbred Australia

    I was as much a medical "patient" to the State of South Australia terrorists in 2014 as the Jews in WWII concentration camps of Nazi Germany were 'best loved friends' of Adolph Hitler. I was and still am a physically tortured political prisoner in my birth country AUSTRALIA.Ten years later the Australian terrorist Government's sponsored sadistically illegal implants are still vibrating inside me 33 years after they were illegally implanted without skipping a beat, proving 100% that they're electronic wifi parasites inside me using my body functions as their power, my breathing, my heartbeat & without any lawful authority whatsoever. That dear reader is the definition of a government dominated by cocksuckers in the parliaments, the police departments and their gaggle of overpaid physicians.

    GLUE THAT BINDS Angelos GIANNAKOUREAS & Janette MOIR with other perpetrators to each other’s crimes is the fact Government public officers in 3 jurisdictions have refused to comply with the ‘Rule of Law’ police have refused to charge offenders on prima facie crimes, public prosecutors have refused to seek criminal justice & the clerical staff in the 3 jurisdictions have refused to allow me to file a civil claim on damages for the malicious harms to my reputation, for multiple property theft, for illegal assaults against my person, for my illegal imprisonments, for illegal trespass on my lands, for conspiracy to murder me by abuse of public office & invasion of my privacy, the list goes on & on. The crimes each join to support in their civil war against me are that I was a witness to child rape by Freemasons Bunyan New South Wales from afternoon of 3 March 1959 when I was almost 3 years old to Cawdor NSW afternoon of 24 April 1988 when I was almost 32 years old; & witnessing the murder of a child c1967 during a Campbelltown NSW Freemason meeting when they were ritualistically raping two little boys; & witnessing the shooting murder of a retired senior police officer at close range inside the Camden NSW police station back room on Sunday evening of 24 April 1988. These are the crimes supported by public officer psychopaths GIANNAKOUREAS & MOIR crimes they're harbouring in concert with many others in southern Adelaide, of the State of South Australia with their criminal defamations of me in 2014 to block my right to have NSW illegal implants removed from my person. This is the glue that binds public officers & others to this secret civil war against me and my family. I am Janette Gail FRANCIS, I have ancestors in every region of planet Earth, I’m predominantly genetically of Celtic Scandinavian ancestry, born at 10:40pm in the government hospital at Cooma NSW in 1956 during gale force winds at closure of Gaelic day of Beltane, the beginning of summer. I’m their worst enemy because I’m the incorruptible one & evidently the powers of the universe like me quite a lot. I have no religion. I have no master other than being true to myself.

    truth of religion: religion is based on reality, but it's manipulated facts to create a false reality to control the masses with fear of God's retribution


    Godegisel King of the Vandals

    the Vandals sacked Rome circa 455 CE, that's match 53 of 1000 matches in order of highest match first, he's now number "14" right click to see whole image

    Romans were perhaps the first groups who sought to control everyone, literally everyone. Its obvious they got the idea from someone else. Equally obvious they realized the written word impressed the illiterate masses. The word mass (or whatever it was then) for the early Catholic ritual was just as obviously used to describe the many groups of people taking mass, the masses. Most of our early written history was transcribed by Romans. We know how Nazi Germany wrote their history and how Australia, England and America falsify their account of history. When the Vandals moved across Europe they most probably claimed to be spreading the word of their powerful King Godegisel, probably being a power-monger himself had his lads spread the tales of Godegisel being the all mighty and powerful warrior, a King of Kings. Hence forth “God” was created by his followers to be manipulated by their enemies, the propaganda story manipulated as the centuries unfolded into what we know as the many versions of the present day Christian Bibles. That children, is how God was created – more likely than not!

    To paraphrase many before me: When you know the truth then the truth shall set you free of persecution and oppressive domination of your false beliefs in Gods and false democracies designed only to create profits for few corporations to the physical and psychological detriment of very many individuals.


    As I’ve proved I’ve been physically tortured with illegal implants for at least 30 years. Just because the illegal implants are not visible or just because I’m not always limping doesn’t mean I’m not in constant pain from the illegal implants that are cables and pulse generating apparatus linked to a wireless transceiver all covered with illegal silicone injections so that my searching fingers can’t find them to alert my brain to the cause of the pain, when I grab myself where I feel the pain. The thinning of my skin as I aged allows me to feel the illegal implants I couldn’t when my skin was less prone to sagging.

