Australia’s first & only 100% honest and respectful investigative journalist.

Sweet 16: SAPOL State Defamation Charge Double Standard

These documents and dozens more prove that the persons named (& dozens more) are terrorists enemies of Australia who've parasitically infiltrated Government public office, or the Australian medical industry, or are my public housing (redacted) neighbour across the road who also wilfully falsely (criminally) defamed me (before his sudden wealth acquisition after 2016, see Google Maps) by falsely accusing me of assaulting him or his family in their home or property, when I was away from the area being contracted as a Federal Public Officer collecting census data with my whereabouts being tracked on an Android application - there was no police investigation on anything, just these secret records I'd first seen after September 2018 from one of many (previously refused) Freedom of Information Actapplications. I'm still in 2024 attempting to find a lawyer who'll help me sue these terrorists in any civil court. STILL LOOKING.

There's been no lawful resolution to these crimes, police refuse to investigate themselves & other departments, ICAC is toothless, my self represented civil law applications have been illegally blocked by clerical staff, State Ministers refuse to comply with the Federal parliament's Privacy Act, Schedule Privacy Principals, especially with accuracy and fit for purpose record collection. Australia is a fake democracy controilled by political & ideology terrorists in our own parliaments and police departments.

Australia 1984-2024 Election Years Terrorism Proved 100%

by Australia’s first & only 100% honest & respectful investigative journalist.

started with NSW police department fake bikie murder & me the murder victim, now they cancelled my drivers licence because I asked SA police investigation of separate medical crimes.

  • In contrast to criminal court, no defence in civil court is legally accepted inference of admission of guilt therefore, no response or ignoring the issue, outside of court is also legally accepted inference of admission of guilt. There's been no response from the Attorney-General, or the Ministers for Health, Housing, Police or Transport therefore, its legally acceptable admission of their wilfull acts of (common, civil law) misfeasance in public office.

  • Its relevant also to note that the Government is incapable of misfeasance (or terrorism) only a public officer can be misfeasant (or terrorist) and a public officer serves the people not the Government they are merely a temporary physical representative of the government proved by the fact that when they’re extracted from the government the Government still functions, and that their position in the Constitution is called a “public service”. Silence protects themselves not the Government and there is no protection under Australian law for a Government, public officer who has defamed any other in the Government record. Yet they still insist they are personally protected from their illegal actions despite the unreasonableness of their malicious defamations and willfulness of their misfeasance - because they cheat at every juncture.

From South AUSTRALIA Transport Minister after he was willfully derelict in his  "investigation" my complaint of criminally illegal process in his department after I contacted South AUSTRALIA police on 14 February 2018.

This is the 14 February 2014 document referenced in the letter I'd faxed to South AUSTRALIA police with my reasonable words seeking police department investigation of NSW & SA Freemason medical crimes as TERRORISM in State Government.

This is part of my letter in response to the South AUSTRALIA Transport Minister - the message:

There were & are "no reasonable grounds" for any actions by any 3rd party involving Transport Department & my drivers license.

Because I'm a 100% transparent person in the "Public Interest" this is the second page for my letter in reasonable and respectful (as always) response to the South AUSTRALIA Transport Minister despite that he's obviously a douche-bag puppet & their misfeasance is a result of illegal LABOR PARTY CAUCUS.

Australia’s first & only 100% honest and respectful investigative journalist.

Evidence below proves that for SIX (6) years I've been illegally blocked in access to my DRIVERS LICENCE RENEWAL because I'm unpopular in Tripartizan circles

I asked South AUSTRALIA police to investigate South AUSTRALIA medical crimes involving Freemasons in Sydney, New South Wales.

Right click & open in new tab to read all of the words in below documents.

Because you're so emotionally close to something despite that you 'think' you do, you never see all the evidence, you need an unbiased outside party. The obvious reality is that all the horrible stories we've been told about the body snatchers and other medical crimes of the past are a real probability in modern Australia. With about 100,000 illegal immigrants in Australia, you can imagine the parliaments use the false story of "Australian Values" to lure desperate people to Australia in visa, then bribe them with threats of being deported if they refuse to participate in some diabolical crime to keep the two main political parties in power. My evidence of medical crimes that police refuse to investigate, as in evidence below, along with my memories of being secretly drugged by government officials and my de-facto partner, and that the drugs were hallucinogenics and paralyzing anaesthetics,  my memories of waking up during illegal surgery by people I knew, and memories of them attempting to convince me they were "aliens" coupled with physical evidence of illegal implants in Magnetic Resonance Imagery that radiologists and referring specialists refuse to acknowledge - then I'm confident the increase in people reporting "alien abductions" and "alien experiments" are in fact nothing more mysterious than secret illegal Government supported medical experiments perpetrated by greedy psychopathic surgeons and their sponsors.

Disgusting truths are almost always more outrageously bizarre than fiction. When they seemingly attempt to murder me after I’ve contacted a member of parliament or other Government official or any private legal entity seeking lawyers to sue ‘them’ they start with (remotely) vibrating the (Medicare funded MRI, evident, illegal cochlear screw implant) seen in my left ear. The vibration causes my entire skull to vibrate concentrated around my left ear’s illegal implant, this intensified irradiation persists for several hours assisted by the network of antenna cable in my spine (see my video proving location of police protected illegal implants & back of my neck as well as my throat & my arms & legs to my hands & feet.) They (torture me this way) irradiate me sometimes for days without respite, continuing or starting pre-dawn when most of us are asleep. Because they vibrate my head like this every day intensified pre-dawn when I'm motionless & asleep - If I don’t pack my ears every time I sleep, I wake to find the dead surface skin lining my both ear canals have liquified into an off-white odorless mass making me temporarily deaf and eventually creating Staph infectionPREVIOUSLY creating infection next to my brain inside my skull - externally sometimes these cause the side of my face to infect & swell. This life-threatening infection is caused by blocking air movement adding to the excess heat generated by the friction of vibrating the illegal cochlear implant compliments of the State of New South Wales’ funded terrorist organisation, Macquarie University & Cochlear Limited. Local private and health department physicians have previously refused me penicillin to treat the infection, that dear reader is conspiracy to murder me & what police refuse to investigate & what parliament refused to investigate, instead they fund these assaults on me by obviously ordering dereliction of statute. That’s Government terrorism against their own people.

What was the first thing I did that upset police? I reported FREEMASON ritualistic child rape and murder during a Campbelltown NSW FREEMASON meeting, to Campbelltown NSW police circa 1967 when I was 10 or 11 years old & my 'dad' a FREEMASON. Within 12 months my front adult teeth were rotten, dentists refused to fill them but were happy to remove them. That's how I entered puberty -- with no front teeth & why I had few friends, I rarely smiled. I was born to be their worst nightmare. From child to adult I've never caused any trouble to others, the opposite isn't true, they see me as someone to suppress & marganilize, someone they dedicate their life to preventing my access to self-determination, privacy, independence and autonomy because they fear the good I may usher in. I bet I'm not the only one they've treated this way. From where I sit, I'm the only "voice" of reasonable Australians. I don't classify us by race, gender or religion. In contrast, the only thing Australia's Labor & Liberal parliamentarians & public officers do that's impressive is 'misleading or deceptive conduct'if Australia had a just & fair country of government that sort of behaviour by the political Government would be illegal, it's not, misleading or deceptive conduct is only illegal in "s18 trade or commerce" not in your interactions with your 'voice' in parliament (the elected member of parliament in your electorate) not by Ministers, not in parliament, not in refusal to enforce criminal laws, not in the court system. Favouratism is how Australians get access to their legal rights under statute, not due process or the Rule of Law & that's why first nation people in country regions are forgotten, they (justly so) refuse to 'play' bottom-feeding politics, they're privately detested & ignored  by parliament & government but publicly loved, same as I have been since my childhood  & I'm defined as a white Australian.

Its a harsh reality that European immigrants are happier to play ‘bottom-feeder’ politics due to being born in a denser population environment with scarcity of resources, they are (groomed or taught) reared from cradle to the grave to be opportunistic bottom-feeders grabing at whatever they can reach, regardless of who legally owned it first. That after all is why I was born in 1956 ‘white’ Australia after Brits consumed Australia by oppressive force as our ancestors did by custom when they came from wherever they really did emerge to migrate across this perpetually warring planet of barbarians. Like the magpie I rescued from its vicious parent last Sunday, the meek inherit nothing, they’re trampled on & murdered for the crime of being born peaceful.

Australia’s first & only 100% honest and respectful investigative journalist.


  • Australia Post thefts started in Bowral NSW post office circa 1998, when sorting staff stole a 300 page (registered post) affidavit I'd sent to TV program, A Current Affair. The Affidavit vanished the two claims for compensation vanished, the Australia Post staff have evidently been stealing my mail ever since. The affidavit proved insurance fraud starting with the Government Insurance Office (GIO) of NSW when GIO was State government owned & involved many Campbelltown to Macquarie Street Sydney specialist physicians & lawyers. The insurance fraud was the cover-up process for their illegal implants (inside me) the physicians and NSW State Government involved in these surgical rapes falsified medical records to claim the car accident I had in 1982 was the cause of my acute (sudden onset) pain in 1991 resulting in my inability to breathe or walk without excruiating pain - ten (10) years after the car accident and despite that I had no injury at the time of the 4 April 1982 (double) minor accidents near the Twin Turbine Motors business at NSW Liverpool crossroads, involving Peter FENTON (ute driver in front of me) and Washington BATALLA (ford driver behind me) BATALLA was insured by GIO my lawyers were suing BATALLA. The lawyers pocketed around $250,000.00 and involved the MARSDEN group. The pre anti-locking braking (ABS) era when drivers were penalized because manufacturer's faulty braking systems locked up causing vehicle to slide instead of stop.