    I’ve detailed some of the harms I feel but will add that if I carry any weights or participate in any hand activity that causes impact to my outer skin even something like knitting or clay pot making, hand clapping, or use a harmless hammer or a lawnmower or power drill the vibrations to my hands cause bruising around the illegal implant cables that extend from my spine down my arms wrap around my thumbs across the palms and the tops of my hands and down my fingers, the now hardened silicone often herniates in my fingers if I ‘finger thumb’ grip anything causing a spastic like cramp. Depending on the duration, the bruising from any vibrating outdoor tool lasts for up to one week. That means due to the internal bruising, the nerve compressions causing electric shocks when I try to pick something up and the general pins & needles and numbness in my both hands (including fingers) for about one week of me doing nothing at all with my hands save the essential of feeding myself and wiping my arse which is an ordeal when the bruising is fresh. This assault from the illegal implants happens every time I do anything, including walking as they put them under the soles of my feet and around my legs and knees.

    However, even if I sit and do nothing I’m still perpetually assaulted with the illegal implants with sparking around my head and down my spine due to the wireless access to the illegal implants at my captors are keen to watch everything I do via the illegal implants that evidently give them some manner of visual feedback, as I’ve proved by my MRI radiology images that have auditory capabilities, sending me their verbal input in attempt to influence my activities from the interference in my attempts to access the internet, lawyers and others via emails and text messages, they also have visual feedback. Despite that I have the MRI proving the auditory implants State Health Government ignore that to illegally diagnose me as schizophrenic which proves premeditated organized medical terrorism to cover up the illegal auditory implant procedures. The documents herewith (ANCESTRY and SCREAMING) prove their diagnosis were illegal and were revoked by official channels - yet State LABOR Health Minister Christopher PICTON's terrorists still insist the PROVED illegal POLITICAL diagnosis is legal.

    I repeat the incident where I telephoned the State Government’s Legal Services Commission of South Australia (2024) with my phone number blocked, I was put on hold for several minutes to discover that by the time the call ended my phone had been illegally accessed displaying my previously hidden phone number. We have no fuking privacy from these psychocunts in Government. They refused to give me legal advice despite their advertisement and funding criteria.

    I have a very strong courage level in my DNA personality. Instead of resorting to drugging myself to forget the pain I sought to find answers. That makes me about 1% of the population when it comes to determination.

    You need to read all of this website and my books to understand this statement. It would appear to me that those invisible entities who saved my life during the 3 January 1977 motorvehicle accident and every other time in my life, are in fact future us. They like the present government have stood back watching my physical suffering (and of my entire family) to achieve their own personal goals, whetever they may be. The present parliament Ministers remain silent for their own financial security to ensure they’re re-elected and get a great job after they leave parliament. It would therefore appear to me that those esoteric entities I felt moving around me by the change in air pressure inside my closed Holden HR are the future inhabitants of this planet, the descendants of the present Government public officers and their accomplice scientists and physicians.

    It would appear that my torture generates financial profits to the Government’s Macquarie University’d Cochlear Limited corporation and the other illegal imppants around my person generate research outcomes for the very expensive replacement limb programs. I’m part of a medical research project – against my will, without any lawful conscent and despite the personal suffering to myself and 100% lack of benefit to me.

    It would appear to me that past Earth’s people falsified Gods to control the masses and that the present Earth’s people falsify another reality, fake democracy.

    Evidently we live in an era that is hypothetically no different to the 1973 Charlton HESTON film “Soylent Green” set in our present era (2022) where people were the ingredient in the food product sold to feed the bulging Earth population.

    Please don’t misunderstand me, I’m not championing the esoteric entities who saved my life during that motor vehicle accident, they are no different psychopathically to present day Government, they used me for their cause without any care to how I would suffer in the interim years. That’s what leads me to suspect they are future us. Soulless, formless, perfectly psychopathically sadistic. I lived through it but many others not like me have not. Ask yourself this dear reader - is the future fixed or can you change it by changing the way our governments function?

    DNA we weren't part of them they are part of us

    69th Great Grandfather, King Darius of Persia. 31st & 32nd Great Grandfather, Alfred the Great King of Wessex England. VANDALS proved by DNA on - 44th Great Grandfather, King Godegisel (God for short) Merovingian Nobels proved by DNA, King Cloderic 44th Great Grandfather, King Cloderic. 28th & 30th Great Grandfather, Leofwine II of MERCIA & LINCOLNSHIRE. 29th Great Grandmother,  Aelfgifu of YORK, Queen of England.

    DNA we weren't part of them they are part of us

    My Family Tree & Surgical Rape with illegal Government funded implants

    Google says there's been 45 individuals who've served as president of the United States of America according to I'm related to just over one third through both of my maternal grandmothers. When I first made this public the barbarian hordes who are illegal hackers for Australia's government erased the connections but not before I saved the evidence. They may erase the paper trail, they may brainwash my family, they may alter DNA with fake immunizations like COVID, but they can't erase my personality despite that they have even tried that with illegal lobotomies during the 1990s --- the powers of the universe evidently like me but don't like them very much, them the barbarian hordes who (independently of each other) control governments across the globe. When in I see I'm 1st cousin 50R to Jesus of Nazareth Bible fame its a case of probable foul play. Although I do have ancient ancestors in the Gaza strip region so maybe. I don't 'believe' I'm DNA descendant from the Jewish-Christian Jesus however, its evident that the FREEMASON barbarians probably added the entry to claim to others they do, based on the fact they after they were several times unsuccessful in murdering me (including sepsis after childbirth, railway crossing incident, gas explosion, another car prang, my pwn male parent planned to shoot me on two separate days months apart) they decided they believed I was the 'second coming' by preventing my children born after my 1977 motor vehicle accident from having children. I don't care what anyone believes. The Jewish-Christian 'New Testament' Bible was written several hundred years after 'that' Jesus was supposed to have lived.How can the details about anything is this alleged person's life be true? If 'God' created a featus inside a female don't you think 'he or she' would have also ensured the child was hermaphrodite and made the parents give that child a unique name that everyone would recognize as the child of "God" and ensured that no other parent named their child that same unique name so that there were never any imposters? I do.

    In 1977 when stationary at a stop sign, I was shunted 3 or 4 car spaces forward by an extra long fully-laden semitrailer & walked away uninjured apart from a small cut from a 'cup hook' I'd recently installed to hold up my lap sash seat belt -- there was no other person visible in the HR with me however, I was not alone when driving a 1967 HR Holden with no head rests as I approached the intersection they were yelling at me to put my seat belt on. There was no person visible in the car, the radio had long been broken, I had no RF attracting fillings, my windows were closed, no other vehicle or people or houses were in the vicinity. They were NOT god, I could feel the air pressure change as they moved around me. My logical deduction is that they are what many mistake as GOD, they are people as Apes are legally classified as people & they have lived beside some of us for at least as long as our recorded history. The back of the bench seat where I was sitting was bent back at about a 45 degree angle. When I was first aware of my surroundings after the impact I was sitting upright. I had a cut on my elbow that required stitches but the hospital (accident & emergency) staff were unable to pierce my skin to stitch it, we had to wait a period of time with two people pushing on the same needle. I've had stitches since without drama. I have no religion. I don't 'believe' in any God however I do like the ancient North symbols of Thor and the Celtic tree of life as they represent the existence of our ancestors.

    My Surgical Rape happened when they failed to murder me by many & varied 'accidents'

    Upon realizing from my male parent, the Master MASON what actually happened the Sydney FREEMASONs set about researching how to create an artificial ear that could mimic whet I experienced to convince FREEMASON dissidents 'they' are God to ensure their target victims do their bidding, any who wised up to their dirty tricks would thereafter be illegally diagnosed as "schizophrenic" hearing 'voices'. They (NSW Government & Macquarie University} illegally screwed one into my skull through the upper region on my ear canal opening (protruding through my skull near my brain) leaving a very painful red hole it was suggested by the 1990s physician was a burst pimple. The illegal COCHLEAR LIMITED implant became infected on 2005 as seen in MRI but the  Adelaide ENT (Mr Neville Lister MINNIS the brother of the officer in charge at Aldinga Police Station Andrew MINNIS) claimed the infection was "normal" he wasn't lying an infection around al implant is normal and to be expected despite that the implant was illegally inserted. MINNIS didn't bother to inform me there was an implant under the very large infection. They left me not bothering to monitor if I had another infection which therefore became the MINNIS physician-police conspiracy to murder me by medical neglect and malpractice. By 2012 I'd been convinced the infection was caused by an illegal implant so I managed to secure another MRI after my ear canal became infected and local Labor Party heartland in Kingston (Federal electorate under Amanda RISHWORTH ) & Kaurna (State electorate under State Health Minister John David HILL) the local physicians refused to prescribe me antibiotics for the double strand ear canal infection that had closed my ear canal and caused my ear to be extensively swollen and painful along with half that side of my face. Oaklands Park physician Caroline HARRIS referred me to anther ENT Ms Harshita PANT in Adelaide she referred me for the second MRI on my head, however the radiologist Mr Claudio COSCIA decided to chop off my ear canal along with half the illegal implant in his radiology images despite that I was there due to the infection in the cochlear region he chopped that region off in the images, leaving what appears to be the tail end of a large screw. COSCIA decided the tail end of the implant was invisible so dod PANT another presumed immigrant from INDIA and the same nationality as Mohamed Riyazuddin AHMED, Arvan Kumar DAMODARAN the Macarthur federal electorate physicians responsible for my surgical rape during the 1990s --- for the FREEMASON cause. Unknown to me in 2012 but disclosed to me after my 2018 Freedom of Information Act application --- physician Ms HARRIS was being harassed by the State Health Department's Anne ANDERSON & Annette JONES were (criminally defaming me to HARRIS) illegally and falsely informed Ms HARRIS that I was under investigation for mental illness demanding he pass over her medical records despite that they have lo authority to make such a demand. Ms HARRIS was so terrified that she banned me from consulting her again when I attempted to get another MRI referral.