They secretly stole my NSW real estate from 1991 then surgically raped me during 1990s when I was pregnant & when I was Labor Party member & elected local councillor. In SA cover the surgical rape up with secret false mental illness allegations. Then the Minister for Health use his staff’s criminally false mental claims to refuse to investigate the surgical rape on the basis that now I’m a “mental services consumer”. State police (psychopathically) refuse to investigate they said, because you have a “mental illness history”. Never mind that every inference in that history is false it exists therefore its a history Police Department refuse to look past that - why? Because they're Freemason or is it a political ideology? Don't be mistaken by thinking the problem is with LABOR PARTY, Freemasons like my (Master Mason) male parent were traditionally LIBERAL PARTY, when I witnessed the child rape & murder. That's why Liberal Party in SA are overtly silent on the issue, despite my many email appeals to individual members including Senators - one blocked me. I've appropached many other political parties about these issues, they all shun me, inevitably they support either Labor or Liberals. Attorney-General is far too busy for this 'public interest' national health terrorism issue. I'm almost 70 they know I've no more than another 30 years to live. I suspect they're anticipating the swelling in my throat from the cables & scar tissue from injected silicone & infections from any of the many 'radio-frequency active' llegal implants may kill me earlier, at any rate in the interum they have the pleasure of knowing I'm being physically tortured by the presence of the illegal implants inside my muscle strands and over various nerve centres. Auzzie Auzzie Auzzie the Nazi Party German "team" spirit lives on.

I've been in the same Kingston Federal electorate since 2005 which was soon after I came to South Australia (SA) from New South Wales (NSW) where I was born in 1956. My voice in federal parliament, LABOR PARTY Amanda RISHWORTH MP, was elected to House of Representatives for Kingston in 2007, before the election the federal member was of the LIBERAL PARTY, oddly the same Liberal to Labor switch happened in my State electorate indicating an abnoirmal population migration or mutual agreement with Liberal Party. I've been attempting to resolve these Federal Medicare crimes since 2007, crimes associated with the LABOR PARTY in Sydney NSW. Its now 2024, what does that tell you about the LABOR PARTY and innocent looking Amanda RISHWORTH ?Recently the Federal LABOR government squandered millions on a failed referendum to change the constitution to include 'so called first nations people' in the Constitution when none of us have ever been protected in the Constitution - proved by the fact that I was surgically raped in the first instance because I reported child rape & murder to police since 1967 & their only response was to shoot dead in front of me my only supporting witness, a senior NSW police officer, family friend and Freemason, in association with my 1988 allegations of me witnessing Freemason child rape. One of first (criminal defamation) secreted (from me until 2018) false documents created in State Labor government claimed I was "schizophrenic, because I was suing politicians". Despite that there was/is no clinical evidence of me indicating any mental illness whatsoecer, that record still remains as true fact, despite the federal Privacy Act's Privacy Principals & despite a District Court Order refuting the 2014 (election time) State Health Department criminal assaults on me by criminal abuse of State Mental Health Act to politically imprion me for "defaming others" and being "litigious" threatening to "sue the State" . What does that tell you about our parliaments in AUSTRALIA ? All I see is wall to wall cowardly scum as terrorist enemies of Australia blocking my right to sue them because I have reams of evidence to support my claims. My (first ever) 2007 self-representing civil claim alleged State Health & Police Ministers were abusing their position in government on  basis that they were members of Australian Labor Party. It was thrown out of court before I was allowed to provide evidence.

It would appear that some misguided persons believe that the Labor Party control the parliament. While its true that Labor Party have enough members elected into federal Parliament that they can form government its also true that if the majority of them resigned from the Labor Party then the Labor Party would have no place in the parliament. If voters were electing a political party to form government then there would have been the name of the political party on ballot papers with no names. The Federal Constitution makes no mention whatsoever of political parties therefore, there is no constitutional protection for the political parties and can never be by any enactment of parliament to thwart the Constitution as the parliaments have with the Australia Act, as if there were an Act to protect the interests of political parties in parliament or government then that would be formal admission that Australia is the totalitarian dictatorship that it unconstitutionally functions as at this point in time. Mr Connor WATSON proved that Australia is a terrorist organization in his email that declares my Federal member of parliament needs (Party) authority to talk to Federal police when all Australian residents have the natural right to talk to Federal police without authority from anyone. Let's all stand to thank his mum & dad for making little Connor. (everyone stands) “Thank you Connor's mum & dad.”

AUSTRALIA has a vulture culture. Defined as well dressed well spoken thugs who congregate secretly in groups masquerading as nice persons, they devote an inordinate amount of resources to monitor their general neighbourhood scouring for non-grouped individuals they secretly spread false rumours about, in order to opportunistically take advantage of their target in any and every way possible to increase (or strengthen) their own personal wealth and social standing - on the shoulders of their unsuspecting target. Which is the long way of saying they haven't 'won' by covering their criminal deeds, they cheated every step of the way & as any child can tell you cheating isn't winning.  Australian law is based on REASONABLENESS - THAT I'VE BEEN VIRTUALLY EVERYONE'S VIRTUAL PUNCHING BAG IS FAR FROM REASONABLE. That I've been blocked in my legal right to seek COMMON LAW damages and police protection in the form of enforcement of Australian CRIMINAL LAW after I've been harmed & that these bullying actions occured because I was a child witness to child rape & murder during a FREEMASON meeting - that's terrorism. The below images proves the culture of Adelaide's FREEMASON vultures, the image shows my order from CHINA with its tracking number visible so you can match it to the two outer images (MP0044767864) One is a global tracking where this 'secret' message is recorded, neither myself or the sender has been given this secret message from Australia Post staff as you can see for yourself in the centre image (sender) and RIGHT image (Australia Post Tracking website) only recorded in the secret message somewhere unknown to me and the sender and found here on this global website which states Australia Post claim their staff are unable to deliver because they say "the address provided is unclear" which is obviously bullshit.  They've been doing this illegal harassment for some years & despite that its a federal crime, because evidently as FREEMASONS they have FREEMASON mates in police department and Labor Party who control Government they cheat knowing they're untouchable.

This website and my book publications provide grounds why our parliamentarians should have attained a minimum age of at least 45 before qualifying for nomination, old enough to have already had a career & unpleasant life experiences. My Federal and State representatives in parliament were far too young to be electorate representatives, now they've participated in these crimes due to their wilful indifference they're in too deep to climb out from under their own crap. Federal KINGSTON was 29 in 2007 when she entered parliament that was the year State public officers started criminally falsifying mental records under my name, I'd approached her many times over the years about the associated & extensive (Federal) Medicare frauds but she was far too busy posing for photos with mothers & babies & having some of her own to represent real issues harming me & the Federal public health industry. State KAURNA was 31 in 2014 when he entered parliament the year I was illegally imprisoned as a result of the 2007 medical forgeries, he was Minister for Police in 2017 then Health Minister since 2022, yet he still refused to address medical crimes as Police Minister & Health Minister despite a damning report tabled in parliament by the ICAC Commissioner himself. Like I said "in too deep". Mycircumstance, this extensive portfolio of damning evidence proves that persons under 40 are more interested in their career than the responsibilities of an elected parliament office, far too young to play grownups. I have children older and younger than these two parliamentarians, my children suffered and are still suffering because evidently they entered parliament as a career to strengthen the Labor Party - when they should have entered parliament with a passionate calling to make our country better. Shame on political parties seeking to ooze a young 'image' over making "laws for the peace order and good government".

  1. The 1st & 2nd image is copy of the damning emails to my Federal Voice in (member of) parliament as noted to and from my Federal voice in parliament, the Labor Party Member for Kingston - in too deep - Ms Amanda RISHWORTH who isn't authorized by the LABOR party to talk to Federal police. RIGHT CLICK to see image in new tab. It looks out of order to me however, I selected 'print all' and this is to order it was printed in PDF.

  2. The legal representative for Ms RISHWORTH MP identified himself in emails to me as "Connor WATSON" he refused to advise my "voice in parliament" of this incident or decided he was the federal member himself, Connor WATSON demanded I phone him for his instructions in the matter, refusing to respond in email with his reasons for not referring the matter my federal member for her action when I refused to speak without a record of the conversation. Or is it that you employ staff to fob us off Ms RISHWORTH MP because we non-Labor members are not important to you?

  3. As we can see in the 3rd image (2nd right) Despite the CLEAR delivery address on the label & despite that I contacted my Federal member in Parliament, Ms Amanda RISHWORTH MP (Labor Party) in a timely manner this parcel that came to Adelaide from CHINA was illegally delivered to an unidentified address in Sydney AUSTRALIA & Australia Post staff marked it as "delivered" in a global tracking record. Australia Post staff also illegally falsely advised AliExpress in China that this parcel was "delivered" inferring it was delivered to me when it went to an undisclosed address in SYDNEY some 1,500 kilometers from my address in Adelaide.  That's post article theft & a federal crime in Australia yet there is no one to enforce Australian law in Australia as postal theft is apparently not a matter the federal member of parliament can refer to federal police, according to Connor WATSON's email to me.