    By 29 May 2018, South AUSTRALIA State Health Department terrorist Annette JONES went on to become a Senior Project Officer at the Office of the Chief Psychiatrist for the State South Australia's Health Department under the control of the member for Kaurna starting with when I first became resident in the State electorate of Kaurna. That dear reader is a terrorist plan to block my access to medical services to have the illegal implants removed - illegal implants that include illegal silicone injections to conceal by external ‘feel’ location of many illegal implantconnecting cables. Cables that include the ones causing me indescribable itching its track spans from my heart under my left arm, around my left shoulder blade and up my spine from the 1991 inserted connector on my spine behind my heart, up the back left of my neck to my left ear. I’m allergic to the metal ‘gold’ (ear piercings) inside me, it generates constant low level infection, that I suspect is what’s causing the itching along the cable track probably has some gold content or else the outer sheath has been consumed by my immune system defenses, worn away leaving its inner gold content now causing the maddening itch. The illegal implants include one than force me to take a sudden lung expansion - air intake - I feel the involuntary muscle contraction in my centre abdomin under the base of the sternum (breastbone) often they do it when I'm asleep, it often wakes me. The rapid forced air intake increases thereafter my heart rate (I have naturally low end of very good average blood pressure) and increases the abdominal vibration of the pulse generator in my left lower back. They used to do it when I was awake but, I've quick reflexes, I thwart it when I'm awake. Its obviously RAPE as they manipulate my circulatory system without my consent and despite my desire not to be manipulated for their illegal implant experiments since 1991. I can reduce the (painful & irritating) vibrations with strong magnets but when I do, they start it up again. My access to these items via Australia Post is often intercepted, as is anything else I attempt to buy associated with minimizing the effects of the illegal implants and sent via Australia Post.

    All the cables vibrate (generating sound) when accessed by the implant exclusive radio-frequency band transported to my raw flesh via those mobile phone towers located across Australia. The cables under my dead outer skin cause me massive pain when any pressure from raw flesh are crushed against the illegal cabled implants. This internal unseen (quantum) bruising persists for days even after mild muscular activity, causing me numbness in my hands, arms, shoulders, spine, legs, fanny and arse, to the soles of my feet when I walk around every day. Sadism is not an accurate description for this ‘physician’ engineered and planned barbarism. Even my outer ears have not been spared, they’re often excruciating painful to touch after sleeping with my head on a pillow.

    1. Despite the ravings of young physicians or nurses & other seasoned ones, who in their own delusions believe that I don’t understand the intricacies of the human body. I have one of these for almost 70 years well before modern wireless communications. These sorts of voluntarily blind academics are very dangerous sycophants who adore the ideals of well-structured and organized institutions and being spoon fed all answers that suit the comfortable unchallenged outcomes in their Utopian wired brain where everything has no variations other than what they’ve been groomed to believe in their university brainwashing programs.

    2. I had the x-ray that proved the location of a pulse generator in my abdomen stolen by a (Adelaide-Noarlunga) Huntfield Heights SA local physician who distracted me as he slipped the single film into the drawer of his desk before denying he’d taken it seconds after I plonked it on his desk pointing to the solid square mass precisely where I’ve felt the abnormal vibrations acutely (sudden onset one morning) in 1997.

    3. I have the MRI that proves the location of the item drilled into my left ear canal just inside the opening leaving a very painful weeping hole I’d also discovered one morning soon after I awoke mid 1990s.

    4. I saw the row of dissolving stitches in the crease of my derriarre over my tailbone in 1991 where its vibrated perpetually soon after they switched on their completed artwork in mid 1990s.

    5. I saw the weeping hole in the crease of my breast also one morning in 1991 soon after the stitches over my tailbone, this chest hole over my heart was sealed with a crusty substance unmistakable ‘super-glue’.

    6. Like wise were the two holes under the edge of my chin 1997 also closed with super-glue, but these happened several years later in 1997 – this location vibrates abnormally evidently used to extend the wireless range for the illegal implants. Do your research on extending the range of your car’s remote by holding it to the tip of your chin.

    7. Then there’s the vibrating cables over my denude lower gum and the ‘rice sized’ item shoved under a bloodied flap of skin at the inside front tip of my lower jaw and sealed with something else that left no stitches, possible heat – that was the second to last illegal implant inserted in February 2002 around the same time I was drugged and challenged to a fight with another associated mad-man I would have killed only his recalcitrant friends came back into the room as I was pounding the back of his head into the floor of the Branxton NSW Golf Club room.

    8. Not to forget the dried blood in the crease of the old opening of my belly button indicating high probability it was used to put something inside me, again in c1997.

    9. Then there’s the various equally unexplained puncture wounds in my scalp, nose, hands, arms, legs, feet, and dozens in my face where they injected the illegal silicone fillers to alter my face shape, all also discovered in the first instance on waking various mornings attracted to the holes by the pain of it.

    10. Then there's the fact that your skin isn't supposed to always feel cold to touch under your clothes - it's the silicone and it's all over me.

    11. Not to forget the arsehole State Government public officer physician-psychiatrist Angelos GIANNAKOUREAS who claimed I was imagining the vibrations in my tailbone as he wrote a diagnosis of "dystonia" (2014) because he could see my entire structure vibrating as I was sitting on a hard chair but didn't bother to confirm his diagnosis with the proper group of tests as he evidently realized I was vibrating from the illegal implants as I claimed.

    I have the legal right to have illegal implants removed so save your imbecilic psychopathic condensation for your pep talks with your idols and children. I suspect the initial plan was to cause me to take my own life due the massive amount of pain their implants cause me. Realizing my personality was much stronger than that they now know they're torturing me 'for the fun of it' nothing else can be gained from inflicting the level of pain on me 24/7 that they are as I've outed them on every matter. As I told them, my future memory tells me I'll outlive them.

    That dear reader is a watertight example and irrefutable evidence of extensively organized terrorism involving the Australian Labor Party and the Liberal Party of Australia --- Australian home grown terrorism.

    According to the fella they call Viking King of France, Rollo ROGNVALDSSON of Normandy, is my 2nd cousin 28R (28 times removed) other famous cousins include, authors authors Emily Dickinson, Robert Lewis Stevenson, George Bernard Shaw, singer/actor Bing Crosby and many more however, due to the propensity of people to be humongous wankers what's on the Internet family tree websites isn't necessarily accurate. I will say many decent hobby historians and professionals alike try to keep factual. Norway legend Eric 'Bloodaxe' HARALDSON is listed as my 30th Great Grandfather which is feasible as from over 1,000 individuals, I have a high percentage of DNA matches to ancient Norway according to including my unique H1bb MtDNA.

    I am related to the STEWART (Scottish Royal) family through my proved pedigree from Rob Roy MacGREGOR. confirmed my DNA relationship with the Neil Armstrong family and many other family groups represented in the database as my grandparents, cousins, aunts or uncles. Some documented famous cousins include:

    1. Author Henry David THOREAU is my 7th Cousin 7R.

    2. USA President James BUCHANAN my 8th cousin 5R.

    3. USA President Benjamine HARRISON, inventor Samuel MORSE my 8th cousins 6R.

    4. USA President Abraham LINCOLN 9th cousin 4R.

    5. USA President Theodore ROOSEVELT, author Edgar Allen POE 9th Cousin 5R

    6. Beetles musician John LENNON, cinema giant Walt Disney 10th cousin 2R.

    7. Author Mark TWAIN 10th cousin 4R.

    8. Artist Jackson POLLOCK my 11th cousin 1R.

    9. USA President Harry TRUMAN, USA President Warren G HARDING, USA President William McKINLEY, inventor Thomas EDISON, aviator Charles LINDBERG 11th cousin 3R.

    10. Civil rights activists Martin Luther KING Jr, actors Lucille Ball, Katherine Hepburn, John Wayne MORRISON are my 12th cousins.