  4. Last image (far right) AustPost "ADL" (Adelaide) staff criminally failed to record tracking information for this parcel "MP0044767864"in Australia Post system.

RIGHT click image to open in new tab.
RIGHT click image to open in new tab.
RIGHT click image to open in new tab.

Australia’s first & only 100% honest and respectful investigative journalist.

AUSTRALIA federal Government is cracking down on coercive control they say is defined thus: "when someone makes you feel scared, trapped, takes away your freedom, makes you do things you don't want to do, hurts or isolates you, this may be coercive control" source Nine Network Sydney Australia, Tuesday 10 September 2024 10:50pm Adelaide time.

WTF that's exactly how Labor & Liberal Government treat us!

  • Its like gambling or drug abuse, being a pervert or stalking especially stalking someone for profit to block their access to their legal rights its known in Australia generally as “harassment”- harassment is an addiction the offender will refuse to give up because the offender is always a psychopath. This is the matter in these circumstances herewith, where the offenders are members of parliament and their political party supporters who oddly consider their perverted behaviors as 'normal' because they define it as 'political'.

  • Harassment occurs as part of government custom because the people generally employed or elected into government are malicious rumormongers, they even have their own special classification for rumormongering, they call these people spin-doctor. If you're in a group of political animals (professional psychopaths) and ask if anyone is a doctor, they'll probably either all laugh as one or some will answer smugly yes I'm a doctor, smugly because they believe they are more 'cleaver' than anyone else and laugh because they all see themselves as spin-doctors.

  • Those political animals who are qualified physicians tend to rumourmonger with willfully false (criminal defamation) medical diagnosis involving some form of 'schizophrenia'. Their favourite is 'delisions' which is in reality a reflection on or deflection of their own personal mindset.

  • I’m not a formally recognized psychologist however, when I took a test in my psychology course as part of a personnel management (human resources) tertiary qualification I didn’t study as I had forgotten about the final test as I was studying this course during a period of time I was being actively secretly drugged by my long-term partner who had agreed to harm me in his criminal conspiracy with local police officers. Despite that I didn’t study I secured a “distinction” grade which is an almost perfect score. Not studying is how I passed all my tests in high school because I have a naturally intuitive and attentive personality. The year I topped my class in Geography I spent most of my class time whispering to classmates or passing notes, my exercise book was virtually empty with many blank pages but some sketches to remind me of the class lesson. My teacher, Mr Brian, was always chastising me for talking. You should have seen the look on his face when he passed back our tests informing the class I came first. He was livid. I on the other hand was grinning. One time when I was talking he stopped to complain I wasn’t listening. I said I was then repeated his last couple of lessons proving many females or at least this one, can concurrently participate in a conversation and hear a totally separate conversation. We use it as successful mothering. After that, my first year in high school, I decided not to come first again as it breads resentment from those less capable. Therefore, just because I have no formal qualifications doesn’t mean I’m not an expert on whatever I choose to concentrate.

Australia’s first & only 100% honest and respectful investigative journalist.

illegal implant torture is Australia's current parliamentarian's dirty secret

(they) Crippled Me for Profit : Watch B4 You Vote 4 Parliament


Liberal Party Terrorism

Earlier in 2024, before I published my several books on Amazon - I'd attended Hindley Street police station Adelaide SA, to report these crimes, where uniform police informed me, "We're not allowed to access websites (to investigate crime)." I guess their also not allowed to read evidence books.

Centrelink Minister Amanda RISHWORTH parliament staff (Connor WATSON) claim my electorate office 'voice in parliament' Ms RISHWORTH MP "is not authorized to take to police" Ministers of police claim they have no control over police decisions, evidently our police officers require spoon feeding from an undisclosed third party.

In stark contrast SA Mental Department have reams of documents illegally plagerizing my websites to maliciously abuse my moral rights (Copyright Act Cth) to criminally defame me (SA Criminal Law Consolidation Act) as (John Hill to Chris PICTON Health MINISTER's) mental's 'grounds' to (illegally) imprison me by wilful criminal abuse of SA Mental Health Act which carries term of imprisonment that SA Police Department malfeasantly ignore.DPP (department of public prosecutor) informed me they can’t prosecute anyone who police haven’t investigated. Therefore, not a lot of criminal law enforcement gets done, specifically any that may harm the reputation of the terrorists (illegally) sitting in Australia’s parliaments. Additionally evidently, ICAC aren't allowed to investigate the Government & the courts aren't allowed to accept misfeasance in public office applications.

Yet someone is able to attack my online presence directly via my internet access URL defeating my spellcheckers & files & intermittently disabling my control over editing this website & my laptop when editing this website while they remotly physically harm me via the illegal implants in my shoulder & spine, however police are powerless to stop them, evidently they can't be too far away to "bluetooth invade" my residence - and THAT is why wifi blockers are illegal - so Government can attack anyone they choose this way. I was wifi sharing between my mobile phone & laptop in my local shopping centre other day when a short fat male ran up to me stood 10 feet away appearing to hack into my locked share then ran off when I switched it off.

Jethro Tull "Thick As A Brick" (there's no-one responsible here)

Australia’s first & only 100% honest and respectful investigative journalist.

If Australia functioned as Constitutional Democracy you'd have daily court hearing updates on these 'true government crimes' -> instead the Parliament's terrorists unconstitutionally block my access to 'their' terrorist court system by claiming my applications lack evidence & 'their' terrorist sympathizer news industry refuse to publish these facts & 'their' terrorist sympathizer lawyers illegally refuse to represent me -> despite the compelling evidence in the Government's own (decades of) documents created by the

State of New South Wales, State of South Australia & Commonwealth of Australia -> a Terrorist Organization with 'their' terrorist sympathizers in my street monitoring activities to & from my residence. Auzzie & Nazi there's very little difference. When people live their first 3-5 years in a hostile environment where human life is treated with contempt then that's the adult they may become. When they accept any reward of any kind in any circumstance whatsoever for treating others with contempt then they're criminally psychopathic, in this circumstance, in my life, they're tragically fixated perverts. This is the (dangerous) psychology of people attracted to the FREEMASONRY cult model and large political parties aiming to control parliament & government processes & why South Australia's Labor & Liberal Party parliamentarians have declined to state in PARLIAMENT  the fact of their Government have been CRIMINALLY refusing to validate my drivers licence for the past several YEARS since I asked State POLICE in writing on Valentines Day 2018 to investigate MEDICAL CRIMES (see following block & *background image) & why enforcement of anti-terrorism laws in that matter & other matters herewith are a non-event in police departments Australia wide.  In Australia this means our GOVERNMENT are genetically defined by their remarkable cowardice & excessively low intelligence stooping to a unique perfection that can only be defined as, AUSTRALIAN DOWN UNDER, DIRTY & DESPERATE !

*Alison Nancy DENCH has/had a severely disabled son, was known to my then partner Owen Neil HALL as someone (he) used to tease (her) at high school. This nomination acted as a contract between the Dench's, Owen and the Labor Party it appears that the illegal implants inside me were purchased through  Mr & Mrs DENCH in the name of their disabled child - the signing of this document this is the only time I met Mr & Mrs DENCH although we attended the same high school it was in different decades - she went from having huge debts & potential bankruptcy to being the person responsible for (2014) publishing in Picton Library as the Manager of that department, the criminal defamation of me paperback (Kangaroo Court by Lynette Styles) Owen got my real estate stolen in a 1999 deal between the Macarthur Credit Union, Family Court Judge Lloyd Dengate Stacey WADDY, and a Commonwealth department as proved in my paperback Taurus Rising.

Australia’s first & only 100% honest and respectful investigative journalist.   These are the only Australian values practised by parliamentarians & their subordinate government public officers. Look closely at my leg, there is no hair because of the radiation caused by the internal antenna, if I shaved or waxed my skin would not be that dry and flaky. The same has happened to the fine hairs on my arms, armpits and most of my face. This is premeditated torture with intent to murder me by illegal (radio frequency microwave) active implants. If persons who attempt to murder you because of your opinion have the support of your police Commissioners & police Ministers then the country you live in is not a democracy. I'm sure USA's Joan Rivers would agree. Its the generations after Babyboomers who are to blame for all the problems in government's today, they like to blame Babyboomers its they style misdirecting blame. It stopped being the Babyboomers problem well before the first wave of them retired 15 years ago. Stopped being the fault of my Babyboomers generation since turn of this century, one quarter of a century ago when next generation decided they were old enough to enter parliaments fresh out of nappies - they took over bad traits of greedy Babyboomers making political greed their own. Now even icecream sticks are smaller, like everythibng else icecreams cost much more proportionally. Two year before Amanda RISHWORTH was born bread was 50 cents a loaf home delivered. I know I was a bread home delivery driver, starting that job when my new baby was 5 or 6 weeks old. As I recall my pay was around $150 that's 300 loaves, at $4 or more per loaf the same person would have to rake in at least $1,200 per week as we know they don't, women still aren't paid equal wages. This Gen X in parliament even ran with fees on education & misogynistic GST charges on womanhood. The answer isn't to increase wages, its legislating to cap corporate profits & CEO salary, driving prices down. Its far too dangerious when corporations have more or as much income as the Government & politicians incomes are just as huge as in the private sector. Parliamentarians should recieve minimum wage & live on that, their political staff should be unpaid volunteers. Only additional expense should be travel allowances for genuine expenses, not holidays. - Greed begets greed because more is never enough.  And, charities should pay tax too, having been forced into homelessness for 2 years with my school age children we got no handouts despite asking.