    11. UK Princess Diana Spencer, Aviator Amelia Earhart, USA President Lyndon JOHNSON, singer actor Elvis Presley my 12th cousins 1R.

    12. UK Prime Minister Winston CHURCHILL, USA to moon astronaut Neil ARMSTRONG my 12th cousins 2R.

    13. Beetles musician George Harrison my 13th cousin.

    14. Actor Marilyn Munroe (Norma Jean BAKER) my 14th cousin.


    My DNA

    Equality & Fairness

    • We see shadows of history repeating time and again. Not only do they repeat but they occur concurrently. Simplistically presently we hear about Australian workers locking horns with employees & government officials about fair work agreements, this despite that this same battle was waged and won last century with legislation to protect workers. As one generation replaces another in government the law changes back to benefit Corporations profits at expense of workers. Its a battle FRAMEWORK that’s recorded throughout history and its constantly repeated only the details and cultures are different.

    • (My opinion.) In biblical times North Africa and the city of Carthage (also Judah and Canaan)was the most popular location for Ba’al (Moloch) worship with the practice of child sacrifice in times of crisis so that the surviving adults might prosper - until Carthage was suppressed and destroyed by Rome allegedly in the Punic wars.

    • (My first hand knowledge.) Fast forward to 2024 and its the same Ba’al whose been worshiped by FREEMASONS for the past 300 years. Being the child of a FREEMASON I have been sacrificed by the FREEMASON cult in Australia – that is I’ve been extensively physically harmed and extensively falsely defamed for the express purpose of altering the natural length and course of my life so that FREEMASON cult members may prosper.

    • (My opinion.) In Australia: This tells us that terrorist laws should see FREEMASONS permanently outlawed and rendered illegal.

    • (My first hand knowledge.) In mid 1990s Australia’s parliament agreed that terrorism was a crime. Yet at the same time other non parliament government officials were ignoring the parliament’s laws by participating openly in terrorist acts. Equality in law is the same battle as fairness in the workplace. Only the details and cultures are different.

    • (My opinion.) In Australia: This tells us that laws should never changed to lessen the burden of compliance with the laws that protect persons with less power. Never.

    • Corporations should be forced to reduce profits to comply with fairness laws.

    • Police officials should be forced to comply with terrorism laws that are obviously going to harm those they rely on for their promotions or income.

    • (My opinion.) In Gaza: This tells us that war should be illegal to protect the mental health of future generation. The only reason war is possible is because weapons and ammunition are manufactured therefore, that line of corporate investment should also be illegal. Always.


    1. How to avert criminal activity in public office - for the “greater good” and in the interests of the Rule of Law and natural Justice.

    2. Police officers should be automatically fined say 25% of their annual income and suspended for 6 months without pay in the event they obviously fail to have prima facie grounds to charge an alleged offender who has been forced to appear before a court on a police charge.

    3. Judiciary should be automatically fined say 25% of their annual income and suspended for 6 months without pay in the event they obviously fail to acknowledge all the evidence before them.

    4. Police and Judiciary should be automatically barred for life from standing for election in any parliament or local council.

    5. Police and Judiciary should be automatically barred for association or membership of any group outside their own vocation or where members are also drawn from persons outside their vocation.

    6. The ICAC Act in each State should be mandated by Federal Parliament to have no interference or restriction imposed by Parliament or the portfolio Minister.

    7. Without fail ever complaint to the ICAC must be investigated by a permanent Commissioner not an “acting” one.

    8. Each State ICAC should be a group of Commissioners randomly allocated an investigation.

    9. The South Australia Office of Public Integrity, should be immediately made redundant.

    10. All living Australia Post workers (past & present) should be individually investigated by their State police department for illegal redirection of postal items. This because I’ve had hundreds of dollars of postal articles stolen outright, or intentionally broken, or opened and redirected with forged labels, or DNA test kits opened and deposited in my mailbox without sender envelopes or return address, or forced to sign for articles that require no signature, or forced to collect articles well away from several local post office agency, or never received the articles including correspondence papers for Open University courses; and I’ve been powerless to stop the activity by direct complaints to Australia Post.

    My Ancestry

    Like many inquisitively logic thinking or family centric persons, I’m fascinated by DNA and archaeogenetics. I’m unique in my family in that unlike all my known blood related family I am unable to process excess ambient heat, before the illegal implants I could run a marathon and barely break out in a sweat, but my face would be almost as red as a beetroot. Actually I couldn’t run a marathon because I can’t cope with the excess body heat having no place to cool off save dunking my head in cold water. I have naturally broad shoulders, naturally square hands and naturally large lower leg muscles. According archaeogenetics studies, I have traces of the Neanderthal gene as well as two types of African Pygmy. Since I took my DNA tests and discovered that, I’ve been keen to understand why they died out. In my two mainstream DNA matches, there’s been no match to my chromosome number 9. I can deal with cold and wet conditions very well, in fact it's my favourite time of the year. Unlike most of my English Irish Scottish ancestors, I do tan quite well and stay tanned longer than most, which may be the African gene contribution. However, based in my inability to cope with heat and (more) love for the colder climates I'm guessing that's a Neanderthal or north Europe trait.

    Except after the implants of illegal silicone the silicone makes my outer skin very cold causing localized aching pain especially around the sides of my knees where it's quite swollen with illegal silicone. After the illegal silicone it heats up under my skin in summer making my outer surface skin sweat. All the area around my eye sockets sweat profusely (enture forehead to my eyebrows around the sides of my eyes and down my face to just under my nose and including all my dose all dripping with sweat and stinging from the salt coming from my skin, even when outside temperature is as low as 20 degrees Celsius just sitting in the shade because of the excess abnormal body hear due to the illegal silicone my face becomes bright red & I'm cooking inside as the silicone fillers and the heat producing cables in my face it all makes my internal temperature rise. You can imaging what happens when I do something like mow the lawn, I sweat on every inch on my skin since the illegal implants. Whenever I've discussed the effects of the illegal implants to physicians in the Adelaide region, specifically all the medical centres around me from McLaren Vale to Christies Beach, they all laugh at me or call me a liar. On an average 25 to 30 degree if do anything outside, even in the shade I get so hot that when I urinate the temperature of my urine coming out of me is like uncomfortably hot water. That’s a combination of me how I should be minus the illegal implants and me after the calculated sadistic effect of the illegal implant cables and the illegal silicone over the illegal (vibrating, heat generating) cables. Clearly there are more psychopaths laughing at me complaining about my heat and pain torture than non-psychopaths seeking to help me. No person has overtly attempted to help me not even the ones employed to help people in medical distress their sadistically political response is that I have no physical health ‘heat distress’ or ‘vibration’ issues & that I must need drugs to address my mental health. They don’t do any tests the deluded rubbish just falls from their mouth like verbal diarrhoea. I attempt to evoke my legal rights in court and suddenly I’m the aggressor. In 2019 when we had a heatwave I couldn't go outside but had a morning in my civil court application, I contacted the court to say I couldn't vome into Adelaide but the Judge Katrina BOCHNERR decided I was in contempt of court because I didn't let the court know I couldn't come in during the heatwave the day before, the terrorist BOCHNER final decision was wilfully biased in breach of Australian Consumer Law and our Defamation laws - because she refised to see the evidence in my favour before her in the respondent's own affidavit.

    They’re predatory and parasitic, they’re sadistic and condescending, they’re worse than any convicted criminal in any prison in any era of recorded history, they’ve persistently stalked me and my family for over 40 years sabotaging our lives so they can get away with their diabolical medical crimes that cover up their history of their family’s incest and child rape. They’ve immigrated to Australia from from United Kingdom and America and everywhere in between funded by their targets, Australian taxpayers. They’re drawn to prison island by the lure of endless opportunities and police department protection from their crimes. They’re the scum of planet Earth.

    I’m guessing that perhaps it was the raise in Earth’s average temperature that caused the Neanderthals to fade away. Additionally, I’d suggest that the new homos out of Africa were more psychopathic than the Neanderthals and deceptively plotting to steal the possessions and the Neanderthal women, which is evident today (majority of people being psychopathic) and that there’s no known Neanderthal male Y-DNA. That most people are psychopathic (Homo sapiens) is quite evident in the documents I’ve published here in my website and in my books and in the lack of co-operation by Government public officers to address the issues or the news industry and medical industry who all refuse to come to my rescue. I’m so far removed from psychopathy that I feel alien on my own planet.