Australia’s first & only 100% honest and respectful investigative journalist.

When sheep happily keep company with wolves then only the wolves will thrive.

Barbarism is inherent in the species homo-sapien. Homo for short, its Australian slang, every Aussie mate's nickname name ends in “o” therefore, every Australian should be known thus forth as “homo” or “homos” not Aussie or Aussies. Its barbarism that saw the Holy Roman Empire's land takeover in ancient Britons, raping & killing anyone in their way of land theft. That was the blueprint used by more recent Britons when they invaded America, Australia & every other Commonwealth country, barbarism. Barbarism didn't start with the Italians its a fire that's been burning since the birth of barbarism untold centuries past. Its barbarism that saw me surgically mutilated by the present Government powers in Australia & barbarism is what our laws are supposed to address but they don't because its only barbarians who are tasked with enforcing our laws so therefore, barbarism continues in 2024 & “going forward”. Indeed barbarism is funded in every federal parliament Australian budget since the Federation of Australian States (1900) to ensure the true stories of Australia's federated government funded barbarism are censured & hidden from the broader communities across Australia. Its the quantum theory of Australia's Liberal & Labor Governments – if its not being observed then it doesn't exist. To quote or paraphrase Australia's Labor party Prime Minister a proud Italian descendant, to Australia's Liberal party opposition leader during question time last week August 2024) “Our police are doing a great job.” That's because their police haven't arrested them for supporting terrorism, their political party whose main purpose is to commit terrorism crimes to pervert the course of justice & due administration of law to conceal their long history of crimes against me & millions of other so called “white” Australians. Labor Party supporters claiming to be in opposition to “entitled whites” pumping out slogans like “black lives matter” they are in fact by their ignorance actually supporting terrorism in Australia & globally by dividing those who have been harmed by barbarism because the colour or race tags are not the real or true issues threatening equality on planet Earth -- its barbarism, barbarism comes in every skin colour.

Australia’s first & only 100% honest and respectful investigative journalist.

I complained to Goulburn police about police crimes harming my family they charged me with 'offensive conduct in public place' because I offended police by complained to Goulburn police about police crimes harming my family. Goulburn Local Court upheld the unconstitutional BASELESS police charge criminally PERVERTED JUSTICE FURTHER to penalized me with two 12 month Bonds to be on good behaviour, and likewise criminally abused process with the FIVE YEAR Apprehended Violence Order against me for writing letters to police, nothing else, to illegally gag me on the FAKE LEANNE matter.  That's why I have a National Australia criminal record.  Freemasons terrorists continued to criminally stalk us in Adelaide criminally interfering in every aspect of our lives via their Government employment. Ten years later in 2014 Christies Beach SA police assaulted me to imprison me by criminal abuse of the Mental Health Act with a swag of politically conjured baseless excuses that were all unconstitutional garbage. Ten years later in 2024 I've still refused my day in court to challenge the Leanne Walters lies.

PIC: me 2003 reflective tape sign writing was a play on 1960s song Blowin’ in the Wind - I called my Calais 'white dove'. In the 2004 'children of the corn' styled GOULBURN NSW local court AVO hearing, police prosecutor Mr WINTER said he was from Canberra ACT, he put evidence before the Magistrate Mr RABBIDGE which he accepted as evidence, WINTER claimed that my steering wheel lock "Club" brand sticker on my car's window was proof I was associated with "outlaw motorcycle clubs". He even submitted photos of the sticker on my car in his evidence of me being an associate of an unidentified "outlaw motorcycle club" RABBIDGE verbally stated he agreed with WINTER - that resulted in me being imposed with a criminal record and five year apprehended violence order because I asked police in writing to investigate police organized crimes. That's why "the answer is blowing out their arse".

Goulburn is where the NSW State POLICE ACADEMY is located. Goulburn is predominantly a "police town".

The evidence, my evidence says that Freemason John David HILL (employed at Bass Hill police station NSW) as Lance WELLINGTON a newish Bandido Motorcycle Club member had murdered in cold blood "unarmed" Ivan Romcek on 2 September 1984, & Freemason police cover that up with the fake shooting of the fake Leanne Walters - aiding that misfeasant crime are Freemason groupies in every consecutive Labor & Liberal Parliament & other public office nationally, proving that voluntary insanity is indeed a socio-economic epidemic Australia wide.

The terrorists in Australia's parliaments have made impoverished Australia one of the most expensive places on this warring planet to live because they've made dirty deals with corporations to keep returning these terrorists to OUR parliaments. We don't need attack submarines the terrorists have already overrun our parliaments - we need jobs - affordable housing - decent health services - access to our legal rights both LABORS & LIBERAL COALITIONS have proved for decades they are 100% incapable of running Australia as a Constitutional Democracy. Any alternative would be an improvement.
This entire website is written and authorized by Janette Gail FRANCIS proposed future independent candidate for Federal election 2025, address @ end of page  -  SELF-PROVED INCORRUPTIBLE.

LABOR PARTY & LIBERAL are worse than OUTLAW BIKIES they're Freemason & Party Faithful ideology terrorists

John David HILL  -  FREEMASON AUSTRALIAN LABOR PARTY, outlaw bikie & convicted killer before South Australia parliament elections.


represented the electoral district of Kaurna in the South Australian House of Assembly for the Labor Party from 1997 to 2014, Director University of South Australia in 2024

The same John David HILL & same broken nose
John Hill’s Parliamentary career began in 1997. John Hill has served in a number of ministerial roles – including Minister for Environment and Conservation [2002–2006], Minister for Health [2005–2013] and assistant Minister and Minister for the Arts [2002–2013]. John retired from the Cabinet in 2013 and Parliament in 2014 and is a member of various boards – including:  Bellberry Ltd and Private Healthcare Australia.

John was appointed as Deputy Chancellor in December 2018 and Chancellor in May 2024.

Australia’s first & only 100% honest and respectful investigative journalist.

When sheep happily keep company with wolves then only the wolves will thrive.

If anyone has been told by a person that they "know" me its a lie as since the Tripartizans illegally blocked me from access to my (then) still current elected local council position in 1999 & was informed by neighbours that 'other neighbours' had been spreading false claims of me being a prostitute because my adult sons would visit me I intentionally don't keep company with anyone. The Tripartizan of Freemasons Liberal & Labor have brainwashed all my family against me Any friends were either bribed or brainwashed if they refused the bribe. Government officials (including rape investigating police) sympathetic to the FREEMASON cause, called me a liar behind my back to others (despite the evidence I'd been extensively stitched by Dr Bullock after my 1959 Cooma NSW rape) they insisted I'd not had children if I were raped as a toddler therefore I was also lying about witnessing child rape & murder in 1967. That was a matter FREEMASON Judge Lloyd Dengate Stacey WADDY insisted was fact during a 100% unrelated Family Law Act matter in 1999 (after my defacto husband's brainwashed mum put that baseless claim in an affidavit) claiming her hearsay information was from a Ms Lesley CONNOLLY from Campbelltown NSW police station. Others criminally falsified Government records to render me an unreliable witness against seeing their child sex crimes & murders since I was 10 or 11 years old & lying about my defacto secretly drugging me. You see how I write, that's my natural personality. I'm not a horrible person or addicted to anything other than telling thew truth. They're liars not me. Our Governments in my lifetime are the epitome of evil, "the antithesis to progress, they add no value to an equal society".   Briefly explaining their personality. (New South Wales) physician immigrants Mohamed Riyazuddin AHMED, Arvan Kumar DAMODARAN, and Peter Robert BRADBURY he's an ex-police and presently still stalking me presently aided by SAPOL, BRADBURY calls himself Bob and Pete they're evidenced in documents as part of the team who abducted me when I was known as Wollondilly Shire Councillor HALL(1995-1999) to secretly indecently and surgically rape me - In one of many such crime I woke in mortal agony paralyzed by the drug they obviously injected into me. They were shoving something into my skin on my face, they all laughed because they could see my crying and knew I was in agony. Before I passed out again I heard AHMED say “She won't remember”. Its part of the antenna linked to a wifi receiver vibrating inside torso THIS IS WHY BLUETOOTH BLOCKERS ARE ILLEGAL. They operate their illegal implants like I'm a remote control toy doll, yeah I know it sounds crazy, but when the vibrations in my head in the same places every time & start like clockwork at the same times in early morning, its not coincidence - they vibrate the illegal implants in my throat to wake me from sleep so they can "play" or when I'm trying to talk to a stranger, it vibrates my upper pallet & throat which makes me cough and gag like I have some obscure contagious plague also causes blood ruptures in my nostrils as they vibrate them when I'm asleep, eating or drinking, evidently attempting to choke me to death. Physicians in Adelaide region I've asked to remove it also laugh at me as they refuse. In Noarlunga Centre (South Australia) I attended a dentist to ask him to cut the lower jaw cable that was vibrating the nerve (in my temple), he called into the consult room an employee of the Labor Party in an adjoining office they both had a laugh. Its visible on my gum in my mouth inserted there to cause me pain under my false teeth. I only have false teeth because Freemason dentists refused to fill the decay in my teeth as a school child (1960s and 1970s) They claim its a blood vein. Its solid. I cut it in 2007, it was painful but stopped the vibrations against my nerve that was literally 'driving me to insanity'. For a comparison of the gum pain of the illegal cable implants pinching my skin under the denture, with your bared skin, kneel on gravel They've also put cable under my skin surface on my elbows and knees. They're not 'human' they're criminal obsessed psychopaths - AHMED, DAMODARAN & BRADBURY are unconstitutionally protected by politicians in Australia's parliaments in 2024 (whose bribe is they're elected into parliament) and every physician I've consulted on the matter in the Kingston federal & Kaurna State electorates who laugh at me in order to remain part of the 'in crowd'. These terrorists control Australia.

Australia’s first & only 100% honest and respectful investigative journalist.

I was born on 1 May 1956 in the Cooma NSW public hospital, and remain youngest of four. AUSTRALIA IS A TOTALITARIAN DICTATORSHIP FALSELY ADVERTISED AS A CONSTITUTIONAL DEMOCRACY THAT WAS PROVED BY THE ENACTMENT OF THE Australia ACT 1987 which altered the effect of the Constitution which means its an unconstitutional Act specifically designed to block people like me appealing to the British monarchy for access to the Rule of Law. The link left is false advertising from Australia's federal parliament.

5 January 2022, I competently filed a tort of terrorism based on these matters and my 1990s surgical rape with illegally implanted matter (inside me) the illegal surgery was performed and is still unconstitutionally enforced on me by the 3 jurisdictions Federal NSW & SA and causing me considerable pain and disability. Without any just cause WHATSOEVER the Registrar of the Federal Court of Australia refused my application -- because unlike Brittany HIGGINS from Canberra parliament  ACT I don't have one of the national (2 party preferred) political corporations backing me, whose members include FREEMASONS. When you send the document to Court to file its not automatically filed, when Court Registrar reject it for filing they destroy your application so there's no record of it -- same as police there's no police record of any of these crimes harming me because police department refuse to take my statement. No paper trail = no crime.


AUSTRALIA is where convicted killers are jettisoned into Ministerial roles in parliament as they victims of crime are hounded by State police.

My evidence below proves that for 30 years (circa August 1994) just after I'd enrolled at Campbelltown University to study a Bachelor of Economics, and since two uniformed Campbelltown NSW Freemason police misfeasantly held me at gunpoint in public as 'new' locals looked on which included police detective Paul SHIELS' own adult brother Martin SHIELS, a fellow member of Camden Toastmasters where this taxpayer funded Freemason ambush 'went down' see video TAURUS no bull its all true TRAILER my style of humour.

This was only couple of kilometers from where I attended East Campbelltown primary and Campbelltown high school in 1960s & 1970s as police detective Paul SHIELS falsely accused me of faking my own death on Fathers Day in the Bandido & Comanchero shootout,  as "Leanne Walters the innocent bystander" 1969-1984 I've been begging Labor & Liberal Governments to address the multiplicity of crimes associated with convicted killer New South Wales resident Lance WELLINGTON also known a s Freemason John David HILL, instead UNCONSTITUTIONALLY they put him into South Australia parliament, as  Labor Health Minister. Labor Liberal & Freemason supporters went on to trash my life and the lives of my five children for their ideological cause associated with alleged 'outlaw bikies'. I've NEVER been held at gunpoint by 'outlaw bikies'. 2004 Goulburn NSW police misfeasantly held me and my children at gunpoint inside our own residence for the same reason detective Paul SHIELS had ten years earlier.  Also in 2004 I was forced to keep my children at hole while we arranged to relocate to 1,500 kilometers away Adelaide SA because Mulwaree High police parent senior male children threatened to rape my year 7 daughter because she was "just like your mother" - My daughter only socialized with girls, I'd never socialized & associated with any person in Goulburn, they said it because my daughter looked like me facially.

Australia’s first & only 100% honest and respectful investigative journalist.

Yesterday (August 2024 Sunday evening) I sent a text message, from Adelaide to Adelaide private number I'd not contacted before, it was delivered 10 HOURS later. 

Evidently when the terrorists got back to their workplace  Monday morning.

Today I telephoned several Newsagents in Canberra City from the Australian Yellow Pages Internet list, either they returned the recorded message "number has been disconnected" or the call was disconnected on receiver's end the second after it connected.

These two matters lead me as a reasonable person to suspect my Internet services in being illegally censored by a third party. Who stands to benefit financially by illegally blocking my access to lawyers, newspaper journalists, & marketing corporations? Answer - Tripartizan of LABOR LIBERAL & FREEMASON terrorists. As any good lawyer will tell you the matter may be deemed any of a swag of federal crimes. Australian parliaments claim organized crime has infiltrated CFME Union. Then what do they call it when organized crime is practiced by Ministers of parliament who refuse to comply with their own parliament's enactments ? Politics ?

Australia’s first & only 100% honest and respectful investigative journalist.

Evidence below proves that for THIRTY FIVE (35) years I've been illegally blocked in access to my right NOT to be falsely defamed because I'm unpopular in Tripartizan circles



published 13Jul2024 mono interiorgloss paperback ISBN 9781 923 287 006available everywhere, ask your local bookstore. Or available on Amazon at about Au $17.60



published 13Jul2024 mono interior, gloss hardcover ISBN 9780 645 597 578 available everywhere, ask your local bookstore.Or available on Amazon at about Au $26.01



published 16Jun2024. matt paperback, mono interior. First edition for Taurus Rising, has slightly different content, larger text  & some pagination issues due to hacking on my computer. Interestingly the matt finish cover, velvet like.  about Au $36.30



464 pages, colour interior, gloss paperback,  published 7Jul2024.

ISBN 9780 645 597 547 available everywhere ask your local bookstore or available on Amazon

around Aud $100



464 pages, colour interior, gloss hardcover, published 22Aug2024.

ISBN 9780 645 597 530 available everywhere ask your local bookstore or available on Amazon

around Aud $100

LAWYERS CALL TO ARMS FROM AUSTRALIA LAND TITLE FORGERY: Brotherhood of freemason terrorists aided by governments


published 13Mar2024.

Au $4 ebook

Australia’s first & only 100% honest and respectful investigative journalist.

One of many relational Freemason family of publishing terrorists

From Macarthur to Adelaide, AUSTRALIA's own Freemason Political Fanatics & Sadistic Terrorists.

Very briefly: Because I witnessed serious crime on 24 April 1988, I was medically mutilated in greater western Sydney NSW as a desperate attempt to kill me when other direct attempts failed. I came to Adelaide in 2004, to get evidence and have the medical mutilations corrected but have been met with strong opposition in the form of supporters of the NSW assailants employed within the health department, the police department, the (public) housing department, transport department, and blocked in my access to civil court services to resolve the issues which are now compounded due to the passage of time.  Since 1989 this family of psychopathically and sycophantically fixated and narcissistic Freemason fanatics as Australian, UK, USA, and NZ parliament supported political extremists have published the four (4) below false and misleading paperbacks to nullify me as a witness against Freemason meetings ritualistic and family child rape, child murder and Freemason's police officer assassinations (plural). One was funded by New South Wales State and Australian Federal parliaments to convert the terrorist lies into a television miniseries aired (in part or full) by Australia's Network 10 and Network 9 television stations as terrorist accomplices.


Unwin & Hyman Ltd, Scotland.

Published globally.


Allen & Unwin Pty Ltd, Australia.

Published globally.


Allen & Unwin Pty Ltd, Australia.

Published globally.


Lynette STYLES, State of NSW.

Published globally.

Australia’s first & only 100% honest and respectful investigative journalist.

©31 May 2022 JanetteGailFrancis political satire

TAURUS no bull Party

FREEMASON enemies of Australia masquerading as sympathetic sheep are planted in every walk of life. I would suggest that's why the Pauline Hanson One Nation party has so few members in parliaments, political sabotage. From what I've seen in her videos Pauline Hanson (like me) has excellent political credentials, and why potential candidates are charged non-refundable AU$100 to be considered as a candidate for election under the banner PHON. Perhaps the ACCC would deem $100 is not a true reflection of the service provided particularly as the outcome is more likely to benefit the service provider than the service receiver. Non disclosure agreements "NDA" are no different to any other contract, if there was a perceived intent to participate in misleading or deceptive contract then the contract may be automatically void. I note that PHON candidate 'kit' fails to mention the $100 non-refundable fee before seeking agreement to the NDA makes the NDA misleading or deceptive conduct. When sheep happily keep company with wolves then only the wolves will thrive.

I'm contemplating running as independent, next Australia Federal election on or before 27 September 2025, contact me TaurusRisingAu at if you'd like to be part of my voluntary marketing team, or you would like to form a new national political party with my political values - no fee payable "TAURUS No Bull Party" ??  demanding removal of terrorists from government public office.  We'll need at least1,500 members bicycle, motorcycle & Holden owners welcome plus any others & including Pauline Hanson. As a new political party you'd never be in control of parliament, therefore there is no need for anything other than publicly exposing LABOR & LIBERALmisfeasanceto reduce their support. Take an active interest in parliament instead of all the pity-parties.Its apparent from the @PaulineHansonsPleaseExplain cartoon Youtube videos and my evidence herewith, that LABOR PARTYoperates as a criminal organization, with running government as a sideline. LABOR & LIBERAL allow unions to operate as protection racketeers criminally bullying non-union workers with picket lines. Why is this allowed? Because LABOR & LIBERAL operate as criminal organizations, politics is the sideline.