    McLachlan   McGregor   Campbell



      Taurus Rising 2nd Ed ebook Aud$4
      • about Au

      Taurus Rising 1st Ed
    One of my 8th Great Grandfathers


    not sure about the member for Kennedy, the others appear to be uncles or cousins, it would appear my male parent's paternal grandfather was murdered when he owned a residence in main street Cowra NSW. There was a fire, he disappeared from all State records & his only surviving record, marriage certificate was altered in Sydney by unidentified person after he evidently died. Perhaps he was murdered for his wealth or some other thing, perhaps like me this great grandfather reported FREEMASON crimes to (Cowra NSW) police, who (being FREEMASONS) decided to murder him for their FREEMASON cause, as had been attempted of me after I witnessed FREEMASON police commit murder in Camden NSW, almost 40 years ago who then stole my NSW property and committed many other crimes that persist to this day. - After 'apparently' criminally stalking my sibling circa 2017 an alleged NSW FREEMASON police family 'evidently' falsified a DNA report to claim to my sibling that our male parent is Y-DNA descended from an alleged COFFEY family county Cork in south Ireland, they allege FRANCIS was his middle name, not family name  - my research & my DNA refutes multiple aspects of their assertions.  I share my male parent's A+ blood group. My mother has Irish DNA, there's simply not enough Irish DNA in my results to sustain the county Cork COFFEY assertions. On the contrary, my DNA results logically & fully support my FRANCIS - GROSVENOR research results.

    intriguing facts

    My modern DNA says I've Iceni Lands Ancestry

    My family tree compiled by others online states that Queen Boudica or Boadicea is my 55th and 57th great grandmother. Naturally its just verbal history as no real records exist to prove those family tree assertions however, (right) my LivingDNA test #A is irrefutable.

    In order to control & silence me Australia's government public officers have maliciously stolen my lands, raped me and my children & vilified me in same manner as Romans did to Queen Boadicea and the ancient Britons, my ancestors. Wonder how many descendants of those ancient Italian (Rome) general (Gaius Suetonius Paulinus fl. AD 40–69) are in Australia's governments or medical industry today secretly & illegally attacking me and others for medical crime capitalist venture profit, because they sniveling cowards who have control of Government are or are Freemason associated with LABOR or LIBERAL cult parliamentarians?

    Janette Gail FRANCIS (1956- )

    'True Government Crime' Author

    Some Ancient Family Tree @


    my 61st Great Grandfather, King Kujula of the KUSHANS, circa 5 BCE


    my 91st Great Grandfather, 3rd Isin King Ninurta circa 1126 BCE


    my 88th Great Grandfather, Vishvajati of Magadha circa 519 BCE


    my 29th Great Grandfather, King Gruffydd AP LLYWELYN (Gwynedd & Powys) circa 1050

    My Ancient DNA says I'm Australian & American Indian & Asian & Middle Eastern & Spanish & well you get the idea

    My Family Tree compiled by others says ancient Egypt's Nefertiti & Amenhotep are my 74GG, (below) my MyHeritage DNA test #B corroborates that claim. At this point I note that FREEMASONS formed in London 300 years ago, Freemasons in 2024 claim to "worship" the "great architect" and the "temple of Jewish King Solomon". My INTJ personality is called the "Architect", my ancestors, Nefertiti and Amenhotep lived 300 years before the King Solomon.  I've closer ties to Egyptology than Freemason global cults who are a criminal organization whose main purpose is political sabotage, proved herewith.

    Nuts grow on trees, trees are nature, nature's beautiful, thanks for the compliment.

    My DNA Test #A Eurogenes K15 Results

    0.1% Oceanian or Australian
    1% Amerindian
    0.5% South Asian
    1.6% Red Sea
    3% West Asian
    10.8% West Mediterranean
    6.3% Eastern Europe
    8.2% Baltic
    28.9% Atlantic
    36.9% North Sea

    Quite a lot of emphasis is placed on race, usually by people on both sides of the virtual 'fence' claiming they're not racist so I thought I'd share my evidence that we're all DNA cousins.
    My DNA Test #B  Eurogenes K15 Results

    0.3% Oceanian or Australian
    0.7% Amerindian
    0.8% South Asian
    1.8% Red Sea
    2.2% West Asian
    13.3% West Mediterranean
    5.5% Eastern Europe
    7.6% Baltic
    26.5% Atlantic
    41.3% North Sea

    some of My DNA matches @

    Ridgeway Hill Dorset Viking Massacre (some DNA related to Cheddar Man) ENGLAND

    Merovingian Nobles FRANCE

    Elite Charioteer Briton Pocklington Yorkshire ENGLAND

    7150 BCE Cheddar Man Somerset ENGLAND

    Attichy-Bitry Female & Male Gallic Chariot Burial FRANCE

    Ludwig van Beethoven Wiener Zentralfriedhof VIENNA

    Nordic-Celtic Gladiator York ENGLAND

    Viking Settler Brattahlid Farm GREENLAND

    Hrafna-Flóki's Vilgerðarson's Expedition ICELAND

    My Early History