Unions used to be a safe haven for illiterate workers protecting them from an exploitive boss. Now the only ones unions protect are political parties as criminal organizations, now in 2024 informed educated workers are aggressively exploited by unions along with anyone else who become a target in their sites standing in the way of their power. Sounds more like Russia than Australia. A union doesn't need to be formed as a union, Freemason groups and Police Associations are also unions who 'promise' to protect their members. A contract doesn't need to be labelled with the word 'contract' to be a contract. Enactments of Parliaments are contracts between the voters and the Governments. Parliaments today need to reassess themselves asking the question: Who are we? Are we warring barbarians same as our warring ancestors or are we peaceful humans? We don't need submarines whose only purpose is to secretly invade someone else. We need jobs - affordable housing - decent health services - access to our legal rights.  We need to distance ourselves from those asking us to build submarines that may secretly invade our isolated island type spacious country. The present Australia LABOR PARTY parliaments have allowed others to surgically mutilate me when I was a LABOR PARTY member & torture me for past 30 something years without any barriers whatsoever, they're not going to care what happens to other Australian, including you.

If you would prefer you may like to lawfully harass South Australia's Labor Party to demand they reinstate my State Drivers Licence - see below  illegally cancelled for the FREEMASON-LABOR cause since 2018.

Australia’s first & only 100% honest and respectful investigative journalist.

Australia’s first & only 100% honest and respectful investigative journalist proving you can't take the word of any Australian Government official because they are professionally polished, self proved liars - self proved by the raw bullshit published as "Australian Values" on this federal government website

and a cacophony of other false witnesses whose actions are willfully and habitually 100% opposite to their written words in statute and contradictory policy which I prove 100% in the following evidence, in Government documents.

Australia’s first & only 100% honest and respectful investigative journalist.

Evidence below proves that for THIRTY SIX (36) years I've been illegally blocked in access to my right NOT to be SURGICALLY MUTILATED because I'm unpopular in Tripartizan circles

ENEMY OF AUSTRALIA, associated with Sebacia Inc., Germany, in South AUSTRALIA

Medical Terrorist (Italian) CLAUDIO COSCIA

Australia certified physician Claudio COSCIA performs bespoke medical crimes for Perrett Jones Radiology on behalf of the government known as 'The State of South Australia' in their public hospital network. He's one in an army of immigrant terrorists who are Australian Parliament Protected (APP) to return to power terrorist cults LABOR & LIBERAL in Australia's parliaments where they'll do virtually anything to ensure the Terrorist Party Faithful maintain illegal control of Australia. Its my experience that no radiology company in Australia will refuse the Government's requests to perform similar medical crimes coverups & no physician or parliamentarian or police officer will speak out against these 21st century AUSTRALIA Germanic atrocities, evidently that's due to individual career goals or desire for personal profit or power.  Yes I've defamed many on this page and yes I have lawful defence in defamation which is why they refuse to sue me. My defence "claims are true in all aspects of the matter, are criminal activities in Australia, and in the public interest". Claudio COSCIA is no different to Islamic suicide bombers in that he's accepted radicalized teachings for some psychopathic cause, creating similar racial tension caused by radicalized Islamists. Peaceful Italians migrate to Australia to be free from Mafia influence, radicalized Italians (& others) like Claudio COSCIA are happy to bring Mafia styled customs to Australia to generate personal wealth & prestige for himself at physical expense of others, like me. Author Salman RUSHDIE had his controversial book, The Satanic Verses was published by Viking Penguin on 26 September 1988 in the UK, and on 22 February 1989 in the US and extensively advertised by news industry in Australia and allied countries. Because of its content Muslims sent him death threats. I can't get my Amazon self-published book on AUSTRALIAN terrorism advertised in AUSTRALIA or our allied countries, NZ, UNITED STATES or UNITED KINGDOM because its about FAKE DEMOCRACY crimes. The Muslim countries Africa, Middle East, or Russia or China they don't give a damn about what happens in Australia they want Australia to fall apart at the hands of terrorists so they can eventually take over and that dear reader is why Australia is happy to entertain the lawfulness of Aborigine Law so they can slowly introduce other inhumane practices like Muslim Law & the practices inflicted on me in Australia to render me without the protection of citizenship and our laws. It won't effect my family as FREEMASONS brainwashed my children to convince them not to have children of their own (Genocide) so it'll happen to YOUR TRIPARTIZAN descendants LIBERAL LABOR FREEMASON) I couldn't think of anyone better deserving.  I wouldn't want my descendants to live in YOUR world of ever increasing numbers of sadistic barbarians. Author & Australia citizen by birth JG FRANCIS.

People who slowly torture to death crustaceans to eat their flesh are not likely to care about barbaric harms inflicted on other people.

Australia’s first & only 100% honest and respectful investigative journalist.

Every person at some point after entering puberty feels suicidal, partially due to hormones & party due to sudden realization that you're surrounded & outnumbered by assholes, so you choose your own adventure, either you give up & take your own life, or give in & become one with the assholes, or you fight for equality and honesty in government until the day you naturally take your last breath. Who are you?

Australia’s first and only honest author of

True Government Crime.

My website ( proves that since 2018 South Australia's government have illegally blocked my irrevocable statutory right to have my State drivers licence issued because (in writing to  South Australia's police) I asked police to investigate medical crimes in the Adelaide to Onkaparinga local council regions of South Australia - and South Australia's police refuse to impose penalty against the offenders for perverting the course of justice and due administration of law because Australia is a terrorist nation.

Australia is a terrorist nation. That statement is proved in the hundreds of Government documents under my name in Australia's governments in three jurisdictions, New South Wales, South Australia and Commonwealth of Australia since I witnessed Freemason organized ritualistic rape and murder in 1967 as a NSW Campbelltown East school child. My male parent was Freemason cult member all my life until his death aged 95 and Master Mason circa 1973, after he participated in the murder and rape of two boys my age a crime that only me has been punished for because I was a child eye witness they couldn't kill.

My male parent is one of hundreds FREEMASON BROTHER TERRORIST enemy of Australia. His name is Aubrey Bernard FRANCIS (born 7 April 1923 Sydney NSW Australia, died Nowra NSW Australia 3 July 2018, buried at Shoalhaven Cemetery (source: Turner Family Funerals as printed by Illawarra Mercury newspaper obituaries online.)As the youngest of his four children and the only female child who shared his A+ blood group, I wasn't invited to my male parent's funeral or the message to me from my family was illegally blocked by Australia's Freemason Terrorist cults in Australia Post.

If Australia was a constitutional democracy as advertised then our Government public officers wouldn't customarily block my access into the court system to sue them based on the evidence in this publication and hundreds more false documents in their official records intended to render me on paper as mentally incompetent and therefore an 'unreliable witness' against their heinous human rights crimes of ritualistic Freemason child rape and ritualistic Freemason child murder during Freemason ritual meetings based on pederast and pedophilia sex crimes.

Its true I can't prove the 1967Freemason meeting child rapes and murder all those involved re long dead. I can prove child rape and murder is part of Freemason rituals in Australia - on balance of probability on these (4) four grounds:

  1. Because there is no police record of me reporting any child rape or murder in any police record in Australia, as police refused to take my statement.

  2. Because police refuse to take my statement as an eye witness, on any crime inflicted on me and my family.

  3. Because since I had access to this evidence herein and in my books (below) I can't get any lawsuit into any Australian court, to sue the three Governments or anyone else associated with my 100% baseless criminal defamations (plural) and that's the definition of "misfeasance in public office" and infringement of the purpose of Australia's national Constitution.

  4. Because of the three above grounds, I can't get the illegal implants removed from inside me that are part of their 1990s terrorist plan to murder me by medical neglect.

In addition to the above, what adds to evidence of Australia as a terrorist nation is that all GOVERNMENT officials, NEWS industry executives and individuals elected to PARLIAMENTS have made themselves 100% inaccessible for face to face communication refusing to make these matters public. This dear reader is an example of the sadism planned to torture me to death:

  • If my hands are open I feel violent tapping on my left shoulder-blade and spine. If I clench my hands into a fist or cover them with gloves or even put my hands in my jeans pocket so the palms od my hands are against my person, then the tapping stops or abates dramatically depending on the strength of the tapping on my back. That dear reader is evidence that my entire structure has been used as host to a human-microwave communication tower and why I have no body hair.

  • Fine antenna cables can be felt in the palms of my hands and around my left shoulder-blade and across my face the bright points in my MRI left are where I feel vibrations and electrical sparking that burns my skin and Australia's physicians claim "its only static electricity".

  • I even feel electrical type sparking across my throat, in my ear canal opening, and around my anus.

  • The 11 July 2012 MRI of my head at left is what provoked alleged Christies Beach South Australia State police cuntstable "WEATHERILL" to phone South Australia State mental department to (falsely) claim I was mentally ill because I'd falsely accused Labor Party politicians of rape in 1999 NSW - as recorded in State mental department records dated 17 July 2012. That there is no evidence whatsoever that I ever claimed such a thing, is inconsequential to the Government, as far as they're concerned its true because its in their State Health Department's official records. The verticle lines in the two lower images proves the vibrations in my entire skull concentrated at my ears. Ear Nose Throat Ms Harshitma PANT (true spelling) from India and radiologist

Documented evidence herein proves irrefutably that child rapists & killers of police for the FREEMASON 'cause' enjoy higher social status in all of Australia than witnesses to their crimes, pregnant women & their children.

Ask yourself:

Why are news industry happy to expose Catholic Church for child sex crimes but they refuse to expose FREEMASONS for same and far worse crimes?

The three 'TAURUS RISING' books have full colour images. All front cover photos are genuine & unedited.

Australia’s first & only 100% honest and respectful investigative journalist.


In The News

Below are major items in the news and my 'public interest opinion'

Donald TRUMP

This person was an essential element needed to shake up and wake up 'fake democracy' voters globally so they would understand they're governed by self interest terrorist groups which include Freemasons and religious fanatics and that 'democracy' is their fictitious construct. To elect this type of person again would prove terrorists control United States of America and that World War I and World War II were a waste of human life and taxpayer resources. Donald TRUMP would convert USA into a beast with brain of North Korea, the heart of Nazi Germany and the will of Vladimir PUTIN.

Palestine and Israel

If I were Solomon of the ancient Hebrew text I'd say the area named and occupied by people of Israel and Palestine must be vacated by all people and left to mother nature to reclaim for all time.


This cult is designed to protect and reward political, ideological and religious terrorists whose goal is to undermine the just laws of their country to ensure their group and supporters achieve unjust enrichment at the express physical, financial or reputational expense of honest residents and citizens. Therefore, any affiliation with these groups and any like them must be outlawed for all time.


We all know it girls that our emotional responses are intermittently controlled by our hormones from puberty to menopause. We also know that men are controlled by their hormones from puberty until death. Its elementary that women after menopause are best suited to positions of decision making authority where their hormones can't influence their decisions, which includes parliaments. Therefore, men should be banned from occupying any position of authority in Government, especially parliament.


That you believe democracy is a style of government proves 100% you've been brainwashed by your government and their allies.

 Global Government

If you don't believe everyone on planet Earth is secretly controlled by one global organization of interests then how was it possible for one very new corporation to strike and sabotage the emotional, financial and physical activities of crowds of millions or billions of people in one swift action on Friday 19 July 2024 when CrowdSTRIKE inflicted a willfully malfeasance software upgrade onto the global population?

I lost all my last updated files stored on my Interlinked Windows 10 laptop and my USB plugged SSD portable drive, associated with my most recent book, "BROTHERS IN ARMS BIKIE WARS SIMPSON & HARVEY FREEMASON LIES" which I uploaded to for first time on Saturday 13 July 2024, for their approval. Amazon have been most helpful in their response.

Australia’s first & only 100% honest and respectful investigative journalist.


by life-long Australian investigative journalist, Janette Gail FRANCIS
Ask yourself, Why have the mainstream news outlets in Adelaide not picked up this genuine, evidence based PUBLIC INTEREST true story & why can't I get a lawyer to represent me in any Australian court & why can't I get a surgeon to remove the illegal implants? I ask myself why do I get reoccurring spelling & formatting errors and deleted files from in my Australian or Canada hosted websites? The answer every time is sabotage.

Its my evidence on the balance of probability based on the fact that because I’m a witness of FREEMASON cult crimes in New South Wales from childhood to adulthood (between 1959 and 1988 inclusive) and the offenders have been unsuccessful in their many attempts to murder me to silence me, that they illegally deemed me mentally incompetent in illegal and secret documents in South Australia since about 2007.

  • In New South Wales I did personally witness FREEMASON cult murders and child-rape, these diabolical crimes occurred in Federal electorate region of EDEN-MANARO and MACARTHUR.

Its my evidence on the balance of probability & the above facts that Australia’s entire population of FREEMASONS and two Governments of Australia have illegally and secretly funded my very extensive surgical rape across the entire 1990s in the Federal electorate regions of MACARTHUR and HUNTER, in New South Wales.

Genocide by preventing births is just as significant as genocide by gas chamber. 1990s theft of my real estate and blocking my access to employment and spreading false rumours about me to ensure decent persons would have nothing to do with me since my early 30s, during my fertile years, is just as real a genocide by gas chamber, only the gas chamber kills the family one generation earlier.
All of my three children born after my miraculous survival during my 1977 motor vehicle accident in my HR Holden sedan have been likewise prevented from having children because the Freemasons wanted others to believe I was the devil incarnate, when I'm 100% clean living decent respectable person with no ill will to anyone.
Genocide by stealth, preventing births is just as real and effective as a genocide by gas chamber.
Genocide by enforced impoverishment, is genocide by stealth and is the Australian Government's secret political super-power.

Its my evidence on the balance of probability & the above facts that the parliaments and executive governments of State of New South Wales and State of South Australia and Federal Commonwealth of Australia are unconstitutionally providing financial aid to the terrorist enemies of Australia who surgically raped me during the 1990s in New South Wales as stated above.

Its my evidence on the balance of probability & the above facts that the parliaments and executive governments of State of New South Wales and State of South Australia and Federal Commonwealth of Australia ignoring my human rights and my legal rights as a (multi-generation) born citizen of Australia by illegally and falsely pretending I have recent Aboriginal heritage to illegally justify their actions towards me.

Its my evidence on the balance of probability & other facts that the parliaments and executive governments of State of New South Wales and State of South Australia claim my actual official birth records belong to someone else.

The above facts proved in many documents are the basis of all the harms inflicted upon me in Australia. I've not left mainland Australia since my birth on 1 May 1956 in the Cooma public hospital under the control of the State of New South Wales.

I’d written to South Australia police department, six years ago in 2018, specifically to ask for investigation of medical crimes in South Australia (Adelaide to Onkaparinga State local council regions) I’d taken the opportunity of writing in the context of appealing a low level speeding fine because previously every fax and registered letter I’d sent to police department and the police department's Commissioner had been unconstitutionally ignored. I was aware they had to respond to the infringement appeal.

In response to my written request and prima facie evidence to South Australia police department, the South Australia transport department illegally and permanently cancelled my drivers license claiming I have a mental illness. This criminally false defamation developed because I asked police department to investigate “medical crimes” that the South Australia parliament are therefore evidently illegally funding with your local council land rates and other income revenue streams like, unconstitutional traffic infringements.

Despite my three (3) Freedom of Information Act applications since 2018, the South Australia Government, they have refused to provide me with any documents whatsoever, to establish lawful authority to cancel my drivers licence, its not been restored despite my many letters to my member of parliament who is also South Australia's State Health Minister based in Seaford Meadow, and to his Labor Party parliamentarian (secret communist) Comrade, the Transport Minister.

Stepping back to look objectively in wide angle from WWII to now, this criminal mindset to exclude 'others' from the present day Liberal & Labor FREEMASON Jewish fold, in government matters, is also probably the basis of why Adolph HITLER obsessively hared Jews, despite that or because, his own mother has been stated as being of Jewish faith all my living memory since WWII therefore, he had as much insight of Jewish mindset as I have of FREEMASON cult mindset and rituals being the observant (INTJ personality) youngest child of a male parent who was a FREEMASON before I was born and became a Master Mason when I was legally a child of seventeen (17).

- Nazi Germany was also a democracy - Its possible that by attracting attention on to HITLER as one of 'recorded' history's most sadistic leaders that the 'powers of the universe' also bring our attention to the FREEMASONS who as proved herewith, are indeed 'unrecorded' history's most sadistic hidden terrorist organization with an unconstitutional control over Australia & allied countries, as Constitutional democracies who are in reality sadist controlled?

Is it the actual fact that FREEMASONS with each local cult or 'lodge' group as an autonomous organization (yet simultaneously globally controlled by individual members) intentionally misdirect outsiders and some gullible members with attention on the Jewish religion with their overarching adoration by using the "apprentice" rituals associated with the Jewish King Solomon's temple - in order to use the Jews as their public shield (their public 'apron' to hide behind) therefore deflecting hatred of the FREEMASONS onto the Jewish religion globally as mistakenly being the religion that control or protect FREEMASONS & likewise political parties do the same to FREEMASONS ?

"Yes Virginia" your Papa & grandfather really are that dangeriously devious.

In 2019, after completing half of my (unfinished) Bachelor of Laws (Honours) and passing my defamation law assignment with a perfect score (high distinction) and unable to find an Adelaide region lawyer to represent me, I’d self-represented in the South Australia attorney-general department’s Supreme Court, to sue for Defamation in the process of infringing the mandatory 'service provision' standards within Australian Consumer Law, the Seaford Meadows private physician illegally claiming I had mental illness in her illegally secret communication with the South Australia transport department, which according to South Australia transport department was the “grounds” they illegally cancel my drivers license but they refused (and still refuse) to show me the lawful evidence the general physician used to deem me mentally incompetent to operate a motor vehicle, after seeing me only once before during the Medicare Australia funded medical service when I had a sinus bleeding from illegal implant vibrations in my nose and face, only I didn't mention the implants.

Like I said — despite my three (3) Freedom of Information Act applications since 2018, the South Australia Government have refused to provide me with any documents to establish lawful authority to cancel my drivers licence.

During the 2019 Supreme Court hearing the alleged full Judge who turned out to only be a Master of the Court, which means the Senior Judge of the South Australia court system appointed her to hear my matter without my knowledge. The ‘rules’ of the court authorised by State Parliament are made by the Judges, the Rules say I can refuse a Master as the court decision maker to this matter however, I didn’t know she was a Master because she didn’t introduce herself as a Master, didn't inform me I could refuse her services, and the lawyers for respondents referred to her as a “Judge”. On the face of that prima facie evidence then the obvious deduction in reflection of the Rules, is that the Chief Judge appointed her to hear my matter knowing she would be easily (criminally)n bribed to defeat my application by perverting to course of justice. Which is precisely what happened.

The respondents won the matter despite that the (Chief Judge appointed) court decision maker received in affidavit documents from the respondents that 100% supported my application, being evidence of illegal process and falsified police department documents. The court ordered that I was to pay the respondent's costs. The respondents have never enforced that (illegal) order.

One document on the matter in State Supreme Affidavit from one of the respondents (falsely) claimed as fact that in my written document faxed to South Australia State police department that (she) I wrote — IMPLANTS CONTROL HER LEG MOVEMENTS.

In that document I’d faxed to South Australia State police department (filed in Affidavit from one respondent) also before the court, states quite clearly only mention I’d made in reference to the word “CONTROL” was that my little car (TE Gemini) has no — CRUISE CONTROL.

The only reference I’d made to the word “IMPLANT” was that — ILLEGAL IMPLANT IN MY LEG CAUSE ME PAIN.

Two of my Freedom of information applications seeking these associated documents were emailed to the South Australia State police department, each time the South Australia State police department insist there is no such document, yet the South Australia State police department refuse to take any action against any person responsible for perverting the course of justice and due administration of law, not limited to forging that police document in Affidavit, and refusing to validate my drivers license for the past six (6) years.

Which proves there is no RULE OF LAW in Australia, and that we are controlled by political terrorists who allocate legal rights based on agreement to act as part of a terrorist plan after secret caucus meetings designed to pervert the course of justice and due administration of law.


As we know from the illegal treatment of parliamentarian Fatima PAYMAN MP, the Labor Party (nationally) illegally and secretly caucus on all decisions made by any Party member of parliament, because the Australian Labor Party support Israel Jewish faithful over the inhumane treatment of Palestinian people in their own Palestine.

Fatima PAYMAN MP is not alone "The International Court of Justice has issued its opinion and the conclusion is loud and clear: Israel's occupation and annexation of the Palestinian territories are unlawful, and its discriminatory laws and policies against Palestinians violate the prohibition on racial segregation and apartheid. 19 July 2024."

Still Australia stands firm with Israel and their Jewish faith because Australia is a nation of terrorists in parliament. Terrorists who illegally surgically raped me and block my “irrevocable” right under statute to sue them because I am a witness to their disgusting crimes, and the human rights violations they secretly inflict on me in 2024, mocking me in secret government records.

Its a Donald TRUMP mindset in Australia.

When we see them standing with a pair of nodders or living statues on the evening news carolling how they just achieved this or that, its a lie, its not their achievement, its a decision of the entire Labor Party caucus with all the members at annual conference and between the elected puppets of parliament in caucus --- no member of parliament whose a member of Labor or Liberal act on their own all their actions have been approved by the group decision of all their fellow members of parliament. That is the opposite of democracy where the elected representatives are elected specifically to represent the legal interests of all the persons in their electorate, not only 'in favour' Party members after their secret caucus meetings. Any caucus policy is no different to Communism.

Some of the 2018-2024 terrorist enemies of Australia associated with this crime in South Australia from Adelaide to Onkaparinga local council regions are:

  1. 2018-today Christopher KOURAKIS, chief justice in South Australia courts who identifies as Greek, supporting medical terrorism.

  2. 2018-today Katrina BOCHNER, fake Judge with Jewish name, enforcing medical terrorism.

  3. 2018-today Alison Barbara Jane COLE, general physician and English immigrant in Australia on conditions of a work visa, enforcing medical terrorism.

  4. 2018-today GP AXIS (Gpaxis Pty Ltd), Seaford Meadows medical centre, enforcing medical terrorism.

  5. 2019-today Finlaysons Lawyers Adelaide, legal team for COLE, supporting medical terrorism.

  6. 2019-today Iles Selley Lawyers Adelaide, legal team for Gpaxis Pty Ltd, supporting medical terrorism.

  7. 2019-today Special Counsel in court for COLE, Ralph BONIG (Seaford Rise resident near my house & alleged FREEMASON) supporting medical terrorism.

  8. 2018-today Labor Minister for Transport, Thomas KOUTSANTONIS who also identifies as Greek, enforcing medical terrorism.

  9. 2018-today Labor Minister for Health, Christopher PICTON, enforcing medical terrorism.

  10. 2018-today Office of the Commissioner of South Australia police department, enforcing medical terrorism.

Australia’s first & only 100% honest and respectful investigative journalist.


Common accusations or questions & legally appropriate answers pursuant to the facts of the matter & Australian law. The statement that deserves postulation (and questions answered) is that potentially every parliament's Ministers and other high ranking Government official are receiving private income streams by turning a blind eye to illegal medical research surgeries on every person whose had a surgical procedure in Australia since 1991. I restate that I was subjected to illegal implant surgery on my spine under local anaesthetic at least twice over some months starting when I was heavily pregnant  because my trusted family physicians in two separate medical centres claimed I have a potential cancer spot on my back that needed to be removed immediately. That illegal surgery causes me notable 24/7 pain and discomfort to this very day in 2024. The illegal surgeries when I wasn't pregnant happened because I was secretly drugged by my long-term husband, 1964 born Mr Owen HALL as well as elected and employed persons on the Wollondilly Shire Council, NSW (1995-1999) when I was  known as legally elected Councillor HALL.

Qu: Is there any evidence in any document anywhere globally that proves Janette Gail FRANCIS as mentally ill or that justified many prior "diagnosis" by State Government that Janette Gail FRANCIS has a mental illness, which State police call "her history of mental illness"?

Answer: No.

Qu: Is any medical practitioner including a psychiatrist, legally qualified to deem any person as potential to defame or defamed  any person in order to forcibly medicate that operson pursuant to Australia's Mental Health Acts?

Answer: No. Only a court can decide defamation & must refer to all relevant facts of the matter not merely the content of Government record.

Qu: Asking Janette as a (University of South Australia, Bachelor of Laws student) defamation law 'expert' does she believe she has defamed any person herewith?

Answer: Yes most certinly, with a lawful defence as "truth and in the public interest" and as my defence in their defamation of me.

Qu: On this day (2 September 2024) of the 40th anniversary of the NSW police falsification of evidence in the violent deaths of an alleged SEVEN PERSONS in the Viking Carpark, Milperra (Sydney) as proved by Janette in her publications passed to her State Member of parliament as per the documents above - have Australia's State or Federal police taken any steps to charge the police offenders and those who criminally harbour them?

Answer: No.

Qu: Have any Judge or Magistrate in South Australia willfully perverted course of justice & due administration of law for a political, ideological, or religious cause in any aspect of these matters herewith or associated matter involving Janette Gail FRANCIS previously & lawfully known as Mrs HALL?

Answer: Yes, 2005-2019 inclusive in Magistrates, District & Supreme.

Qu: Have any Australian court or tribunal lawfully proved Janette Gail FRANCIS as "schizophrenic delusional or paranoid"?

Answer: No.

Qu: What is the best type of lawsuit to address these matters in an Australian civil court?

Answer: Misfeasance in public office & malicious defamation, Departments of Health, Housing, Police & Transport in State of South Australia; and Departments of Health, Housing & Police in State of New South Wales; Departments of Health & Police in Commonwealth of Australia.

Qu: Have any person any grounds whatsoever to secure a lawful diagnosis of Janette Gail FRANCIS as "schizophrenic delusional or paranoid" or any other mental illness?

Answer: No.


Misfeasance in public office (in part):

State election 17 March 2018 therefore caretaker from about 17 Feb.

14 February 2018 my fax to police RE medical crimes everything snowballed from there, instead of police investigating the evidence transport department cancelled my drivers license without any reasonable grounds whatsoever by criminal defamation (false) written claims by "POLICE" I'd been diagnosed as "schizophrenic, delusional" as grounds for police not to investigate "medical crimes" which is wrong on so many levels. The presumption is that PICTON & his conspirators didn’t want me driving a vehicle with slogans that might harm their future chances of re-election.

21 February 2018 Health Department with Housing Department (terrorist) planned & executed a home invasion at my public housing residence, in their attempt to pervert justice in response to my FAX by criminally abuse their position in public office by criminal trespass to threaten or intimidate me as a witness to the said “medical crimes” (the ringleader of the criminal trespass perpetrators was from NSW where I’d been surgically raped from about 1991 to 2002.)

From March 2014 Christopher PICTON begun as my ‘voice in parliament’ as the Member for Kaurna, from 18 Sep 2017 he was also Police Minister, and Assisting Health Minister, and Assisting Mental Health Minister. After the March 2018 election, he was Shadow Minister for Health from 10 April 2018 to 21 March 2022.

When prior medical crimes occurred:

PICTON was chief of staff - when I contacted SA State Minister for Health (4 Nov 2005 – 21 Jan 2013) John HILL.

PICTON was office staff - when I contacted Federal Member for Kingston RISHWORTH. (I spoke to him on phone after sending an email)

PICTON was office staff - when I contacted Federal Health (3 Dec 2007 – 14 Dec 2011) Minister ROXON.

Australia’s first & only 100% honest and respectful investigative journalist.


Defenseless Little Old Lady Kept Prisoner by Child Rapists but Police Refuse Her Cries For Help           Inside Australia's Secretive Billionaire Society

Australia’s first & only 100% honest and respectful investigative journalist.


True Government Crime author. Contact me if you're legally qualified to sue in an Australian Court, or on any other issue related to the matter of my legal rights in Australia. All contact MUST be in writing, for obvious reasons. 
Soul trader (pun intended) ABN: 800-929-787-34
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